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D400. D400. Other forms of transformation.
D410. D410. Transformation: one animal to another. India: Thompson-Balys; Jewish: Neuman.
D411. D411. Transformation: mammal (wild) to another animal.
D411.1. D411.1. Transformation: squirrel to another animal.
D411.1.1. D411.1.1. Transformation: squirrel to horse. Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “écureuil”.
D411.2. D411.2. Transformation: rat to another animal.
D411.2.1. D411.2.1. Transformation: white rat to white-winged elephant. Chinese: Werner 121.
D411.3. D411.3. Transformation: hare (rabbit) to another animal.
D411.3.1. D411.3.1. Transformation: hare to leopard. Ila (Rhodesia): Smith and Dale II 359 No. 12.
D411.4. D411.4. Transformation: antelope to another animal.
D411.4.1. D411.4.1. Transformation: antelope to dog. Africa (Fjort): Dennett 71 No. 15.
D411.4.2. D411.4.2. Transformation: antelope to goat. India: Thompson-Balys.
D411.5. D411.5. Transformation: monkey to other animal. Chinese: Werner 331.
D411.5.1. D411.5.1. Transformation: monkey to eagle. Chinese: Werner 363.
D411.5.2. D411.5.2. Transformation: monkey to candle-moth. Chinese: Werner 365.
D411.5.3. D411.5.3. Transformation: monkey to ant. Chinese: Werner 366.
D411.5.4. D411.5.4. Transformation: monkey to ox. Chinese: Werner 351, 360.
D411.6. D411.6. Transformation: mouse to another animal.
D411.6.1. D411.6.1. Transformation: mouse to horse. Saintyves Perrault 151ff.; Type 510.
D411.6.2. D411.6.2. Transformation: mouse to cat. India: Thompson-Balys.
D411.7. D411.7. Transformation: seal to another animal. Irish myth: Cross.
D411.7.1. D411.7.1. Transformation: seal to horse. Irish myth: Cross.
D411.8. D411.8. Transformation: fox to snake. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 228.
D411.9. D411.9. Transformation: gorilla to eagle. Africa: Milligan Jungle 100.
D411.10. D411.10. Transformation: bear to goose.
D411.10.1. D411.10.1. Parts of bears fall off and become geese. Eskimo (Cumberland Sound): Boas BAM XV 256f.
D412. D412. Transformation: mammal (domestic) to another animal.
D412.0.1. D412.0.1. Transformation: domestic to wild animal. India: Thompson-Balys.
D412.1. D412.1. Transformation: cat to another animal.
D412.1.1. D412.1.1. Transformation: cat to horse. Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “chat”.
D412.1.2. D412.1.2. Transformation: cat to toad. *Kittredge Witchcraft 178 n. 36.
D412.1.3. D412.1.3. Transformation: cat to dog. India: Thompson-Balys.
D412.2. D412.2. Transformation: cow (ox) to another animal.
D412.2.1. D412.2.1. Transformation: herd of cattle to wolves. Finnish: Kalevala rune 33.
D412.2.2. D412.2.2. Transformation: ox-demon to pig. Chinese: Werner 361.
D412.2.3. D412.2.3. Transformation: ox-demon to tiger. Chinese: Werner.
D412.2.4. D412.2.4. Transformation: ox-demon to leopard. Chinese: Werner 361.
D412.2.5. D412.2.5. Transformation: ox-demon to bear. Chinese: Werner 361.
D412.2.6. D412.2.6. Transformation: ox-demon to elephant. Chinese: Werner 361.
D412.3. D412.3. Transformation: swine becomes another animal.
D412.3.1. D412.3.1. Transformation: pig-fairy to fish. Chinese: Werner 363.
D412.3.2. D412.3.2. Transformation: pig to fish. Irish myth: Cross.
D412.3.3. D412.3.3. Transformation: boar-pigs into he-goats. *Loomis White Magic 80.
D412.3.4. D412.3.4. Transformation: sows into she-goats. *Loomis White Magic 80.
D412.3.5. D412.3.5. Transformation: pig to dragon. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 162.
D412.4. D412.4. Transformation: horse to another animal. Irish myth: Cross.
D412.4.1. D412.4.1. Transformation: packhorse to palfrey. Irish myth: Cross.
D412.5. D412.5. Transformation: dog to another animal. Irish myth: Cross.
D412.5.1. D412.5.1. Transformation: dog to dove (transformed man). Irish myth: Cross.
D412.5.2. D412.5.2. Transformation: hound to lap-dog. Irish myth: Cross.
D412.5.3. D412.5.3. Transformation: dog to otter. Irish myth: Cross.
D412.5.4. D412.5.4. Animal that is hound by day, sheep by night. Irish myth: Cross.
D412.5.5. D412.5.5. Transformation: dog to leopard. India: Thompson-Balys.
D412.5.6. D412.5.6. Transformation: dog to spider. Eskimo (Cumberland Sound): Boas BAM XV 226.
D412.5.7. D412.5.7. Transformation: dog to snake. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen III 75.
D412.6. D412.6. Transformation: ass to horse. *Loomis White Magic 80; S. A. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 89.
D412.7. D412.7. Transformation: sheep to grasshoppers. Mexico: Mendoza Santa Barbara; India: Thompson-Balys.
D413. D413. Transformation: bird to another animal. Irish myth: Cross.
D413.1. D413.1. Transformation: hawk to salmon (transformed man). Irish myth: Cross.
D413.2. D413.2. Transformation: raven to water bird. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen III 73.
D415. D415. Transformation: insect to another animal.
D415.1. D415.1. Transformation: mantis to another animal.
D415.1.1. D415.1.1. Transformation: mantis to hartebeest. Africa (Bushman): Bleek and Lloyd 3.
D418. D418. Transformation: reptile to other animal.
D418.1. D418.1. Transformation: serpent (snake) to other animal.
D418.1.1. D418.1.1. Transformation: python to gorilla. Africa: Milligan Jungle 100.
D418.1.2. D418.1.2. Transformation: snake to dragon. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 31.
D418.1.3. D418.1.3. Transformation: serpent to mosquito. India: Thompson-Balys.
D418.2. D418.2. Transformation: worm to other animal.
D418.2.1. D418.2.1. Transformation: worm to serpent. Jewish: Neuman.
D418.2.2. D418.2.2. Transformation: worm to dog. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 72.
D419. D419. Transformation: miscellaneous animals to other animals.
D419.1. D419.1. Transformation: dragon to other animal. (Cf. B11.)
D419.1.1. D419.1.1. Transformation: sea dragon to serpent. Chinese: Werner 311.
D419.1.2. D419.1.2. Transformation: dragon to horse. Korean: Zong in-Sob 64 No. 35.
D420. D420. Transformation: animal to object. India: Thompson-Balys; Koryak: Jochelson JE VI 194, 196, 323; Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen I 185, (Central Eskimo): Boas RBAE VI 639.
D421. D421. Transformation: mammal (wild) to object.
D421.1. D421.1. Transformation: wolf to object.
D421.1.1. D421.1.1. Transformation: wolf to tree. Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 323. No. 108.
D421.2. D421.2. Transformation: antelope to object.
D421.2.1. D421.2.1. Transformation: antelope to nut. Africa (Fjort): Dennett 71 No. 15.
