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Group No. 97


F. Marvels

Group No.

F200 – F299

Group name

Fairies and elves


F200. F200. Fairies (elves). See also F420 (Water Spirits), F451 (Dwarfs) and F460 (Mountain Spirits) for many common motifs. **Hartland Science; Brueyre RTP II 74ff.; *Wehrhan Die Sage 74; Doudou RTP XVII 425ff.; Feilberg’s MS collection of cards in Copenhagen Nos. 632 – 925, cf. Ellekilde FFC LXXXV 78 s.v. “Elb” (alf); **Latham The Elizabethan Fairies (New York, 1931); Puckett MPh XVI (1918) 297ff.; De Vries Nederlandsche Tijdschrift voor Volkskunde XXXVI (1931) 3 – 30; Fb “underjordiske”; Saintyves Contes de Perrault 18, *19. – Irish myth: Cross; Celtic: *H. Schreiber Die Feen in Europa (Freiburg i. Br., 1842), *W. Wentz Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries (Rennes, 1909.); Lappish: Qvigstad FFC LX 43 – 45 Nos. 37 – 40, 41 – 49, 52 – 54; Icelandic: *Boberg; *Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 48ff.; Lithuanian: *Balys Die Sagen von den litauischen Feen (Die Nachbarn [Göttingen, 1948] I 31 – 71); Germanic: MacCulloch Eddic 219ff.; French Canadian: Barbeau JAFL XXIX 13; Armenian: Ananikian 83; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 564; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 326, 328; N. A. Indian: *Alexander N. Am. 68, 290 n. 36; Africa: Werner African 261, (Ibo [Nigeria]): Basden 278, (Gold Coast): Barker and Sinclair 141 No. 27.
F200.1. F200.1. Pixies (little people unseen but often audible and occasionally caught). India: Thompson-Balys.
F201. F201. Bongas. Roughly equivalent to fairies. Generally malevolent, but often not. India: Thompson-Balys.
F205. F205. Little people from the sky. (Cf. F215.) Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 326 – 333.
F210. F210. Fairyland. *Hartland Science 135ff. – Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg; India: Thompson-Balys.
F210.1. F210.1. Tabu: fighting battle in fairyland. Irish myth: Cross.
F211. F211. Fairyland under hollow knoll. Usually entered under roots of trees. Fb “træ” III 866b; Hartland Science 67, 108, 144ff., 155; Patch PMLA XXXIII 612f. – Irish myth: *Cross; Scotch: Campbell Tales II 49, Macdougall and Calder 133, 159, 163, 169, 181, 193, 207, 273, 283; Icelandic: *Boberg; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3600; German: Grimm Nr. 39; Germanic: De la Saussaye 322; Italian: Basile Pentamerone III No. 10.
F211.0.1. F211.0.1. Prehistoric burial mounds as dwellings of fairies. Irish myth: *Cross.
F211.0.2. F211.0.2. Contrast between people of the fairy mounds and inhabitants of the Land of Promise. Irish myth: *Cross.
F211.0.2.1. F211.0.2.1. Tuatha Dé Danann, conquerors of Ireland, are overcome by invaders. (Maic Milid, “Milesians,” Gaels) and betake themselves into hills. Irish myth: *Cross.
F211.1. F211.1. Entrance to fairyland through door in knoll. Hartland Science 61; Irish myth: *Cross; England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales: Baughman; Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 133, 283.
F211.1.1. F211.1.1. Door to fairyland opens once a year. Hartland Science 136. – Irish myth: *Cross.
F211.1.1.1. F211.1.1.1. Fairies emerge on Hallowe‘en. Irish myth: *Cross.
F211.1.1.2. F211.1.1.2. Fairies emerge on St. John’s night. Irish myth: *Cross.
F211.2. F211.2. Fairyland entrance under stone. Hartland Science 184; Fb “sten” III 552b.
F211.3. F211.3. Fairies live under earth. Icelandic: Boberg.
F212. F212. Fairyland under water. Krappe Le lac enchanté (Bulletin Hispanique XXXV 107 – 125); *Cross MPh XIII 731; Irish myth: *Cross, Baughman; Icelandic: Boberg; Japanese: Ikeda.
F212.0.1. F212.0.1. Water fairies. Irish myth: *Cross.
F212.1. F212.1. Fairyland entered through well. Hartland Science 128. – Irish myth: *Cross; India: Thompson-Balys.
F213. F213. Fairyland on island. Hartland Science 136. – Irish myth: *Cross; India: Thompson-Balys.
F213.1. F213.1. Magic boat to fairyland. Clouston Tales I 218ff.; Krappe Bulletin Hispanique XXXIII 97ff.; Irish myth: *Cross.
F213.2. F213.2. Fairies ferried across stream. Meyer Germanische 134; Henne-Am Rhyn Die deutsche Volkssage 2 348 No. 541; Ranke Die deutsche Sage IV 279; Grimm Deutsche Sagen No. 276; Grimm Deutsche Mythologie 3 694.
F213.3. F213.3. Sea-riding horse carries mortals to fairyland. Irish myth: *Cross.
F214. F214. Trolls (fairies) live in range of hills. Hartland Science 141.
F215. F215. Fairies live in star-world. (Cf. F205.) India: Thompson-Balys.
F215.1. F215.1. Fairyland in sky. India: Thompson-Balys.
