The Folktale
Stith Thompson
The three hunchback brothers drowned. A drunken man is employed, by the woman who has accidently slain three hunchback brothers, to throw one into the river. He does so. Then she puts another out and finally the third. The man thinks they keep coming to life. Finally he sees the woman‘s hunchback husband and drowns him. *Type 1536B; *BP III 485; **Pillet Das Fablaiu von les trois bossus menestrals (1901); *Taylor MPh XV 223 n. 3; *Chauvin VIII 72; *Herbert III 203; Spanish: Espinosa II Nos. 31f.; Italian Novella: *Rotunda; India: Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda. |
Part Two The Folktale from Ireland to India III – The Simple Tale 1. Jests and Anecdotes K. False Accusations |
If we take all kinds of tales, especially if we include the complex wonder tale and the literary anecdote, we should find a very large number of motifs concerning deceptions through shams. Besides the bluffs and impostures popular in oral anecdotes, we should also have found a large number of deceptions by disguise or illusion, and of tales of hypocrites; and we should meet a whole gallery of villains and traitors. These latter do not form much of a part of the repertory of jests which are preserved in oral tradition. But there does remain one series of deceptions that has attained a real popularity in folklore, though most of them are unmistakably taken from old literary collections of jokes. These are stories of false accusation. In the wonder tale, false accusations are usually tragic in their intensity, but in short jests they may be used merely to produce a humorous situation. Such, for instance, is the tale of the priest's guest and the eaten chickens. The servant who has eaten the chickens tells the guest to flee, because the priest, who is arriving, is going to cut off his ears. Then he tells the priest that the guest has stolen two chickens. The priest runs after him and the guest makes all the speed he can ( A small group of tales in which the innocent are made to appear guilty secures its primary interest from its gruesomeness. In one of these, a corpse is handed around from one dupe to another. Each is accused of the murder and the trickster is paid to keep silence ( Is told all over Europe and a good part of Asia, and is known in Africa and in America, both in European and American Indian tradition. In a similar tale a corpse is set up to frighten people and usually when it is knocked down, the bungler is accused of murder ( |
Types: 1536A, 1536B, 1536C, 1537, 1741 |
Motifs K1573, K2137, K2151, K2321, K2322 |