Description |
D100. D100. Transformation: man to animal. *BP II 60, III 8f.; *Dh III 284ff., 429ff., 446ff., 464ff.; Cosquin Contes indiens 58ff.; *Goerke Ueber Tierverwandlungen in französischer Dichtung und Sage (Dissertation, Königsberg 1904); Type 325; *Chauvin VI 199 No. 371. – Irish myth: *Cross; MacCulloch Celtic 168; Slavic (general): Máchal 229; French Canadian: Barbeau JAFL XXIX 13, 17; Missouri French: Carrière; Hindu: Penzer VI 5 n. 1, 40 n. 1, 56 n. 1, 2, VII 42 n. 1, 44 n. 1, IX 45; India: Thompson-Balys; Arabian: Burton Nights I 28, 35, 97, 126, 173, VII 83, 290, 296, 301, IX 310, S IV 329, 336. – Chinese: Frémine La Tradition Sept.-Oct. 1890; Indonesian: DeVries’ list Nos. 152, 153; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 141; American Indian (Passamaquoddy): Prince PAES X 43 No. 9; (Amazon) Alexander Lat. Am. 301; Jamaica: Beckwith MAFLS XVII 271 No. 84.
D101. D101. Transformation: god to animal. *Krappe Études 53ff. – Greek: *Frazer Apollodorus I 49 n. 2; Fox 178 (Apollo); Irish myth: *Cross, MacCulloch Celtic 56; Persian: Carnoy 269; Norse: De la Saussaye 261; India: *Thompson-Balys; Penzer VII 175 n. 1.
D102. D102. Transformation: devil to animal. *Kittredge Witchcraft 175 nn. 12 – 21, 29, 30; Missouri French: Carrière.
D102.1. D102.1. Transformation: demon to animal. India: *Thompson-Balys.
D103. D103. Assembly or group transformed to animals. N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 98.
D110 – D149.
D110. D110. Transformation: man to wild beast (mammal). *Dh III 446ff., Greek: Fox 16, Frazer Apollodorus II 67 n. 6; Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “bête”; Jewish: Neuman; Eskimo (Mackenzie Area): Jenness 85.
D112. D112. Transformation: man to feline animal (wild).
D112.1. D112.1. Transformation: man to lion. Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: Bósa saga 91; Spanish: *Boggs FFC XC 62 No. 451; Missouri French: Carrière; Jewish: Neuman. – Africa (Hottentot): Bleek 57 No. 25, (Angola): Chatelain 245 No. 47.
D112.1.1. D112.1.1. Village of lion-men. India: Thompson-Balys, Penzer I 67f.
D112.2. D112.2. Transformation: man to tiger. Greek: Frazer Apollodorus II 67 n. 6; Chinese: Werner 266, 270; India: *Thompson-Balys.
D112.2.1. D112.2.1. Wer-tiger. Like werwolf. (Cf. D113.1.) – India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham; Korea: Zong in-Sob 58, 71, 74, 79, 85, 89, 91.
D112.2.1.1. D112.2.1.1. When a wer-tiger is injured, similar marks appear on the human body of man who has possessed it. India: Thompson-Balys.
D112.2.1.2. D112.2.1.2. Village of tiger-men. (Cf. B221.6.1.) – India: Thompson-Balys.
D112.3. D112.3. Transformation: man to lynx. Africa (Bushman): Bleek and Lloyd 97.
D112.4. D112.4. Transformation: man to leopard. India: Thompson-Balys; Africa (Mpongwe): Nassau 71 No. 15, (Angola): Chatelain 167 No. 15, (Wakweli): Bender 52.
D112.5. D112.5. Transformation: man to buffalo. Africa (Weute): Sieber 220ff.
D112.6. D112.6. Transformation: man to jaguar. S. A. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 61, (Eastern Brazil): Lowie I 397.
D113. D113. Transformation: man to canine animal (wild).
D113.1. D113.1. Transformation: man to wolf. *Type 428; Dh III, Fb “blod” IV 48; Child V 497 s.v. “stepmother”. – Irish myth: *Cross; Eng., U.S.: *Baughman; Icelandic: Corpus poeticum Boreale I 136, 140, *Boberg; Italian Novella: Rotunda; Greek myth: Grote I 160; Finnish: Aarne FFC VIII 14 No. 75, XXXIII 53 No. 75; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 130 No. 73, 145 No. 38; Lappish: Qvigstad FFC LX 48 No. 75; India: Thompson-Balys.