F215.1.1. F215.1.1. Fairies in heaven. India: Thompson-Balys.
F215.2. F215.2. Peris in sky-world. India: Thompson-Balys.
F216. F216. Fairies live in forest. Wimberly 127.
F216.1. F216.1. Fairies live in trees by stream. *Fb “ellefolk” I 241a; India: Thompson-Balys.
F216.2. F216.2. Bonga lives in tree. India: Thompson-Balys.
F217. F217. Congregating places of fairies. Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 49 No. 397.
F217.1. F217.1. Fairy lights seen in low places. Fb “lys” II 481a.
F217.2. F217.2. Fairies assemble at milestone. Fb “mile” II 591.
F217.3. F217.3. Fairies assemble at cross-roads. Hartland Science 138.
F219. F219. Other dwelling places of fairies.
F219.1. F219.1. Fairies dwell in the next country. England: *Baughman.
F219.2. F219.2. Garden in fairyland. India: Thompson-Balys.
F219.3. F219.3. Fairies dwell in land to the east. Maori: Clark 98.
F220. F220. Dwelling of fairies.
F221. F221. House of fairy. Missouri French: Carrière.
F221.1. F221.1. Fairy house disappears at dawn. Irish myth: *Cross. Cf. Boberg.
F221.2. F221.2. Bonga house filled with snakes, tigers, and lions. India: Thompson-Balys.
F221.3. F221.3. Fairies have a pretty room in hill. Göngu-Hrólfs saga 276; Feilberg DF V 71.
F221.4. F221.4. Fairy family lives in neat cottage. England: Baughman.
F221.5. F221.5. Fairy house without doors. India: Thompson-Balys.
F222. F222. Fairy castle. Dickson 114 n. 34. – English: Wells 128 (Sir Orfeo); Irish myth: *Cross; Ireland, Wales: Baughman; Lithuanian: Balys Index Nr. 3600.
F222.1. F222.1. Fairies‘ underground palace. Irish myth: *Cross; Italian: Basile Pentamerone III No. 10.
F222.1.1. F222.1.1. Fairies’ underground palace cannot be burned by fire nor destroyed by water. Irish myth: *Cross.
F222.2. F222.2. Fairy stronghold. Irish myth: Cross.
F222.3. F222.3. Fairy castle of glass. India: Thompson-Balys.
F223. F223. Fairy hall. Hartland Science 41.
F224. F224. Shining bower on a pillar for fée in otherworld. Irish myth: *Cross.
F225. F225. Fairy lives in a shell. India: Thompson-Balys.
F230. F230. Appearance of fairies.
F231. F231. Fairy‘s limbs.
F231.1. F231.1. Fairy’s arms.
F231.1.1. F231.1.1. Fairy‘s iron arms. Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “bras”.
F231.2. F231.2. Fairy’s feet.
F231.2.1. F231.2.1. Fairies with bird feet. *Gaster Germania XXV 290ff.
F232. F232. Body of fairy. Irish: Beal XXI 324.
F232.1. F232.1. Fairies have hollow backs. *Fb “ellefolk” I 241b, “ellepige” I 242a; Elisabeth Hartmann Die Trollvorstellungen in der Sagen und Märchen der skandinavischen Völker (Stuttgart, 1936) 38; Finnish-Swedish: *Wessman 48 Nos. 394, 438.
F232.1.1. F232.1.1. Fairies have huge hole in each armpit. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
F232.1.2. F232.1.2. Fairy has back rough like pine cone. U.S.: Baughman.
F232.2. F232.2. Fairies have breasts long enough to throw over their shoulders. *Fb “ellefolk” I 241b, “patte” II 791b.
F232.3. F232.3. Fairies with unusually large ears. Tobler 63.
F232.4. F232.4. Fairies have long hair. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
F232.4.1. F232.4.1. Fairy as a small pretty girl with blond hair. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
F232.4.2. F232.4.2. Fairy princess with golden hair. India: Thompson-Balys.
F232.5. F232.5. Fairies have hairy bodies. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
F232.6. F232.6. Fairies as giants. Irish myth: *Cross.
F232.7. F232.7. Elves have only half a thumb. England: Baughman.
F232.8. F232.8. Fairy has long tail. (Cf. F460.1.5, F518.) England: Baughman.
F233. F233. Color of fairy. (Cf. F236.)
F233.1. F233.1. Green fairy. Wimberly 240 n. 4; Irish myth: *Cross; England, Scotland: Baughman; India: Thompson-Balys.
F233.1.1. F233.1.1. Fairy has one side green. Irish myth: Cross.
F233.2. F233.2. Silver-colored fairy. Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “argentine”.
F233.3. F233.3. Red fairy. Irish myth: *Cross; England, Wales: Baughman.
F233.3.1. F233.3.1. Fairy has red eyes. U.S.: Baughman.
F233.4. F233.4. Fairy‘s son is pale, dark, and ugly. Icelandic: Þiðriks saga I 322, 343 – 44, 351, Boberg.
F233.5. F233.5. Fairies have yellow (golden) hair (clothing). Irish myth: *Cross; Society Islands: Beckwith Myth 335.
F233.5.1. F233.5.1. Fairy king with yellow hair. Irish myth: Cross.
F233.6. F233.6. Fairies fair (fine, white). Irish myth: *Cross.