D421.2.2. D421.2.2. Transformation: doe to bubble of water (enchanted woman). Irish myth: Cross.
D421.3. D421.3. Transformation: elephant to object. India: Thompson-Balys.
D421.3.1. D421.3.1. Transformation: elephant to lotus. India: Thompson-Balys.
D421.3.2. D421.3.2. Transformation: elephant to stone. India: Thompson-Balys.
D421.4. D421.4. Transformation: tiger to object.
D421.4.1. D421.4.1. Transformation: tigress to mortar. India: Thompson-Balys.
D421.5. D421.5. Transformation: deer to object.
D421.5.1. D421.5.1. Transformation: stag to wind. Chinese and Persian: Coyajee JPASB XXIV 182f.
D421.6. D421.6. Transformation: bear to object.
D421.6.1. D421.6.1. Transformation: bear to bow. N. A. Indian (Klikitat): Jacobs U. Wash. II 31.
D421.7. D421.7. Transformation: whale to object.
D421.7.1. D421.7.1. Transformation: whale to skull. Eskimo (Labrador): Hawkes GSCan XIV 155, (Greenland): Rink 128, Holm 44, Rasmussen II 18, III 84.
D422. D422. Transformation: mammal (domestic) to object.
D422.1. D422.1. Transformation: horse to object.
D422.1.1. D422.1.1. Transformation: horse to river. Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “rivière”.
D422.1.2. D422.1.2. Transformation: horse to stone. Irish myth: Cross; India: Thompson-Balys.
D422.2. D422.2. Transformation: dog to object.
D422.2.1. D422.2.1. Transformation: dead dog to money. Fb “hund” I 676a; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3629; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 229f. No. 176, FFC CXXVIII 201f. No. 113.
D422.2.2. D422.2.2. Transformation: dog to pumpkin. India: Thompson-Balys.
D422.2.3. D422.2.3. Transformation: dog to statue. India: Thompson-Balys.
D422.3. D422.3. Transformation: pig to object. Irish myth: Cross.
D422.3.1. D422.3.1. Transformation: pig to bread. Irish myth: Cross.
D423. D423. Transformation: bird (fowl) to object.
D423.1. D423.1. Transformation: goose to object.
D423.1.1. D423.1.1. Transformation: flock of geese to stone. Fb “gås” I 528b.
D423.2. D423.2. Transformation: quails to sticks and pebbles. India: Thompson-Balys.
D423.3. D423.3. Transformation: duck to precious stone. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 196.
D423.4. D423.4. Transformation: buzzard to door flap. Klikitat: Jacobs U. Wash. II 31.
D424. D424. Transformation: insect to object.
D424.1. D424.1. Transformation: butterfly to bamboo. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 266.
D425. D425. Transformation: reptile to object.
D425.1. D425.1. Transformation: snake to object.
D425.1.1. D425.1.1. Transformation: snake to stone. India: *Thompson-Balys.
D425.1.2. D425.1.2. Transformation: snake to jewel. India: Thompson-Balys.
D425.1.2.1. D425.1.2.1. Transformation: snake to gold. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 184.
D425.1.3. D425.1.3. Transformation: snake to garland. India: Thompson-Balys.
D425.1.4. D425.1.4. Transformation: snake to ship. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 1160.
D426. D426. Transformation: fish to object.
D426.1. D426.1. Transformation: eel to object.
D426.1.1. D426.1.1. Transformation: eel to stone. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 21.
D426.1.2. D426.1.2. Transformation: eel to dry land. Tuamotu: Stimson MS (z-G 13/221).
D426.2. D426.2. Transformation: octopus to stone. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 22.
D428. D428. Transformation: amphibian to object.
D428.1. D428.1. Transformation: frog to object.
D428.1.1. D428.1.1. Transformation: frog to tree. Chinese: Graham.
D429. D429. Transformation: animal to object – miscellaneous.
D429.1. D429.1. Transformation: water monster to Milky Way. Raratonga: Beckwith Myth 439.
D429.2. D429.2. Transformation: dragon to object. (Cf. B11.)
D429.2.1. D429.2.1. Transformation: dragon-king to gust of wind. Chinese: Werner 311.
D429.2.2. D429.2.2. Transformation: dragon to stone. Irish myth: Cross.
D429.2.2.1. D429.2.2.1. Transformation: man-eating giantess to stone. India: Thompson-Balys.
D430. D430. Transformation: object to person.
D431. D431. Transformation: vegetable form to person.
D431.1. D431.1. Transformation: flower to person. *BP II 126f.; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham.
D431.1.1. D431.1.1. Transformation: rose to person. Spanish: *Boggs FFC XC 82 No. 708a; India: Thompson-Balys.
D431.1.2. D431.1.2. Transformation: carnation to person. Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 59 No. 425D.
D431.2. D431.2. Transformation: tree to person. Irish myth: Cross; Jamaica: *Beckwith MAFLS XVII 263 No. 67; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 168.
D431.3. D431.3. Transformation: leaf (of tree) to person. Africa (Yoruba): Ellis 257 No. 4, (Fjort): Dennett 43 No. 6, (Upoto): Einstein 141.
D431.4. D431.4. Transformation: fruit to person. India: *Thompson-Balys.
D431.5. D431.5. Transformation: grass to person.
D431.5.1. D431.5.1. Transformation: grass to soldiers. Chinese: Graham.
D431.6. D431.6. Transformation: plant to person. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 515; Papua: Ker 131.
D431.6.1. D431.6.1. Woman emerges from plant. India: *Thompson-Balys.
D431.7. D431.7. Transformation: reed to person. Africa (Ba Ronga): Einstein 259.
D431.8. D431.8. Transformation: corn to person. Jewish: Neuman.
D431.9. D431.9. Transformation: root (bulb) of plant to person. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 168.
D431.10. D431.10. Transformation: sections of bamboo to persons. Papua: Ker 138.
D431.11. D431.11. Transformation: nut to person. Papua: Ker 86; Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 121.
D432. D432. Transformation: mineral form to person. Irish myth: Cross.
D432.1. D432.1. Transformation: stone to person. Irish myth: Cross; India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 69; Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 179.
D432.2. D432.2. Transformation: shell to person.
D432.2.1. D432.2.1. Every piece of shattered cowrie-shell turns into an armed man. India: Thompson-Balys.
D432.3. D432.3. Transformation: jewel to person.
D432.3.1. D432.3.1. Transformation: ruby to person. India: Thompson-Balys.
D434. D434. Transformation: manufactured object to person.
D434.1. D434.1. Transformation: utensil to person. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 169.
D434.2. D434.2. Transformation: rope to person. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 465.
D434.3. D434.3. Transformation: canoe-bailer to person. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 233.
D434.4. D434.4. Transformation: coffin cover to person. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 168.
D435. D435. Transformation: image to person. (Cf. D445.) Korean: Zong in-Sob 213; Eskimo (Bering Strait): Nelson RBAE XVIII 517.
D435.1. D435.1. Transformation: statue to person.
