The Folktale
Stith Thompson
Wisdom from eating serpent. (Cf. B176.) – *Scott Thumb 173; Fb "hugormekonge"; Chauvin V 255ff. No. 152. – Scotch: Campbell II 377. – Cf. Dieguefio: Du Bois AA n.s. VII 628. ANIMALS WITH MAGIC WISDOM D1793. Magic results from eating or drinking. D1811.1. Magic wisdom from eating or drinking. |
Part Two The Folktale from Ireland to India III – The Simple Tale 4. Legends and traditions D. Marvelous Powers and Occurrences 2. Other Magic Powers |
The ability to transform and disenchant is only one of the magic powers familiar in popular tradition and folktales. The world of magic is so well established a background of such tales that frequently magic powers of all kinds are assumed without much comment, and nearly always they are only subsidiary motifs quite incidental to the main action of the tale. [407] Out of the undistinguished mass of material of this kind a few themes are of especial interest because they have become so well known either as popular traditions or as incidents in some important literary treatment. The wide spread notion that one can acquire magic wisdom from eating something, particularly from eating a part of a serpent ( Witches and others who can bring about enchantments are much feared, for unwonted abilities like this may be used for harm as well as good. Hence the multitude of amulets used against the power of the Evil Eye ( All who have visited Salisbury Plain and have wondered at the enormous monoliths at Stonehenge will remember the belief that they were brought from afar through the power of Merlin. Giant rocks moved by magic power ( |
[407] For a detailed listing of such motifs, see [408] Special magic powers attributed to animals have already been noticed in other connections; see pp. 228, 245, and 260, above. |
Motifs B161.3, D1521.1, D1700-D2199, D1811.1.1, D1821.4, D1831, D2063.1.1, D2066, D2071, D2136.1, D2122 |