F233.7. F233.7. Fairies are multicolored. Scotland: Baughman.
F233.8. F233.8. Fairies are brown and hairy. (Cf. F232.5.) Wales: Baughman.
F233.9. F233.9. Fairies are black. Scotland: Baughman.
F233.10. F233.10. Gray-bearded fairy. German: Grimm No. 182.
F234. F234. Transformed fairy. Irish myth: *Cross.
F234.0.1. F234.0.1. Fairy transforms self. Irish myth: *Cross.
F234.0.2. F234.0.2. Fairy as shape-shifter. Irish myth: *Cross.
F234.1. F234.1. Fairy in form of an animal. Irish myth: *Cross; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 32 No. 268, 48 No. 396.
F234.1.0.1. F234.1.0.1. Fairy in form of giant animal. Irish myth: Cross.
F234.1.1. F234.1.1. Fairy in form of cow (bull). Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 281ff., 291ff.; Irish myth: *Cross.
F234.1.2. F234.1.2. Fairy in form of goat. Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 289.
F234.1.3. F234.1.3. Fairy in form of swine. Wales: Baughman.
F234.1.3.1. F234.1.3.1. Fairy in form of wild boar. Irish: MacCulloch Celtic 126, *Cross.
F234.1.4. F234.1.4. Fairy in form of stag. Irish myth: *Cross; Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 203.
F234.1.4.1. F234.1.4.1. Fairy in form of doe. Irish myth: *Cross.
F234.1.5. F234.1.5. Fairy in form of toad. *Fb “tudse” III 888b; Hartland Science 52ff.
F234.1.6. F234.1.6. Fairy in form of frog. Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 271.
F234.1.7. F234.1.7. Fairy in form of worm (snake, serpent). Irish myth: *Cross; India: Thompson-Balys.
F234.1.8. F234.1.8. Fairy in form of horse. Irish myth: *Cross.
F234.1.9. F234.1.9. Fairy in form of dog.
F234.1.9.1. F234.1.9.1. Fairy in form of lapdog. Irish myth: *Cross.
F234.1.9.2. F234.1.9.2. Fairy in form of greyhound. Wales: Baughman.
F234.1.10. F234.1.10. Fairy in form of eel. Irish myth: *Cross.
F234.1.11. F234.1.11. Fairy in form of sheep. Irish myth: Cross; Wales: Baughman.
F234.1.12. F234.1.12. Fairy in form of hare. Irish myth: *Cross.
F234.1.13. F234.1.13. Fairy in form of wolf. Irish myth: *Cross.
F234.1.14. F234.1.14. Fairy in form of weasel. England: Baughman.
F234.1.15. F234.1.15. Fairy in form of bird. Irish myth: *Cross; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 56.
F234.1.15.1. F234.1.15.1. Fairy as swan. Irish myth: *Cross.
F234.1.15.2. F234.1.15.2. Fairy in form of dove. India: Thompson-Balys.
F234.1.15.3. F234.1.15.3. Fairy in form of sparrow. India: Thompson-Balys.
F234.1.15.4. F234.1.15.4. Fairy in form of drake. India: Thompson-Balys.
F234.1.16. F234.1.16. Fairy in form of insect.
F234.1.16.1. F234.1.16.1. Fairy in form of fly. Irish myth: Cross.
F234.1.16.2. F234.1.16.2. Fairy in form of moth. England: Baughman.
F234.1.16.3. F234.1.16.3. Fairy in form of ant. England: Baughman.
F234.2. F234.2. Fairy in form of person. *Type 480: *Roberts 117. – Irish myth: *Cross.
F234.2.1. F234.2.1. Fairy in form of hag. Irish myth: *Cross; Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 227.
F234.2.2. F234.2.2. Fairy in hideous form. Irish myth: *Cross.
F234.2.3. F234.2.3. Fairy as headless woman. Irish myth: *Cross.
F234.2.4. F234.2.4. Fairy in likeness of another. (Cf. F239.2.) Irish myth: *Cross.
F234.2.4.1. F234.2.4.1. Clerics mistaken for fairies. Irish myth: *Cross.
F234.2.5. F234.2.5. Fairy in form of beautiful young woman. Irish myth: *Cross.
F234.2.6. F234.2.6. Fairy as messenger from fairyland. Irish myth: *Cross.
F234.2.7. F234.2.7. Fairy as guide to fairyland. Irish myth: *Cross.
F234.2.8. F234.2.8. Fairy assumes shape of woman and frequents bazaars. India: Thompson-Balys.
F234.3. F234.3. Fairy in form of object.
F234.3.1. F234.3.1. Fairy disappears in form of a cloud. Tobler 87.
F234.3.2. F234.3.2. Bonga girl (fairy) appears as flame. India: Thompson-Balys.
F234.3.3. F234.3.3. Fairy in form of a bundle of rags. England: Baughman.
F234.4. F234.4. Transformed fairy – miscellaneous.
F234.4.1. F234.4.1. Horse used by mortal under fairy spell changes to gray cat. Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 271.
F235. F235. Visibility of fairies.
F235.1. F235.1. Fairies invisible. Tobler 94f.; Irish myth: *Cross; Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “invisibilité”; India: Thompson-Balys.
F235.2. F235.2. Fairies visible only at certain times. Icelandic: Boberg.
F235.2.1. F235.2.1. Fairies visible only at night. Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “nuit”.