D435.1.1. D435.1.1. Transformation: statue comes to life. *Type 945, cf. Type 165*; *BP III 53 n. 2; D. E. MacKay The Double Invitation in the Legend of Don Juan (1943); *Loomis White Magic 81; Hdwb. d. Märchens s.v. “Baum”; Köhler-Bolte I 531. – Greek: Fox 200 (Galateia); Finnish: cf. Kalevala rune 37; Germanic: MacCulloch Eddic 188; Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “statue”; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. *701; Hindu: Benfey Panchatantra I 490; India: Thompson-Balys; Babylonian: Meissner Babylonien und Assyrien II 96; Semitic: bin Gorion Born Judas V 180ff.; Jewish: Neuman; Indonesian: DeVries‘s list No. 184, Dixon 200, *201 n. 38; Torres Straits: Dixon 142 n. 25; German New Guinea: ibid. 141; Australian: ibid. 274; Eskimo (Bering Strait): Nelson RBAE XVIII 479, 485, 497, (Central Eskimo): Boas RBAE VI 619, (Koryak): Jochelson JE VI 22, 286, 370; N. A. Indian: Thompson Tales 357 n. 287i, Hatt Asiatic Influences 97.
D435.1.2. D435.1.2. Transformation: dolls change to fairies when flute is played. India: Thompson-Balys.
D435.1.3. D435.1.3. Image of boy made of flowers comes to life. India: Thompson-Balys.
D435.1.4. D435.1.4. Wax prince animated by serpent becomes human being. India: Thompson-Balys.
D435.1.5. D435.1.5. Transformation: stone lion to man. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 169.
D435.2. D435.2. Transformation: picture to person.
D435.2.1. D435.2.1. Picture comes to life. Chauvin VII 101 No. 376. – India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 61f.; N. A. Indian: Thompson Tales 357 n. 287i, Hatt Asiatic Influences 100.
D436. D436. Transformation: manufactured object to person.
D436.1. D436.1. Transformation: utensil to person. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 169.
D436.2. D436.2. Transformation: rope to person. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 465.
D436.3. D436.3. Transformation: canoe-bailer to person. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 233.
D436.4. D436.4. Transformation: coffin cover to person. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 168.
D437. D437. Transformation: part of animal or person to person.
D437.1. D437.1. Human bone transforms self to person. Africa (Pahouine): Largeau 198.
D437.2. D437.2. Animal bone transforms self to person. Papua: Ker 13.
D437.3. D437.3. Transformation: feather to person. Africa (Shangani): Bourhill and Drake 43ff. No. 5.
D437.4. D437.4. Transformation: excrements to person. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen III 85.
D437.5. D437.5. Transformation: spittle to person. India: Thompson-Balys.
D439. D439. Transformation: miscellaneous objects to persons.
D439.1. D439.1. Transformation: tow to person. Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “filasse”.
D439.2. D439.2. Transformation: coal to person. Africa (Kaffir): Theal 87.
D439.3. D439.3. Transformation: water bubble to person. Jewish: Neuman.
D439.4. D439.4. Transformation: egg to person. India: Thompson-Balys; Africa (Duala): Lederbogen Märchen 384.
D439.4.1. D439.4.1. Woman emerges from egg. India: Thompson-Balys.
D439.5. D439.5. Transformation: heavenly body to person.
D439.5.1. D439.5.1. Transformation: moon to person. Samoa: Clark 118; S. A. Indian (Amuesha): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 150.
D439.5.2. D439.5.2. Transformation: star to person. Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 15 n. 2, 109.
D439.6. D439.6. Fire takes the form of a woman and runs away. India: Thompson-Balys.
D440. D440. Transformation: object to animal. India: Thompson-Balys.
D441. D441. Transformation: vegetable form to animal. Irish myth: Cross.
D441.1. D441.1. Transformation: tree to animal. Hdwb. d. Märchens s.v. “Baum”; BP I 146f.
D441.2. D441.2. Transformation: fruit to animal.
D441.2.1. D441.2.1. Transformation: fruit to birds. Trees grow fruits. Those which fall on ground ripen and are normal; those that fall into water become birds and fly away. – *Pauli (ed. Bolte) II 445 No. 879.
D441.3. D441.3. Transformation: branch of tree to animal. S. A. Indian (Ceuici): Alexander Lat. Am. 304.
D441.3.1. D441.3.1. Transformation: faggots to chargers. India: Thompson-Balys.
D441.3.2. D441.3.2. Transformation: log to bear. India: Thompson-Balys.
D441.4. D441.4. Transformation: plant to animal. Jewish: Neuman.
D441.4.1. D441.4.1. Transformation: fern to animal. Irish myth: Cross.
D441.5. D441.5. Transformation: leaves to animal.
D441.5.1. D441.5.1. Transformation: leaves to eels. New Hebrides: Codrington 396.
D441.5.2. D441.5.2. Transformation: banana leaf to fish. Africa (Duala): Lederbogen JAS IV 71.
D441.6. D441.6. Transformation: embers into animal. (Cf. D562.2) – India: Thompson-Balys.
D441.6.1. D441.6.1. Transformation: ashes into animals.
D441.7. D441.7. Transformation: sticks of wood to animal. Jewish: Neuman; Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 17, 33, 52, 58; S. A. Indian (Apapocuvú-Guarani): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 138.
D441.7.1. D441.7.1. Transformation: rod to serpent. Hebrew: Exodus 7:10.
D441.8. D441.8. Transformation: piece of cotton to snake. India: Thompson-Balys.
D441.9. D441.9. Transformation: straw to snake. India: Thompson-Balys.
D441.9.1. D441.9.1. Transformation: wisp of hay to horse. (Cf. D451.5.7.) – Gering Islendzk Æfentyri II 167; Grimm Irische Elfenmärchen No. 11. – Malay: Hambruch Malaiische Märchen 215.
D441.10. D441.10. Transformation: chips of wood to animal. Eskimo (Labrador): Hawkes GSCan XIV 152.
D442. D442. Transformation: mineral form to animal.
D442.1. D442.1. Transformation: stone to animal. Irish myth: Cross (D449.6); Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 22; Eskimo (Cumberland Sound): Boas BAM XV 163, 228.
D442.2. D442.2. Transformation: earth (dirt) to animal. India: Thompson-Balys (D446.1.)
D442.2.1. D442.2.1. Transformation: earth to lice. Jewish: Neuman.
D442.2.2. D442.2.2. Transformation: grave to animal. Eskimo (Kodiak): Golder JAFL XVI 21.
D442.3. D442.3. Transformation: gold to animal. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 229f.
D444. D444. Transformation: manufactured object to animal.
D444.1. D444.1. Transformation: money of the hard-hearted to scorpions. (Cf. D444.2, D444.4, D469.11, D471.1). – Bolte Zs. f. Vksk. XXIX 69; cf. BP III 168, 462.
D444.2. D444.2. Transformation: meat to toad. Punishment for ungrateful son. Dh IV 262; Japanese: Ikeda.
D444.3. D444.3. Transformation: pill to white rabbit. Chinese: Werner 185.
D444.4. D444.4. Transformation: bread to serpents. (Cf. D444.1, D444.2, D469.11, D471.1.) – BP III 462.
D444.5. D444.5. Transformation: book-satchel to bird. Irish myth: Cross.
D444.6. D444.6. Transformation: drinking horn to dragon. Norse: Herrmann Saxo Gr. II 596.
D444.7. D444.7. Transformation: armring to serpent. Norse: Herrmann Saxo Gr. II 596.
