The Folktale
Stith Thompson
Apples at Christmas. Tree bears apples only at Christmas. Blossoms at midnight and is full of apples by morning. Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 559. |
Part Two The Folktale from Ireland to India III – The Simple Tale 4. Legends and traditions D. Marvelous Powers and Occurrences 3. Marvelous Occurrences |
If we were examining here the interesting field of saints' legends as they appear in medieval writings or the literary tale collections of the Orient and the Near East, we should find them filled with all sorts of physical marvels, many of them magic, of course, but many of them simply miraculous and presumably due to divine intervention. Though they do not appear with such luxuriance in actual folklore, the abundant popular legends attached to this place or that show how deep-seated is the interest in such manifestations. These often appear as incidental motifs in the background of folktales, [409] but sometimes they constitute the central interest in the narrative. Such, for example, are a considerable series of legends about churches which, for one reason or another, have sunk into the earth ( The reversal of the order of nature in connection with flowers and plants is a favorite theme of those interested in marvels. Biblical story, saints' legends, and wonder tales all tell of the dry rod which bursts forth into blossom ( Most of the marvels here discussed have lost their hold on the faith of men who have been influenced by the rise of the rationalistic spirit during recent centuries. But it is well to remember that to a large part of the world even today they are no more inexplicable than the voice which comes over the [p. 262] radio, or the airplane which goes from continent to continent with more than seven league boots. And the most sophisticated of us have probably slipped out of bed on Christmas night with the hope that we might catch Santa Claus in the very act of coming down the chimney. |
[409] For an extensive listing of such incidents, see [410] The heroine is sent after strawberries in winter: |
Types: 403B, 755, 756 |
Motifs D1664, F900-F1099, F941.2, F944, F971.1, F971.5.2, N816 |