The Folktale
Stith Thompson
Devil. (The Devil, Satan, The Bad Man, Old Nick, etc.)1 Not clearly differentiated, especially in German tradition, from the stupid ogre. (See also F531 (Giant), G100 – 199 and G500 – 699.) – **Wünsche Teufel; **A Graf The Story of the Devil (tr. E. N. Stone) (London, 1931); **M. J. Rudwin The Devil in Legend and Literature (Chicago 1931); P. Carus History of the Devil (Chicago, 1900); **Toldo II 329ff.; **O. A. Erich Die Darstellung des Teufels in der christlichen Kunst (Berlin, 1931); *De Vooys Middelnederlandse Legenden en Exempelen 159ff.; S. Freud Die Teufelsneurose im 17. Jahrhundert (Wien, 1928). – Irish myth: Cross; North Carolina: Brown Collection I 687; Icelandic: *Boberg; Finnish-Swedish: **P. Danielsson Djävulgestalten i Finlands svenska Folktro (Bidrag till kännedom af Finlands natur och folk LXXXIV pt. 2, [Helsingfors, 1932] 157); Estonian: Loorits Grundzüge I 135 – 152; Jewish: *Neuman. Motif: Supplementary Bibliography for G303 SUPPLEMENTARY BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR G303 Campbell, J. G. Superstitions of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Glasgow, 1900. Hunt, R. Popular Romances of the West of England. London, 1903. Danielsson, P. Djävulgestalten i Finlands Svenska Folktro. Helsingfors, 1930. |
II - The Complex Tale 2. Supernatural Adversaries C. Devils and Demons |
The people who tell folktales are not always clear in their conception of the supernatural creatures whom their heroes must meet in combat. In the stories of the return from the dead which have just been considered, the gruesome opponent is certainly no mere spectre, but has enough solidity to be dangerous and often unconquerable in combat. But just what these vampires or wandering dead men look like is never clearly stated. The same situation is found in tales about the devil. Three or four different concepts seem to be thoroughly confused when the term "devil" is used by the teller of tales. In Germany and Scandinavian countries, it frequently means nothing more than the vague word "ogre." Thus when they speak of the "stupid devil" they may equally well say "the stupid ogre" or "the stupid giant." Again the term "devil" is frequently equivalent to the Oriental "demon," or even the "djinn" of the Arabian Nights. The English usage is likely to be somewhat narrower than those just suggested. "Devil" is likely to have some connection with Satan, the devil of Christian theology, and to have the outward appearances made familiar by long centuries of medieval writers and artists. Indispensable as part of his equipment are his cloven hoofs, his tail, and usually his pointed ears—the whole possibly a reminiscence of Pan and the satyrs of old Greek legend. [26] Except when conceived of as an ogre, the devil does not usually engage his opponent in open combat. The power which he exerts is normally super-natural. Most "devil" stories consist of a single incident. Such, for example, is The [p. 43] Snares of the Evil One ( Entirely confined to the Baltic states are two other simple tales of adventures with the devil. In one of these he takes service as a mower and works under an evil overseer. The devil has a magic sickle and mows so fast that when the overseer tries to keep up with him he dies of exhaustion ( Though most of these stories of the devil as an adversary are short and simple, they are not always so. The Devil's Riddle ( Certain of the details of this story appear elsewhere. The contract in which the hero, like Faust, promises himself to the devil forms the introduction to several other well-known complex tales. [27] Besides these there is to be found a considerable number of short anecdotes, consisting of only a single motif, in which the man who sells his soul to the devil saves it by deceit, usually [p. 44] by imposing some impossible task ( Among the impossible tasks assigned the devil in stories of this kind are catching rabbits in nets set out in high trees ( Three other deceptive bargains are The Level Bushel, The Last Leaf, and The First Crop ( Frequently the escape from the devil takes place at the last minute. The hero asks for a delay while he repeats a prayer for the last time ( Most of these short anecdotes about escape from the devil belong primarily to the oral tradition, but the tale of The Devil and the Advocate ( The tales about the devil thus far mentioned have assumed that the devil [p. 45] was wandering about upon the face of the earth. We shall find several stories, treated later in other connections, in which the devil is found in hell. [29] One short anecdote of this kind tells how the devil is deceived into putting on "the chains of Solomon." He is thus bound and must stay in hell. [30] We shall find the devil in two other connections. As mentioned once before, he is sometimes conceived of as a stupid ogre, [31] as in some of the tales we have already met. Sometimes, however, the devil is by no means stupid and turns out to be a very valuable ally and helper of the hero. In such stories [32] the devil's cleverness is emphasized and not, as in the tales we have just discussed, his malevolence or stupidity. |
[26] For literature on the subject of the devil, see [27] See [28] For a discussion of this motif in its many varieties, see [29] See pp. 66, 131, and 252, below. [30] [31] See p. 35, above. [32] See p. 66, below. |
Types: 330, 360, 756B, 803, 810, 812, 815, 820, 1170, 1170-1199, 1171, 1171-1180, 1181, 1182, 1184, 1185, 1186, 1199 |
Motifs G303, K551, M211 |