D444.8. D444.8. Transformation: mortar to tigress. India: Thompson-Balys.
D444.9. D444.9. Transformation: pouch to parts of body of ptarmigan. Eskimo (Cumberland Sound): Boas BAM XV 320.
D444.10. D444.10. Transformation: dress to animal.
D444.10.1. D444.10.1. Transformation: dress to butterfly. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 264.
D444.10.2. D444.10.2. Transformation: mitten to dog. Eskimo (Bering Strait): Nelson RBAE XVIII 510.
D444.10.3. D444.10.3. Duck’s sandals transformed to part of his feet. S. A. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 178.
D444.11. D444.11. Transformation: oars and masts to serpents. Greek: Frazer Apollodorus I 333 n. 1.
D445. D445. Transformation: image of animal vivified. (Cf. D435) – Dh. II 72ff. – India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 234; N. A. Indian: Thompson Tales 357 n. 287i.
D445.1. D445.1. Image of horse vivified. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 231f.
D445.1.1. D445.1.1. Image of horse will be vivified only for one person. India: Thompson-Balys.
D445.2. D445.2. Images of parrots vivified. India: Thompson-Balys.
D445.3. D445.3. Image of golden calf vivified. Jewish: Neuman.
D447. D447. Transformation: parts of animal or human body to animal.
D447.1. D447.1. Transformation: hair to animal.
D447.1.1. D447.1.1. Transformation: hair to monkey. Chinese: Werner 366.
D447.1.2. D447.1.2. Transformation: hair to insect. Chinese: Werner 364.
D447.1.3. D447.1.3. Transformation: hair to serpent. Sébillot France III 257; Eitrem Opferritus und Voropfer der Griechen und Römer 359. – England, U.S.: Baughman.
D447.2. D447.2. Transformation: skull to water-monster. Africa (Angola): Chatelain 115 No. 9.
D447.3. D447.3. Transformation: blood to animal.
D447.3.1. D447.3.1. Transformation: blood drops to toads. India: Thompson-Balys.
D447.3.1.1. D447.3.1.1. Transformation: blood drops to serpents. Greek: Fox 34.
D447.3.2. D447.3.2. Transformation: blood of gorgon to flying horse. Greek: Grote I 7.
D447.4. D447.4. Transformation: fishtail to shark. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 134.
D447.5. D447.5. Transformation: toes of sorceress to dogs. Eskimo (Cumberland Sound): Boas BAM XV 248.
D447.6. D447.6. Transformation: tooth to fox. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen I 185.
D447.7. D447.7. Transformation: pig‘s bones to pig. Papua: Ker 13.
D447.8. D447.8. Transformation: bone to dog. Eskimo (Greenland) Rasmussen III 119.
D447.9. D447.9. Parts of sorcerer’s body turn into serpents. Icelandic: Boberg.
D447.10. D447.10. Transformation: brain to giant serpent. Irish myth: Cross (D449.7).
D449. D449. Transformation: miscellaneous objects to animals.
D449.1. D449.1. Magic charm turns sweets into bugs. (Cf. D522). India: Thompson-Balys.
D449.2. D449.2. Transformation: corpse to serpent. Jewish: Neuman.
D449.3. D449.3. Transformation: treasure to ducks. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 196.
D449.4. D449.4. Transformation: snow to dogs. Eskimo (Cumberland Sound): Boas BAM XV 324.
D450 – D499.
D450. D450. Transformation: object to another object. India: Thompson-Balys; Icelandic: Boberg.
D451. D451. Transformation of vegetable form.
D451.1. D451.1. Transformation: tree to other object. *Loomis White Magic 95; Africa (Loango): Pechuël-Loesche 109.
D451.1.0.1. D451.1.0.1. Transformation: branch of tree to palace. India: Thompson-Balys.
D451.1.1. D451.1.1. Transformation: ash to hazel. Irish myth: Cross (D469.17).
D451.2. D451.2. Transformation: plant to other object. Irish myth: Cross (D452).
D451.2.1. D451.2.1. Transformation: rush to leek. Irish myth: Cross (D462.1).
D451.2.1.1. D451.2.1.1. Transformation: rushes to grain. Irish myth: Cross (D462.1.1).
D451.2.2. D451.2.2. Transformation: wheat to barley. Irish myth: Cross (D462.2).
D451.2.3. D451.2.3. Transformation: oats to wheat. Irish myth: Cross (D462.3).
D451.2.4. D451.2.4. Transformation: cotton to leaves. India: Thompson-Balys.
D451.3. D451.3. Transformation: fruit to other object. Irish myth: Cross (D463).
D451.3.1. D451.3.1. Transformation: apples to grain. Irish myth: Cross (D463.1).
D451.3.2. D451.3.2. Transformation: coconut to philosopher‘s stone. India: Thompson-Balys.
D451.3.3. D451.3.3. Transformation: pumpkin to carriage. Type 410. – Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “carosse”; Missouri French: Carrière.
D451.3.4. D451.3.4. Transformation: apples to pig bristles (frog legs). German: Grimm No. 165.
D451.4. D451.4. Transformation: flowers to other object.
D451.4.0.1. D451.4.0.1. Transformation: flowers to gold beads. India: Thompson-Balys.
D451.4.1. D451.4.1. Transformation: lotus to human hand. Penzer VIII 54.
D451.4.2. D451.4.2. Hibiscus blossom transformed to canoe. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 405.
D451.5. D451.5. Transformation: grass to other object.
D451.5.1. D451.5.1. Transformation: blade of grass to horse. Africa (Fjort): Dennett 63 No. 12.
D451.5.2. D451.5.2. Transformation: blade of grass to knife. Africa (Fjort): Dennett 63 No. 12.
D451.5.3. D451.5.3. Transformation: blade of grass to gun. Africa (Fjort): Dennett 63 No. 12.
D451.5.4. D451.5.4. Transformation: grass to beard. Irish myth: Cross (D457.4).
D451.5.5. D451.5.5. Transformation: pieces of grass turned into stone steps. Chinese: Graham.
D451.5.6. D451.5.6. Transformation: roll of grass into gold. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 210.
D451.5.7. D451.5.7. Transformation: wisp of hay to bridge. – Maliseet: Mechling JAFL XXVI 251.
D451.6. D451.6. Transformation: stick (log) to other object.
D451.6.1. D451.6.1. Transformation: wand to other object.
D451.6.1.1. D451.6.1.1. Transformation: wand to bridge. Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “pont”. – Cherokee: Mooney RBAE XIX 319 No. 67.
D451.6.2. D451.6.2. Stick thrust in ground changes into spirit hut. Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 62.
D451.6.3. D451.6.3. Transformation: stick to weapon. Africa (Loango): Pechuël-Loesche 109.
D451.7. D451.7. Transformation: nut to another object.
D451.7.1. D451.7.1. Transformation: nut to palace. Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 54 No. 400B.
D451.8. D451.8. Transformation: leaf to another object. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 109; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 478.
D451.8.1. D451.8.1. Transformation: leaves to cotton. India: Thompson-Balys.
D451.8.2. D451.8.2. Transformation: leaf to knife. Africa (Loango): Pechuël-Loesche 109.
D451.9. D451.9. Transformation: vegetable to other object.