F235.2.2. F235.2.2. Fairies visible only at noonday. Fb “middag” II 585.
F235.3. F235.3. Fairies visible to one person alone. Irish myth: *Cross; English: Sir Launfal (Ritson ed.) line 501.
F235.4. F235.4. Fairies made visible through use of magic object.
F235.4.1. F235.4.1. Fairies made visible through use of ointment. (Cf. E361.3.) *Fb “salve” III 150b; *Hartland Science 59 – 67; English: Child I 339, II 505b, III 505b, V290a; England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, U.S.: Baughman; Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 449.
F235.4.2. F235.4.2. Fairies made visible through use of magic soap. Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 277; England: Baughman.
F235.4.3. F235.4.3. Fairies made visible through use of magic stone on eyes. Hartland Science 61.
F235.4.4. F235.4.4. Fairies made visible through use of magic water. Hartland Science 66; Fb “marelok” II 553; England, Scotland: Baughman.
F235.4.5. F235.4.5. Fairies made visible through the use of saliva. Hartland Science 62.
F235.4.6. F235.4.6. Fairies made visible when one carries four-leaf clover. (Cf. D1323.14.) England: *Baughman.
F235.5. F235.5. Fairies made visible by stepping on certain spot. Hartland Science 162.
F235.5.1. F235.5.1. Fairies made visible by standing on another’s foot. Hartland Science 162.
F235.5.2. F235.5.2. Fairies made visible when person steps into fairy ring. (Cf. F218, F261.1.) England, Wales: *Baughman.
F235.6. F235.6. Fairies visible through magic ring. Irish: MacCulloch Celtic 47, Cross.
F235.7. F235.7. Fairies seen as dark shadows. Tobler 89.
F235.8. F235.8. Fairies lose power of invisibility. Irish myth: Cross.
F235.8.1. F235.8.1. Fairies lose power of invisibility if mortals gain knowledge of their secret. (Cf. F361.3.) Irish myth: *Cross.
F235.8.2. F235.8.2. Fairies made visible by looking with left eye. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
F235.9. F235.9. Fairies made visible when person walks three times around field where cows are grazing at night. (Cf. D1791.) England: Baughman.
F236. F236. Dress of fairies. (Cf. F233.)
F236.0.1. F236.0.1. Ill-dressed otherworld person. Irish myth: *Cross
F236.1. F236.1. Color of fairy‘s clothes. Irish myth: Cross.
F236.1.1. F236.1.1. Fairies in red clothes. *Fb “blå” IV 52a; England, Ireland, Wales: Baughman.
F236.1.2. F236.1.2. Fairies in blue clothes. *Fb “blå” IV 52a.
F236.1.3. F236.1.3. Fairies in white clothes. *Fb “hvid” I 700b; Irish myth: Cross; England, Wales: Baughman; North Carolina: Brown Collection I 687.
F236.1.4. F236.1.4. Fairies in gray clothes. *Fb “ellepige” I 242a.
F236.1.5. F236.1.5. Fairies in gleaming clothes. *Fb “ellefolk” I 241b; India: Thompson-Balys.
F236.1.6. F236.1.6. Fairy in green clothes. Irish myth: Cross; England, Scotland, Wales: Baughman; India: Thompson-Balys.
F236.1.7. F236.1.7. Fairy wears multi-colored dress. Irish myth: *Cross.
F236.2. F236.2. Fairies in long robes. *Fb “ellepige” I 242a.
F236.3. F236.3. Fairies with belts and hats. Fb “ellefolk” I 241b.
F236.3.1. F236.3.1. Fairies with three-cornered hats. England: Baughman.
F236.3.2. F236.3.2. Fairies with red caps. (Cf. F451.2.7.1, F460.1.4.2.) England, Ireland, Wales: *Baughman.
F236.3.3. F236.3.3. Fairy wears sugar-loaf hat. U.S.: Baughman.
F236.4. F236.4. Fairies with gold crowns on head. Fb “ellefolk” I 241b.
F236.5. F236.5. Fairy wears boorish clothes. Irish myth: *Cross.
F236.5.1. F236.5.1. Fairies wear patched coats. England: Baughman.
F236.6. F236.6. Fairies wear gay clothing. England: Baughman.
F237. F237. Fairies in disguise. Irish myth: Cross.
F238. F238. Fairies are naked. (Cf. F420.1.6.7.) Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
F239. F239. Appearance of fairies – miscellaneous.
F239.1. F239.1. Fairies tied together by hair. *Fb “hår” I 771b.
F239.2. F239.2. Fairy women identical in form and feature. (Cf. F234.2.4.) Irish myth: *Cross.
F239.3. F239.3. Fairy breathes fire. Irish myth: Cross.
F239.4. F239.4. Size of fairies.
F239.4.1. F239.4.1. Fairies are the same size as mortals. England, Wales: *Baughman.
F239.4.2. F239.4.2. Fairies are the size of small children. England: *Baughman.
F239.4.3. F239.4.3. Fairy is tiny. Irish myth: *Cross; England, Scotland: Baughman.
F239.5. F239.5. Elves have faces of wrinkled old men. England, U.S.: Baughman.
F239.6. F239.6. Fairy’s tears pearls. India: Thompson-Balys.
F240. F240. Possessions of fairies.
F241. F241. Fairies‘ animals.
F241.0.1. F241.0.1. Fairy animal hunted. Irish myth: *Cross.
