The Folktale
Stith Thompson
Fool‘s brothers substitute a goat for the body of the man he has killed: thus save him. *Type 1600; *Chauvin VI 126 No. 280; Wesselski Hodscha Nasreddin II 183 No. 347; India: *Thompson-Balys; cf. Indonesia: DeVries’s list No. 308, Coster-Wijsman 53 No. 78. |
Part Two The Folktale from Ireland to India III – The Simple Tale 1. Jests and Anecdotes F. Escape by Deception |
Thieves are by no means the only persons who effect deceptive escapes from punishment or death. Most of the popular tales of this kind concern the escape of a weak but clever animal. [309] In addition to these, however, and to the many escapes from tight places by heroes of the longer fairy tales, two adventures of this kind with human actors have achieved wide currency. The first is familiar through its treatment in the Odyssey. As a matter of fact, in the story of Polyphemus ( One literary anecdote of escape from punishment well known in the folklore of the Baltic states and reported also from Russia and India, concerns a murder committed by a numskull, who buries the body and talks about it. [311] His brothers secretly substitute a goat for the buried body and thus save him from punishment when authorities investigate his story ( |
[310] For such anecdotes, see p. 217, below. [311] Polyphemsage. [312] For similar stories of talkative fools, see pp. 189f., above. |
Types: 1137, 1600 |
Motifs K602, K603, K661.1, K1011 |