D451.9.1. D451.9.1. Transformation: peas to stones. (Cf. D444.4, D471.1.) – BP III 462.
D452. D452. Transformation of mineral form.
D452.1. D452.1. Transformation: rock (stone) to other object.
D452.1.1. D452.1.1. Transformation: rock to hut. Africa (Kaffir): Theal 83.
D452.1.2. D452.1.2. Transformation: stone to mountain. Regular in D672, where references are given.
D452.1.3. D452.1.3. Transformation: stone to salt. *Loomis White Magic 81; Irish myth: *Cross (D456.3); Jewish: Neuman.
D452.1.4. D452.1.4. Transformation: stone into jewel. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. *1670.
D452.1.5. D452.1.5. Transformation: rock to glass. *Loomis White Magic 81.
D452.1.6. D452.1.6. Transformation: stones to peas.
D452.1.6.1. D452.1.6.1. Christ asks woman what she is cooking; she replies that she is boiling stones to make her children think they are peas and that they will have food. Christ changes the stones to peas. England: Baughman.
D452.1.7. D452.1.7. Transformation: stone to firebrand. Africa (Duala): Lederbogen JAS IV 71.
D452.1.8. D452.1.8. Transformation: stone to island. Tonga: Gifford 191.
D452.1.9. D452.1.9. Transformation: stone to pillow. Jewish: Neuman.
D452.1.10. D452.1.10. Transformation: rock to water. Jewish: Neuman.
D452.1.11. D452.1.11. Transformation: stones to weapons. Jewish: Neuman.
D452.1.12. D452.1.12. Transformation: stones to dust. Jewish: Neuman.
D452.2. D452.2. Transformation: shell to another object.
D452.2.1. D452.2.1. Transformation: shell to boat. Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “bateau”.
D452.3. D452.3. Transformation: sand to another object.
D452.3.1. D452.3.1. Transformation: sand to rice. India: Thompson-Balys; Africa (Duala): Lederbogen Märchen 82.
D452.4. D452.4. Transformation: earth (dirt) to another object.
D452.4.1. D452.4.1. Transformation: dirt to pepper. Africa (Duala): Lederbogen JAS IV 71.
D454. D454. Transformation of manufactured object.
D454.1. D454.1. Transformation: box to another object.
D454.1.1. D454.1.1. Transformation: box to carriage. Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 72 No. 557.
D454.1.2. D454.1.2. Transformation: box to ship. Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “boîte”.
D454.2. D454.2. Transformation: bread to another object. (Cf. D471).
D454.2.1. D454.2.1. Transformation: bread to flower. Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “fleur”.
D454.2.2. D454.2.2. Bread tree springs from crumb of bread. India: Thompson-Balys.
D454.3. D454.3. Transformation: clothing to other object.
D454.3.1. D454.3.1. Transformation: one article of clothing to another. Irish myth: Cross (D469.16).
D454.3.1.1. D454.3.1.1. White chasuble suddenly turned into red. *Loomis White Magic 81.
D454.3.2. D454.3.2. Transformation: handkerchief to other object.
D454.3.2.1. D454.3.2.1. Transformation: handkerchief with three knots to clod, potsherd, and charcoal. India: Thompson-Balys.
D454.3.2.2. D454.3.2.2. Transformation: handkerchief with three knots to golden leopard, golden snake, and golden monkey. India: Thompson-Balys.
D454.3.3. D454.3.3. Transformation: belt to bridge. N. A. Indian (Quinault): Farrand JE II 115.
D454.3.4. D454.3.4. Transformation: cloak to other object.
D454.3.4.1. D454.3.4.1. Transformation: cloak to mountain. Tuamotu: Stimson MS (z-G. 13/420).
D454.3.4.2. D454.3.4.2. Transformation: cloak to vessel. Saintyves Saints Successeurs 254f.
D454.4. D454.4. Transformation: needle to other object. India: Thompson-Balys.
D454.4.1. D454.4.1. Transformation: thread to other object. Africa (Vai): Ellis 191 No. 8.
D454.5. D454.5. Transformation: milk sack to other object.
D454.5.1. D454.5.1. Transformation: milk sack to sheet of water. Africa (Kaffir): Theal 87.
D454.6. D454.6. Transformation: pot to other object. Africa (Kaffir): Theal 88.
D454.6.1. D454.6.1. Transformation: bowl to other object. India: Thompson-Balys.
D454.7. D454.7. Transformation: brush to mountain. German: Grimm No. 79.
D454.7.1. D454.7.1. Transformation: comb to mountain. German: Grimm No. 79.
D454.8. D454.8. Transformation: ornament to other object.
D454.8.1. D454.8.1. Transformation: necklace to other object. India: Thompson-Balys.
D454.8.2. D454.8.2. Transformation: ring to other object.
D454.8.2.1. D454.8.2.1. Transformation: ring to saber. Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “bague”.
D454.9. D454.9. Transformation: weapon to other object.
D454.9.1. D454.9.1. Transformation: spear to other object.
D454.9.1.1. D454.9.1.1. Transformation: spear becomes mighty tree when driven into ground. India: Thompson-Balys.
D454.9.2. D454.9.2. Transformation: sling-stick to boat. Irish myth: Cross (D469.18).
D454.10. D454.10. Transformation: ship to other object.
D454.10.1. D454.10.1. Transformation: ship to mountains. Maori: Beckwith Myth 467.
D454.10.2. D454.10.2. Transformation: canoe into rock. Tonga: Gifford 76.
D454.11. D454.11. Transformation: writing tablets to bundle. Irish myth: Cross (D469.15).
D454.12. D454.12. Transformation: mirror to glass mountain. German: Grimm No. 79.
D454.13. D454.13. Transformation: pieces of chalk into tins of oil. India: Thompson-Balys.
D454.14. D454.14. Transformation: ink to beams of light. Jewish: Neuman.
D454.15. D454.15. Transformation: statue to drinking vessels. Jewish: Neuman.
D454.16. D454.16. Transformation: instruments of torture to lotus flowers. Chinese: Werner 268.
D457. D457. Transformed parts of person or animal to object.
D457.1. D457.1. Transformation: blood to another object.
D457.1.1. D457.1.1. Transformation: blood to rubies. Turns to rubies as it drops. *Cosquin RTP XXVIII 194, *Contes indiens 18ff.; India: Thompson-Balys.
D457.1.2. D457.1.2. Transformation: blood to milk. Bird caught and told to make milk bleeds and blood turns to milk. Africa (Kaffir): Theal 34 No. 1.
D457.1.3. D457.1.3. Transformation: drops of blood to flowers. India: Thompson-Balys.
D457.2. D457.2. Transformation: milk to blood. Irish myth: *Cross (D454.2.1).
D457.3. D457.3. Transformation: calf’s head to death‘s head. *BP I 276 n. 2, II 535; Sébillot Incidents s.v. “tête”.
D457.4. D457.4. Transformation: hair to other object. Jewish: Neuman.
D457.4.1. D457.4.1. Transformation: hair to stream. *Fb “hår” I 771b.
D457.4.2. D457.4.2. Transformation: hair to forest. *Fb “hår” I 771b; Jewish: Neuman.
D457.4.3. D457.4.3. Transformation: hair to bridge. Köhler-Bolte I 195.