F241.1. F241.1. Fairies‘ horses. Howey 2; Irish myth: *Cross; England, Scotland, Wales: Baughman.
F241.1.0.1. F241.1.0.1. Fairy cavalcade. Irish myth: *Cross.
F241.1.1. F241.1.1. Color of fairies’ horses. Wales: Baughman.
F241.1.1.1. F241.1.1.1. Fairies ride white horses. English: Child I 216, 323, 325, 339f.; Irish myth: *Cross.
F241.1.1.2. F241.1.1.2. Fairies ride dapple-gray horses. English: Child I 324, 326, Baughman.
F241.1.1.3. F241.1.1.3. Blue, red, yellow horses in fairyland. Irish myth: *Cross.
F241.1.1.4. F241.1.1.4. Fairies ride cream-colored horses. England: Baughman.
F241.1.2. F241.1.2. Behavior of fairies‘ horses.
F241.1.2.1. F241.1.2.1. Fairies’ horses water at peasant‘s well. *Fb “hest” I 599a.
F241.1.2.2. F241.1.2.2. Fairies’ mare foals every year on first of May. Wales: Baughman.
F241.1.3. F241.1.3. Fairies ride on three-legged horses. Fb “underjordiske” III 975b.
F241.1.3.1. F241.1.3.1. Fairy horse one-legged. Irish myth: *Cross.
F241.1.4. F241.1.4. Fairies‘ horses have round shoes. Fb “hestesko” IV 213b.
F241.1.5. F241.1.5. Fairy’s horse becomes invisible. Irish myth: *Cross.
F241.1.6. F241.1.6. Fairy horse pulls chariot by pole which passes through his body. Irish myth: *Cross.
F241.1.7. F241.1.7. Fairies steal stalks of hemp and turn them into horses. (Cf. D449.5.) Scotland: Baughman.
F241.1.8. F241.1.8. Size of fairies‘ horses.
F241.1.8.1. F241.1.8.1. Fairies’ horses the size of greyhounds. Wales: Baughman.
F241.1.8.2. F241.1.8.2. Fairies‘ horses are of normal size. England, Wales: *Baughman.
F241.2. F241.2. Fairies’ cows. (Cf. F460.2.9.) Irish myth: *Cross; Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 44 No. 57**; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 51 Nos. 430 – 434.
F241.2.1. F241.2.1. Color of fairies‘ cows.
F241.2.1.1. F241.2.1.1. Fairies have red cows. *Fb “ellefolk” I 241b, “rød” III 117a, “ko” II 240b.
F241.2.2. F241.2.2. Fairies’ cattle become invisible. Irish myth: Cross; Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “bétail”.
F241.2.3. F241.2.3. Fairies‘ cattle under a lake. Irish: MacCulloch Celtic 128.
F241.2.4. F241.2.4. Fairy cattle graze on earth on Hallowe’en. Irish myth: *Cross.
F241.2.5. F241.2.5. Woman (fairy) lives only on milk from fairy cow. Irish myth: Cross.
F241.3. F241.3. Hogs follow fairies. Fb “rakker”.
F241.3.1. F241.3.1. Spirit owns herds of pigs. India: Thompson-Balys.
F241.4. F241.4. Goats follow fairies. Fb “rakker”.
F241.5. F241.5. Fairies have herds of deer. Irish: MacCulloch Celtic 129, Cross; India: *Thompson-Balys.
F241.5.1. F241.5.1. Fairies own herd of ibexes. India: Thompson-Balys.
F241.6. F241.6. Fairy dogs. Irish myth: *Cross.
F241.7. F241.7. Fairies have sheep. Wales: Baughman.
F241.8. F241.8. Fairies have poultry. Wales: Baughman.
F242. F242. Fairies‘ conveyances.
F242.1. F242.1. Fairy car. Malone PMLA XLIII 421; Irish myth: Cross.
F242.1.1. F242.1.1. Fairy car becomes invisible. Irish myth: *Cross.
F242.1.2. F242.1.2. Fairy chariot rides waves. Irish myth: *Cross.
F242.1.3. F242.1.3. Fairy chariot of precious metal. Irish myth: *Cross.
F242.1.4. F242.1.4. Glass car. Icelandic: Boberg.
F242.2. F242.2. Fairy boat. Irish myth: *Cross; Welsh: MacCulloch Celtic 194; Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “bateau”.
F242.2.1. F242.2.1. Glass boat for fairy. Irish: MacCulloch Celtic 84, *Cross.
F242.2.2. F242.2.2. Fairy boat of bronze. (Cf. F841.1.2.) Irish myth: *Cross.
F242.2.3. F242.2.3. Fairy boat from flax-stem. Maori: Beckwith Myth 335.
F243. F243. Fairies’ food. Irish myth: *Cross.
F243.0.1. F243.0.1. Christianized fairy woman refuses to eat fairy food. Irish myth: *Cross.
F243.1. F243.1. Fairies‘ bread. Irish myth: Cross; Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “pain”.
F243.2. F243.2. Fairies eat nuts. Irish myth: Cross; MacCulloch Celtic 121.
F243.3. F243.3. Fairies eat meat.
F243.3.1. F243.3.1. Animals eaten by fairies become whole again. England, Ireland, U.S.: Baughman; Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “animaux”.
F243.4. F243.4. Fairy food undiminished when eaten. Irish myth: *Cross.
