The Folktale
Stith Thompson
Belfagor. The devil frightened by the shrewish wife. A man persuades his shrewish wife to let herself be lowered into a well. When he comes to pull her out he raises a genie (devil) who is glad to escape from the woman. Later he frightens the devil by telling him that his wife has escaped. *Type 1164; **Axon The Story of Belfagor in Literature and Folklore (1902); *BP I 382, 388, IV 176 n. 1; *Prato RTP IV 174; *Bolte Zs. f. Vksk. XV 104; Child V 107f., 305a; *Chauvin VIII 152 No. 154. – Rumanian: Schullerus FFC LXXVIII No. 1164@I*; Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 50 No. 332; Italian Novella: *Rotunda; India: *Thompson-Balys. |
Part Two The Folktale from Ireland to India III – The Simple Tale 1. Jests and Anecdotes L. The Bad Wife |
In those anecdotes in which the wife hides behind a tree and deceives the gullible husband, the sympathy of the story-teller is nearly always with her, for ordinarily her cause is just. And in folktales in general the wife is likely to be the object of pity and commiseration, so that some of the most beloved characters in the wonder tales are the long-suffering and persecuted heroines. But even in these same wonder, tales cruelty often shows itself most merciless in faithless sisters, mothers, and wives. [321] In the folk anecdote, influenced perhaps by fabliaux and novelle with their medieval bias against women, the woman usually appears as wicked, over bearing, and faithless, or at best unutterably stupid. The medieval literary tale of the Widow of Ephesus ( In the tales of King Thrushbeard and The Taming of the Shrew ( Another literary anecdote which has been generally adopted by tellers of folktales is that of the obstinate wife. In its three forms it has essentially the same action. The husband has a long argument with his obstinate wife which ends with his throwing her into a stream. As sometimes told, the argument has been about whether something has been cut with a knife or with scissors. She gets the last word, for as she sinks under the water, she makes with her fingers the motion of shearing with scissors. Or she has called her husband a lousy-head and as she sinks she makes the sign of cracking a louse. [p. 210] In a third variety the obstinate wife falls into the stream and drowns. Neighbors find him next day seeking for her upstream from the drowning place. He says that she would be too obstinate to go with the current ( Evil intentions on her part are not necessary to make a wife undesirable. She can be so stupid that there is no living with her. Such is the experience of the husband who goes out on the long quest to find three persons as stupid as his wife. In one way or another, he finds them, and in comparison it turns out that his own wife is not so stupid after all ( In examining these tales of evil wives, one is struck not so much by the fact that some of them are told by story-tellers over a large area but that out of the scores of such anecdotes to be found in fabliaux, novelle, and books of exempla and Schwänke only a bare half dozen have received any general acceptance by the folk. |
[321] Sec Ziegler, Die Frau im Märchen for a good discussion of this point. [322] For this group of anecdotes, see |
Types: 900, 901 1164, 1350, 1510, 1365A, 1365B, 1365C, 1384 |
Motifs H1312.1, K2213.1, T230ff, T231.3, T251.1.1, T255 |