D457.5. D457.5. Transformation: meat to other object.
D457.5.1. D457.5.1. Transformation: stolen meat to roses. Italian Novella: Rotunda.
D457.5.2. D457.5.2. Meat received from spirits transformed to banana leaves. Africa (Wachaga): Gutman 105.
D457.6. D457.6. Transformation: scurf from body to palm tree. India: Thompson-Balys.
D457.7. D457.7. Transformation: feather to tree. Africa (Shangani): Bourhill and Drake 43ff. No. 5.
D457.8. D457.8. Transformation: tooth to ax head. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges; Norse: Herrmann Saxo II 596.
D457.9. D457.9. Transformation: finger to ax handle. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 131 No. 89.
D457.9.1. D457.9.1. Transformation: cut-off hand to plant. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 130 No. 85.
D457.10. D457.10. Transformation: moustache into grass. (Cf. D562.2.) India: Thompson-Balys.
D457.11. D457.11. Transformation: eye to another object.
D457.11.1. D457.11.1. Transformation: bull’s eye to hornets. India: Thompson-Balys.
D457.11.2. D457.11.2. Transformation: eyeballs to torches. Jewish: Neuman.
D457.12. D457.12. Transformation: bone to other object.
D457.12.1. D457.12.1. Transformation: bone-dust becomes blazing fire. India: Thompson-Balys.
D457.12.2. D457.12.2. Transformation: bone to skeleton. Eskimo (Greenland): Holm 26.
D457.13. D457.13. Transformation: animal dung to other object. Africa (Duala): Lederbogen Märchen 82.
D457.14. D457.14. Transformation: tongue to other object.
D457.14.1. D457.14.1. Transformation: ogress‘s tongue to surfboard. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 194.
D457.14.2. D457.14.2. Transformation: tongue to flame. Jewish: Neuman.
D457.15. D457.15. Transformation: animal heart to other object.
D457.15.1. D457.15.1. Transformation: fox’s heart to rattle. S. A. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 138.
D457.16. D457.16. Transformation: saint‘s relics to other object.
D457.16.1. D457.16.1. Saint’s relics assume form of Buddha. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 500f.
D457.17. D457.17. Transformation: flesh to other object.
D457.17.1. D457.17.1. Transformation: flesh to fire. Jewish: Neuman.
D457.18. D457.18. Transformation: tears to other object.
D457.18.1. D457.18.1. Transformation: tears to fountain. Jewish: Neuman.
D457.18.2. D457.18.2. Transformation: tears to river. Jewish: Neuman.
D457.19. D457.19. Transformation: ear tips (animal) into pelts. Eskimo (Bering Strait): Nelson RBAE XVIII 471, 541.
D469. D469. Transformation: miscellaneous object to other objects.
D469.1. D469.1. Transformation: egg to mist. Africa (Kaffir): Theal 87.
D469.1.1. D469.1.1. Transformation: egg to house. Africa (Duala): Lederbogen Märchen 83.
D469.2. D469.2. Transformation: smoke to bridge. Africa (Vai): Ellis 191 No. 8.
D469.3. D469.3. Transformation: chain of arrows to bridge. Africa (Vai): Ellis 191 No.8.
D469.4. D469.4. Transformation: sea-scum to ice. Eskimo (Greenland) Rasmussen III 260.
D469.5. D469.5. Transformation: furnace of fire to garden. Jewish: Neuman.
D470. D470. Transformation: material of object changed. India: Thompson-Balys.
D471. D471. Transformation: object to stone.
D471.1. D471.1. Transformation: bread to stone. As punishment. (Cf. D441.1, D444.2, D444.4, D476.) – Type 368*; *BP III 168, 462; Fb “sten” III 553b, 554a; Hdwb. d. Abergl. I 1599; Icelandic: *Boberg.
D471.2. D471.2. Transformation: house to stone. N. A. Indian (Seneca): Curtin-Hewitt RBAE XXXII 212 No. 41, 398 No. 70, 409 No. 73.
D471.2.1. D471.2.1. Transformation: house-door to stone. N. A. Indian (Shasta): Farrand-Frachtenberg JAFL XXVIII 216 No. 6.
D471.3. D471.3. Transformation: ship to stone. Greek: Fox 211.
D471.4. D471.4. Transformation: cheese to stone. *Loomis White Magic 79; Irish myth: *Cross.
D471.4.1. D471.4.1. Transformation: milk to stone. *Loomis White Magic 79.
D471.5. D471.5. Transformation: salt to stone. Irish myth: Cross.
D471.6. D471.6. Transformation: tree to stone. Irish myth: Cross.
D471.7. D471.7. Transformation: poison to stone. Irish myth: Cross.
D471.8. D471.8. Animals turned into stones. *Loomis White Magic 80f.
D471.8.1. D471.8.1. Stolen chickens turned to stones in cooking. *Loomis White Magic 79.
D471.9. D471.9. A candle becomes stone. *Loomis White Magic 81.
D471.10. D471.10. Water becomes rocks. (Cf. D478). Jewish: Neuman.
D472. D472. Transformation: object to muck.
D472.1. D472.1. Transformation: food to muck. As punishment. Fb “mog” II 603; India: Thompson-Balys.
D473. D473. Transformation: object to wood.
D473.1. D473.1. Transformation: sword to wood. Chauvin V 173 No. 96 n. 1.
D474. D474. Transformation: object becomes bloody. Irish myth: *Cross.
D474.1. D474.1. Transformation: key becomes bloody. *Type 311, 312; BP I 404ff.
D474.2. D474.2. Transformation: water becomes bloody. Loomis White Magic 78; Irish myth: *Cross; Spanish Exempla: Keller; Jewish: Neuman; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 358.
D474.3. D474.3. Transformation: cake becomes bloody. Irish myth: *Cross.
D474.4. D474.4. Egg becomes bloody. German: Grimm No. 46.
D474.5. D474.5. Transformation: butter (milk) to blood. Irish myth: *Cross.
D474.6. D474.6. Tears change to blood. Jewish: Neuman.
D474.7. D474.7. Spittle changes to blood. Jewish: Neuman.
D474.8. D474.8. Fruit juice turns to blood. Jewish: Neuman.
D474.9. D474.9. Eyes of stone lion become bloody. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 83.
D475. D475. Transformation: object to treasure (or vice versa).
D475.1. D475.1. Transformation: objects to gold. Encyc. Religion and Ethics s.v. “Alchemy”; *Loomis White Magic 79, 81. – Irish: Cross, Plummer xliv, clxxxv; German: Hartland Science 49; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Werner 383.
D475.1.1. D475.1.1. Transformation: coals to gold. Fb. “kul”, “guld”. – Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 322 No. 80.
D475.1.1.1. D475.1.1.1. Transformation: ashes to gold. India: Thompson-Balys.
D475.1.2. D475.1.2. Transformation: shavings to gold. Fb “høvlspån”.
D475.1.3. D475.1.3. Transformation: dead leaves to gold. Grimm Deutsche Mythologie 2, 246, 452.
D475.1.3.1. D475.1.3.1. Banyan leaves turn to gold. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 1262.
D475.1.4. D475.1.4. Transformation: spittle to gold. Hindu: Williams 11.