F243.5. F243.5. Fairies’ food gives immortality. Irish myth: *Cross.
F244. F244. Fairies‘ treasure. *Fb “ellefolk” I 241b; Irish myth: *Cross.
F244.1. F244.1. “The Four Jewels of the Tuatha Dé Danann” (fairies?). Irish myth: *Cross.
F244.2. F244.2. Fairy shows hiding place of treasure in return for freedom. (Cf. N538.) Ireland: Baughman.
F244.3. F244.3. Fairy fetches mortals to remove treasure hidden by ghosts in their lifetimes. (Cf. N510.) Wales: Baughman.
F244.4. F244.4. Fairies scare treasure-seeker away from hoard. They get bigger and bigger, and cause violent storms until seeker leaves. Cf. D2141.0.2. England: Baughman.
F244.5. F244.5. Fairies dig for treasure. England: Baughman.
F244.6. F244.6. Fairies guard giants’ treasures. (Cf. N570.) England: Baughman.
F245. F245. Fairies‘ musical instruments.
F245.1. F245.1. Fairy harp. Irish myth: *Cross.
F246. F246. Fairy tobacco pipes. England: Baughman.
F250. F250. Other characteristics of fairies.
F251. F251. Origin of fairies. Irish myth: *Cross.
F251.1. F251.1. Fairies as descendants of early race of gods. Irish myth: *Cross.
F251.1.1. F251.1.1. Goddess as fairy. Irish myth: *Cross.
F251.1.2. F251.1.2. Fairies as gods. Irish myth: *Cross.
F251.2. F251.2. Fairies as souls of departed. (Cf. E700.) Hartland Science 132f.; von Sydow F ochF XIII – XIV; Slavic: Máchal 256ff.
F251.3. F251.3. Unbaptized children as fairies. Fb “udøbt” III 960a; Irish: O’Suilleabhain 61, Beal XXI 324; England: Baughman; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 30 No. 262.
F251.4. F251.4. Underworld people from children which Eve hid from God. *Fb “underjordiske” III 975b; Wales: Baughman; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 30 No. 261; German: Grimm No. 180.
F251.5. F251.5. Fairies as sprites who have been given immortality. Irish myth: *Cross.
F251.6. F251.6. Fairies as fallen angels. Irish myth: Cross; Scotland, Ireland, U.S.: Baughman; Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 224; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 30 No. 260.
F251.7. F251.7. Fairies as demons. Irish myth: *Cross.
F251.8. F251.8. Fairy professes faith in Christianity. Irish myth: *Cross.
F251.9. F251.9. Fairy gives instructions on means of reaching heaven. Irish myth: Cross.
F251.10. F251.10. Fairies are not the children of Adam. Scotland: Baughman.
F251.11. F251.11. Fairies are people not good enough for heaven but not bad enough for hell. England, Wales: *Baughman.
F251.12. F251.12. Fairies are druids. England, Wales: *Baughman.
F251.13. F251.13. Fairies are Welsh women cursed by St. Patrick for rebuking him because he left Wales for Ireland. Wales: Baughman.
F251.14. F251.14. Fairies are outlaws hiding out. Wales: Baughman.
F252. F252. Government of fairies.
F252.1. F252.1. Fairy king. Keightley 50ff.; Malone PMLA XLIII 422; Irish myth: *Cross; English: Wells 128 (Sir Orfeo), England, Wales: Baughman; Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 225; India: Thompson-Balys; Papua: Ker 73. Cf. Oberon in Shakespeare‘s Midsummer Night’s Dream, and in Huon of Bordeaux.
F252.1.0.1. F252.1.0.1. Mortal rules fairyland jointly with fairy king. Irish myth: *Cross.
F252.1.0.2. F252.1.0.2. King of Land under Water. Irish myth: *Cross.
F252.1.1. F252.1.1. Fairies elect king. Irish myth: Cross.
F252.1.2. F252.1.2. Indra has control over fairies. India: Thompson-Balys.
F252.2. F252.2. Fairy queen. T. Keightley The Fairy Mythology (London, 1873) 53ff.; Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 225, Boberg; India: *Thompson-Balys.
F252.3. F252.3. Fairy army. Irish myth: *Cross.
F252.3.1. F252.3.1. Soldiers of fairy king are trees by day and men by night. Fb “træ” III 867b.
F252.4. F252.4. Fairies banished from fairyland. Irish myth: *Cross.
F252.4.1. F252.4.1. Fairy banished for adultery. (Cf. F254.5, Q241.) Irish myth: Cross.
F252.4.2. F252.4.2. Fairy banished for falsehood. Irish myth: Cross.
F253. F253. Extraordinary powers of fairies.
F253.1. F253.1. Extraordinary physical powers of fairies. Irish myth: *Cross.
F253.1.1. F253.1.1. Fairies possess extraordinary strength. Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg.
F253.1.1.1. F253.1.1.1. Fairy as mighty lifter. Irish myth: Cross.
F254. F254. Mortal characteristics of fairies. (Cf. F259.1.) Irish myth: Cross.
F254.1. F254.1. Fairies have physical disabilities. Irish myth: Cross.
F254.2. F254.2. Fairies not omniscient. Irish myth: Cross.
F254.3. F254.3. Fairies can be bewitched. Irish myth: Cross.