D475.1.5. D475.1.5. Transformation: fire to gold. Fb “ild” II 11b.
D475.1.6. D475.1.6. Transformation: rice to gold. India: Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Mitford 180ff.
D475.1.6.1. D475.1.6.1. Transformation: grain to gold. *Loomis White Magic 79; Irish myth: **Cross.
D475.1.7. D475.1.7. Transformation: brick (tile) to gold. India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Werner 382.
D475.1.8. D475.1.8. Transformation: earth to gold. Fb “jord” II 45b.; India: Thompson-Balys.
D475.1.9. D475.1.9. Transformation: copper to gold. India: Penzer III 162 n.
D475.1.10. D475.1.10. Transformation: hair to gold. India: *Thompson-Balys.
D475.1.11. D475.1.11. Paste (smeared on princess’s body) turns to gold. India: Thompson-Balys.
D475.1.12. D475.1.12. Transformation: putrescence to gold. Irish myth: *Cross.
D475.1.13. D475.1.13. Mucus turns to gold to reward piety. Irish myth: Cross.
D475.1.14. D475.1.14. Transformation: bottle to gold. French Canadian: Sister Marie Ursule.
D475.1.15. D475.1.15. Transformation: palace to gold. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 210.
D475.1.16. D475.1.16. Transformation: food to gold. India: Thompson-Balys.
D475.1.17. D475.1.17. Transformation: axe becomes golden. India: Thompson-Balys.
D475.1.18. D475.1.18. Transformation: flowers to gold and silver. India: Thompson-Balys.
D475.1.19. D475.1.19. Transformation: leaves on which meal is served turn to gold plates. India: Thompson-Balys.
D475.1.20. D475.1.20. Transformation: straw to gold. German: Grimm No. 55.
D475.1.21. D475.1.21. Transformation: fingernails to gold. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 165 No. 108.
D475.2. D475.2. Transformation: object to money (or vice versa).
D475.2.1. D475.2.1. Transformation: stones to gold coins. Tobler 71.
D475.2.2. D475.2.2. Transformation: water to money. Africa (Kpelle): Westermann Zs. f. afrikan., ozean., u. ostasiat. Spr. VI 161 No. 29a.
D475.2.3. D475.2.3. Transformation: money to ashes (leaves). Fb “penge”; India: Thompson-Balys.
D475.2.4. D475.2.4. Transformation: money to pewter. Chinese: Werner 373.
D475.3. D475.3. Transformation: objects to silver.
D475.3.1. D475.3.1. Transformation: earth to silver. Africa (Mossi): Frobenius Atlantis VIII 274ff. No. 20.
D475.3.2. D475.3.2. Tin changed into silver. *Loomis White Magic 81.
D475.3.3. D475.3.3. Transformation: stone to silver. India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham.
D475.3.4. D475.3.4. Transformation: iron in axe to silver. German: Grimm No. 99.
D475.3.5. D475.3.5. Transformation: silver dish becomes wooden. Irish myth: Cross (D479.16).
D475.4. D475.4. Transformation: object to jewels (or vice versa). *Loomis White Magic 81.
D475.4.1. D475.4.1. Transformation: stones into jewels. *Loomis White Magic 81; India: Thompson-Balys.
D475.4.2. D475.4.2. Transformation: lice into gems. *Loomis White Magic 81.
D475.4.3. D475.4.3. Transformation: dishes to jewels. India: Thompson-Balys.
D475.4.4. D475.4.4. Transformation: peas to pearls. India: Thompson-Balys.
D475.4.5. D475.4.5. Tears become jewels. German: Grimm No. 179; Greek: Grote 134; Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
D475.4.6. D475.4.6. Transformation: fingernails into jewels. India: Thompson-Balys.
D475.4.7. D475.4.7. Transformation: hairs to jewels. India: Thompson-Balys.
D475.4.8. D475.4.8. Water dripping off person becomes agates. Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 43, 55.
D475.4.9. D475.4.9. Oil changed to jewels. Jewish: Neuman.
D475.5. D475.5. A cup of marble changed into one of crystal. *Loomis White Magic 81.
D476. D476. Food transformed.
D476.1. D476.1. Inedible substance transformed into edible.
D476.1.1. D476.1.1. Bread made from mud. *Loomis White Magic 81.
D476.1.2. D476.1.2. Loaf of bread made from the leaf of a tree. *Loomis White Magic 81.
D476.1.3. D476.1.3. Wood turned into grain. *Loomis White Magic 81.
D476.1.4. D476.1.4. Lard made from tree bark. *Loomis White Magic 81.
D476.1.5. D476.1.5. Butter made from nettles. *Loomis White Magic 81.
D476.1.6. D476.1.6. Pancakes made of snow. *Loomis White Magic 78.
D476.1.7. D476.1.7. Rock changed into milk. *Loomis White Magic 81.
D476.1.8. D476.1.8. Stream changed to egg. Jewish: Neuman.
D476.1.9. D476.1.9. Transformation: ice becomes grease. N. A. Indian (Menomini): Skinner and Satterlee PaAM XIII 270, (Crow): Lowie PaAM XXV 23ff., (Southern Ute): Lowie JAFL XXXVII 11 No. 5.
D476.1.10. D476.1.10. Bone-powder changed into cheese. *Loomis White Magic 81.
D476.1.11. D476.1.11. Transformation: sand to rice. India: Thompson-Balys.
D476.2. D476.2. Edible substance changed to inedible.
D476.2.1. D476.2.1. Transformation: food to dust. Jewish: Neuman.
D476.2.2. D476.2.2. Cooked meat changed to raw. (Cf. D476.4.) – Jewish: Neuman.
D476.2.3. D476.2.3. Milk transformed into other substance. *Loomis White Magic 79.
D476.2.3.1. D476.2.3.1. Milk transformed into blood. *Loomis White Magic 79.
D476.2.3.2. D476.2.3.2. Milk transformed into lye. *Loomis White Magic 79.
D476.2.4. D476.2.4. Transformation: sugar to ashes. India: Thompson-Balys.
D476.3. D476.3. Meat transformed.
D476.3.1. D476.3.1. Meat takes on taste of any dainty desired. Jewish: Neuman.
D476.3.2. D476.3.2. Bacon changed to iron. Irish myth: Cross (D479.5).
D476.3.2.1. D476.3.2.1. Bacon changed to different foods. Loomis White Magic 79; Irish myth: *Cross (D479.5.1).
D476.3.3. D476.3.3. Transformation: horse meat to mutton. Irish myth: Cross (D479.6).
D476.3.4. D476.3.4. Meat miraculously turned into fish on a feast day, and vice versa. *Loomis White Magic 79.
D476.4. D476.4. Bread becomes cake. German: Grimm No. 64.
D477. D477. Transformation: object becomes wine (or vice versa). Irish myth: *Cross.
D477.0.1. D477.0.1. Wine miraculously changed into other object. *Loomis White Magic 78.
D477.0.1.1. D477.0.1.1. Wine becomes blood (Cf. D471.4.1). – *Loomis White Magic 78.
D477.0.1.2. D477.0.1.2. Wine becomes honey. *Loomis White Magic 78.
D477.0.1.3. D477.0.1.3. Spiced wine becomes bitter. Jewish: Neuman.