F254.4. F254.4. Fairies can be wounded. Irish myth: *Cross.
F254.5. F254.5. Fairies commit adultery. (Cf. F252.4.1.) Irish myth: *Cross.
F255. F255. Peculiar limitations of fairies.
F255.1. F255.1. Fairies must trade whenever it is demanded of them. It does not matter how uneven the trade may be. Hartland Science 131.
F255.2. F255.2. Fairies can set down an object once but cannot raise it again. Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 307 No. 22.
F255.3. F255.3. Fairies once seen by mortals no longer invisible at will. Irish myth: Cross.
F255.4. F255.4. Fairy army can go among mortals only on Hallowe’en. Irish myth: Cross.
F255.5. F255.5. Fairies do not bend grass as they walk. (Cf. F261.2, F973.2.) Maori: Beckwith Myth 335.
F256. F256. Fairies read men‘s thoughts. Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 307 No. 22; Japanese: Ikeda.
F256.1. F256.1. Mortal’s coming to fairyland foreknown to fairies. Irish myth: *Cross.
F257. F257. Tribute taken from fairies by fiend at stated periods. English: Child V 498 s.v. “Feind”.
F258. F258. Fairies gregarious. *Fb “ellefolk” I 241b.
F258.1. F258.1. Fairies hold a fair. England: *Baughman.
F259. F259. Characteristics of fairies – miscellaneous.
F259.1. F259.1. Mortality of fairies. Irish myth: *Cross.
F259.1.1. F259.1.1. Fairies kill each other. Irish myth: Cross.
F259.1.2. F259.1.2. Fairy becomes mortal. Irish myth: *Cross.
F259.1.3. F259.1.3. Fairy dies of longing for fairyland. Irish myth: Cross.
F259.1.4. F259.1.4. Fairies immortal. Irish myth: *Cross.
F259.1.4.1. F259.1.4.1. Fairies cannot be slain. Irish myth: Cross.
F259.2. F259.2. Fairies freed from disgrace by bathing in blood of enemy. Irish myth: *Cross.
F259.3. F259.3. Fairy reveals her true identity when despite heavy rain she remains dry. India: Thompson-Balys.
F260. F260. Behavior of fairies.
F261. F261. Fairies dance. *Type 503; *BP III 324ff., 329; *Fb “danse” IV 93a; Hartland Science 162. – Irish myth: *Cross; Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 127, 163; Danish: Kristensen Danske Sagn II (1893) 24ff., (1928) 16ff.; Slavic: Máchal 259; Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “dance”; India: *Thompson-Balys.
F261.1. F261.1. Fairy rings on grass. Seen after fairy dance. Irish myth: Cross; English: Brueyre RTP II 74ff.; Slavic: Máchal 259.
F261.1.1. F261.1.1. Fairies dance by themselves in fairy ring. England: *Baughman.
F261.2. F261.2. Fairy dances in snow: no tracks left. (Cf. F255.5.) Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 50 No. 420.
F261.2.1. F261.2.1. Fairies dance on leaves without disturbing them. Cook Islands: Beckwith Myth 336.
F261.3. F261.3. Other locations of fairy dancing.
F261.3.1. F261.3.1. Fairies dance under tree.
F261.3.1.1. F261.3.1.1. Fairies dance under hawthorn trees. England: Baughman.
F261.3.1.2. F261.3.1.2. Fairies dance under oak tree. England: Baughman.
F261.3.2. F261.3.2. Fairies dance on foxglove. England: Baughman.
F261.3.3. F261.3.3. Fairies dance in orchard. England: Baughman.
F261.3.4. F261.3.4. Fairies dance in ditches. Scotland: *Baughman.
F261.3.5. F261.3.5. Fairies dance in hay in barn. Wales: Baughman.
F261.3.6. F261.3.6. Fairies dance on the green. India: Thompson-Balys.
F261.3.7. F261.3.7. Fairies dance before Indra. India: Thompson-Balys.
F262. F262. Fairies make music. Hartland Science 141, 155; Krappe Balor 88; Irish: MacCulloch Celtic 165, *Cross; Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 163, 209; Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 225; India: Thompson-Balys.
F262.1. F262.1. Fairies sing. *Fb “ellefolk” I 241b, “synge” III 706b; Irish myth: *Cross; England: Baughman; Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “chant”, “chanteuse”.
F262.2. F262.2. Fairies teach bagpipe-playing. Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 175.
F262.3. F262.3. Fairy minstrel. Irish myth: *Cross.
F262.3.1. F262.3.1. Fairy as harper. Irish myth: *Cross.
F262.3.1.1. F262.3.1.1. Fairy harper plays two harps at once. Irish myth: *Cross.
F262.3.1.2. F262.3.1.2. Fairy harper in yew tree. Irish myth: *Cross.
F262.3.1.3. F262.3.1.3. Fairy harper in tiny bronze boat. Irish myth: *Cross.
F262.3.2. F262.3.2. Fairy minstrel‘s birds sing accompaniment. Irish myth: Cross.
F262.3.3. F262.3.3. Fairy minstrel‘s music heard far and wide. Irish myth: Cross.
F262.3.4. F262.3.4. Fairy music causes sleep. Irish myth: *Cross.
F262.3.5. F262.3.5. Fairy music causes mourning. Irish myth: *Cross.
F262.3.6. F262.3.6. Fairy music causes joy (laughter). Irish myth: *Cross.