D477.1. D477.1. Transformation: water becomes wine. Fb “vand” III 1000a.; St. John 2:9; Grimm Deutsche Mythologie I 486; Hartland Science 69; Farnell Cults of the Greek States V 156; Wuttke Volksaberglaube (Berlin 1900) 66ff.; *Toldo VI 310ff.; *Saintyves Essais 206ff.; Günter 246 s.v. “Wein”; *Loomis White Magic 78; Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: Boberg; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
D477.1.1. D477.1.1. Devil takes man waiting for water to turn to wine at midnight on Old Christmas Eve. U. S.: Baughman.
D477.1.2. D477.1.2. Woman loses eye when she goes to well at midnight on Old Christmas Eve when the water turns to wine. England: Baughman.
D477.2. D477.2. Transformation: brine becomes wine. Irish myth: Cross.
D477.3. D477.3. Beer becomes wine. German: Grimm No. 64.
D478. D478. Water changed to other substance (or vice versa).
D478.1. D478.1. Transformation: water to milk. Irish myth: *Cross (D479.4); Sébillot France II 213.
D478.2. D478.2. Transformation: water to ale. Irish myth: *Cross (D479.4.1).
D478.3. D478.3. Transformation: water to fire. Irish myth: *Cross (D479.4.2); Jewish: Neuman.
D478.4. D478.4. Transformation: water to marvelous drink. Irish myth: *Cross (D479.4.3).
D478.5. D478.5. Transformation: water to honey. *Loomis White Magic 78; Irish myth: *Cross (D479.4.4).
D478.6. D478.6. Transformation: water to mead. Irish myth: *Cross (D479.4.5).
D478.7. D478.7. Transformation: water changed into oil. *Loomis White Magic 78.
D478.8. D478.8. Water changed into balsam. *Loomis White Magic 78.
D478.9. D478.9. Water in river transformed to copper by magician. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
D478.10. D478.10. Salty water turned into fresh liquid. *Loomis White Magic 78; Jewish: Neuman.
D478.11. D478.11. Transformation: water to butter and cream. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 460.
D478.12. D478.12. Transformation: water to rocks. Jewish: Neuman.
D478.13. D478.13. Transformation: water to brimstone. Jewish: Neuman.
D478.14. D478.14. Boiling pitch reduced to cold water. *Loomis White Magic 81.
D479. D479. Transformation: miscellaneous objects change material.
D479.1. D479.1. Transformation: bog to flowery mead (through power of saint). Irish myth: Cross (D479.6).
D479.2. D479.2. Transformation: iron tools to earth. India: Thompson-Balys.
D479.3. D479.3. Transformation: magic charm makes root bitter. India: Thompson-Balys.
D479.4. D479.4. Transformation: goose egg becomes hen‘s egg. Irish myth: Cross (D479.17).
D479.5. D479.5. Transformation: basket of things to iron. India: Thompson-Balys.
D479.6. D479.6. Wax turned into earth. *Loomis White Magic 81.
D479.7. D479.7. Evil smells transformed into sweet fragrances, and vice versa. *Loomis White Magic 81.
D479.8. D479.8. Hut transformed into golden palace. India: Thompson-Balys.
D480. D480. Size of object transformed. Irish myth: Cross.
D480.0.1. D480.0.1. Things miraculously stretched or shortened if needed by a saint. *Loomis White Magic 89.
D482. D482. Stretching objects.
D482.1. D482.1. Transformation: stretching tree. A tree magically shoots upward. – India: Thompson-Balys; Batak: Warneck Religion der Batak 50; Melanesian: Codrington 165. – N. A. Indian: Thompson Tales 332 n. 199; S. A. Indian (Mataco): Métraux MAFLS XL 35; Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 188, 306.
D482.2. D482.2. Stretching lily plant. Miraculously quick growing. India: Thompson-Balys.
D482.3. D482.3. Magic stretching lance (Cf. D1086). Jewish: Neuman.
D482.4. D482.4. Transformation: stretching cliff. A cliff magically shoots up into the air. Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “precipice”. – Hawaii: Dixon 90; Calif. Indian: Gayton and Newman 76.
D482.5. D482.5. Stretching sepulchre. Magically becomes longer. Irish myth: Cross (D484).
D482.5.1. D482.5.1. Grave equals five times length of any person‘s foot. Irish myth: Cross (D484.1).
D482.5.2. D482.5.2. Tomb gate magically enlarged. Jewish: Neuman.
D483. D483. Sea formed from giant’s spittle. (Cf. D1001.) – Indonesian: DeVries Volksverhalen II 285.
D483.1. D483.1. River expands and becomes sea. S. A. Indian (Apapocuvú-Guaraní): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 138.
D485. D485. Transformation: stretching fingers to make ladder. French Canadian: Sister Marie Ursule.
D486. D486. Person becomes larger.
D486.1. D486.1. Demon becomes larger. Tuamotu: Stimson MS (z – G. 13/420).
D487. D487. Animal becomes larger.
D487.1. D487.1. Snake grows to 300 leagues length. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 859.
D487.2. D487.2. Monkey becomes 100,000 feet high. Chinese: Werner 361.
D487.3. D487.3. Ox-demon becomes 10,000 feet long. Chinese: Werner 361.
D488. D488. Houses magically made larger. Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 219.
D489. D489. Objects made larger – miscellaneous.
D489.1. D489.1. Small leaves become larger. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 1205.
D489.2. D489.2. Amulet enlarged to become cloak. Jewish: Neuman.
D490. D490. Miscellaneous forms of transformation.
D491. D491. Compressible objects. N. A. Indian: Thompson Tales 336 n. 210a.
D491.1. D491.1. Compressible magic animals.
D491.1.1. D491.1.1. Herd of cattle put into magic cup. (Cf. B182.) – Greek: Fox 86.
D491.1.2. D491.1.2. Magic folding mule. Folds up like a sheet of paper. (Cf. B184.1.) – Chinese: Werner 294.
D491.1.3. D491.1.3. Magic dog shrinks in size. Irish myth: Cross.
D491.2. D491.2. Compressible magic objects.
D491.2.1. D491.2.1. Compressible magic box.
D491.2.1.1. D491.2.1.1. Compressible magic box containing many people and objects. East Africa: Frobenius Atlantis IV 134ff. No. 13.
D491.2.2. D491.2.2. Compressible table. Irish myth: *Cross.
D491.3. D491.3. Saint confined a large quantity of water in a small ditch. *Loomis White Magic 41.
D491.4. D491.4. Iceflake made small by magic. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen III 270.
D491.5. D491.5. Castle magically made smaller. German: Grimm No. 163.
D491.6. D491.6. Twelve stones unite to make one. Jewish: Neuman.
D491.7. D491.7. Ship becomes small boat. Tuamotu: Stimson MS (T – G 3/900).
D492. D492. Color of object changed.
D492.1. D492.1. Cock‘s comb becomes white. Jewish: Neuman.
D492.2. D492.2. Blood turns black. Jewish: Neuman.
D492.3. D492.3. Color of hair suddenly changed. Jewish: Neuman.
D493. D493. Spirit changes to animal. Tuamotu: Stimson MS (T – G 3/1001, z-G. 3/1353).
D494. D494. Transformation: person to monster. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen III 154.