F262.3.7. F262.3.7. Fairy music causes weakness. Irish myth: Cross.
F262.4. F262.4. Fairy music compared to music of Heaven. Irish myth: Cross.
F262.5. F262.5. Fairy music – person listening is without food or sleep for a year. Irish myth: Cross.
F262.6. F262.6. Fairy music so potent it would cause wounded men to sleep. Irish myth: Cross.
F262.7. F262.7. Fairies whistle. England: Baughman.
F262.8. F262.8. Fairy horns heard by mortals. Scotland: Baughman.
F262.9. F262.9. Fairy music makes seven years seem like one day to mortal hearer. (Cf. D2011.1.) England: Baughman.
F262.10. F262.10. Fairy music – -miscellaneous.
F262.10.1. F262.10.1. Fairy music issues from stone. England: Baughman.
F262.10.2. F262.10.2. Fairy music issues from fairy ring. England: Baughman.
F263. F263. Fairies feast. Hartland Science 144, 155; Keightley 283; Irish myth: *Cross; England: Baughman.
F263.1. F263.1. Fairy‘s share of feast a nut. Irish myth: Cross.
F264. F264. Fairy wedding. *Fb “ellefolk” I 241b.
F265. F265. Fairy bathes. Hoffman-Krayer Zs. f. Vksk. XXV 120 n. 3; Irish myth: *Cross; England: Baughman; India: Thompson-Balys.
F265.1. F265.1. Fairies frequently use bath house. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
F266. F266. Fairies warm themselves. Fb “ovn” II 774b; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 56 No. 481.
F267. F267. Fairies attend games. Irish myth: Cross.
F268. F268. Burial among underworld folk. *Fb “begravelse” IV 30b; Irish myth: Cross.
F268.1. F268.1. Burial service for fairy queen is held at night in Christian church. England: *Baughman.
F271. F271. Fairies as laborers.
F271.0.1. F271.0.1. Fairies as craftsmen. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 329.
F271.0.2. F271.0.2. Fairies lacking axes work with their teeth. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 333.
F271.1. F271.1. Fairies milk cows. Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 129ff.
F271.2. F271.2. Fairies as builders.
F271.2.0.1. F271.2.0.1. Fairies build great structures in one night. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 333.
F271.2.1. F271.2.1. Fairies excavate passage. Scotch: Macdougall and Calder 173; Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “souterrain”.
F271.2.2. F271.2.2. Fairies build causeway. Irish myth: *Cross; India: Thompson-Balys.
F271.2.3. F271.2.3. Fairies build canoe. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 332.
F271.3. F271.3. Fairies skillful as smiths. *Fb “smed” III 402a; Irish myth: *Cross; England, Scotland, Ireland: Baughman, Boberg DF XLVI 83.
F271.4. F271.4. Fairies work on cloth.
F271.4.1. F271.4.1. Fairies bleach linen. Fb “linned” II 435b; England: Baughman; Danish: Kristensen Danske Sagn I (1892) 182ff., (1928) 128ff.
F271.4.2. F271.4.2. Fairies skillful as weavers. Icelandic: *Boberg.
F271.4.3. F271.4.3. Fairies spin. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 56.
F271.5. F271.5. Fairies clear land. Irish myth: *Cross.
F271.6. F271.6. Fairy as herdsman. Irish myth: *Cross.
F271.7. F271.7. Fairies churn. *Boberg DF XLVI 84.
F271.8. F271.8. Fées engage in needlework. Irish myth: Cross.
F271.9. F271.9. Fairies wash their clothes: they are heard only at this task. England: *Baughman.
F271.10. F271.10. Fairies bake bread. **Boberg DF XLVI.
F273. F273. Fairy shows remarkable skill. Irish myth: Cross.
F273.1. F273.1. Fairy shows remarkable skill as marksman. Irish myth: Cross.
F273.2. F273.2. Fairy shows remarkable skill as runner. Irish myth: *Cross.
F274. F274. Fairy physician. Irish myth: Cross.
F275. F275. Fairies descend chimney. England, Scotland: Baughman; Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “cheminée”.
F276. F276. Fairies call out to mortals. *Fb “ellefolk” I 241b.
F277. F277. Battle of fairies and gods. Irish myth: *Cross; Scotch: Campbell Tales II 85.
F277.0.1. F277.0.1. War between fairy settlements. Irish myth: *Cross.
F277.0.2. F277.0.2. Fairies fight among selves for possession of island. Irish myth: Cross.
F277.0.3. F277.0.3. Good and bad fairies battle. Irish myth: Cross.
F278. F278. Fairies’ strategy. Irish myth: *Cross.
F278.1. F278.1. Fairy casts huge stones to keep enemies off. Irish myth: Cross.
F278.2. F278.2. Fairies create magic concealing mist. Irish myth: *Cross.
F281. F281. Fairy replaces man‘s heart with heart of straw. Eyes with wood, etc. English: Child I 343 – 356 passim.
F282. F282. Fairies travel through air.
F282.1. F282.1. Fairies travel in eddies of wind. Irish myth: *Cross.
F282.2. F282.2. Formulas for fairies’ travel through air. England: Baughman.
F282.3. F282.3. Fairies come from the kingdom of Indra to earth in four flying thrones. India: Thompson-Balys.
F285. F285. Anchor falls on fairies. Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “ancre”.

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