D113.1.1. D113.1.1. Werwolf. A man changes periodically into the form of a wolf. He is usually malevolent when in wolf form. **R. Andree Globus XXVII (1875); *C. T. Stewart Zs. f. Vksk. XIX 30ff.; Kristensen Danske Sagn II (1893) 227ff.; (1928) 148ff.; Lid Saga och Sed 1937, 3ff.; Odstedt Varulven i svensk folktradition (Uppsala 1944); **K. E. Smith An Historical Study of the Werwolf in Literature (PMLA IX, 1894); **E. O‘Donnell Werewolves (Boston 1914); Summers The Werwolf (London, 1933); *O. Clemen Zs. f. Vksk. XXX – XXXII 141; *Kittredge Witchcraft 175 nn. 5 – 7; ibid. Arthur 169 n. 1; **Baring-Gould The Book of Werewolves (London, 1865); *v. Sydow Feilberg Festskrift 594ff.; **Jijena Sanchez; *Lévy-Bruhl La mentalité primitive 279ff.; *Frazer Ovid II 318ff.; *Fb “varulv”. – Irish myth: *Cross; Norse: MacCulloch Eddic 291; Icelandic: *Boberg, Hrolfs saga Kraka 50, Volsungasaga 15, Sveinnson FFC LXXXIII p. liv; Norwegian: Solheïm Register 16; Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 46; German: Wuttke Volksaberglaube 277; Dutch: Schrijnen Volkskunde I 97; English: Philippson Germanisches Heidentum bei den Angelsachsen 53, Child III 498a s.v. “werewolves”, Wells 19 (William of Palerne); Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 323 No. 109, 325, No. 9; Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “loupgarou”; Gascon: Bladé Contes pop. de Gascogne II 360 No. 4; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 131f. Nos. 74 – 77, Eisen Esthnische Mythologie 31ff, Loorits Grundzüge I 311 – 320; Livonian: Loorits FFC LXVI 63 Nos. 160 – 178; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3671; Slavic: Máchal 228f.; Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys; N. A. Indian (Okanagon): Gould MAFLS XI 98 No. 2; S. A. Indian (Amazon): Alexander Lat. Am. 301. – Africa: Frobenius Atlantis V 153, 165, VII 31ff, 56, XI 263, *Werner African 344; (Basuto) Jacottet 238 No. 35.
D113.1.2. D113.1.2. God (goddess) assumes form of a wolf. Irish myth: Cross; Greek myth: *Grote I 43.
D113.2. D113.2. Transformation: man to bear. *Dh II 99; Hdwb. d. Abergl. I 886 s.v. “Bär”; *Fb “bjørn” IV 43a, “hvidbjørn” I 701a; Lappish: Qvigstad FFC LX 48 No. 75a; Icelandic: *Boberg; Greek myth: Grote I 162; Hindu: Penzer VII 42 n. 1; India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 217 No. 167; N. A. Indian (Joshua): Farrand-Frachtenberg JAFL XXVIII 241 No. 20; Eskimo (Cumberland Sound): Boas BAM XV 251f., (West Hudson Bay) Boas BAM XV 326, (Kodiak) Golder JAFL XX 297, XXII 10, (Cape York) Rasmussen III 124, 297, 211, (Greenland) Rink 193, (Bering Strait) Nelson RBAE XVIII 493, (West Greenland) Rasmussen II 96, 184, (East Greenland) Rasmussen I 184; Africa (Ba Ronga): Einstein 249.
D113.2.1. D113.2.1. Wer-bear. A bear-man like the werwolf. *Fb “bjørn” IV 43a; Fox: Jones PAES I 157.
D113.3. D113.3. Transformation man to fox. *Fb “ræv” III 113a; *Hdwb. d. Abergl. III 179. – Irish myth: Cross; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 337 s.v. “Hexe”, *302 No. 15, 307 No. 27, 32; Icelandic: Þorsteins saga Vik. 417; Missouri French: Carrière; Chinese: Krappe CFQ III (1944) 137; Korean: Zong in-Sob 19, 56; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 342 n. 233 (cf. B651.1); Eskimo (Mackenzie Area): Jenness 52, 56.
D113.4. D113.4. Transformation: man to jackal. India: Thompson-Balys.
D113.4.1. D113.4.1. Transformation: deity to jackal. India: Thompson-Balys.
D113.5. D113.5. Transformation: man to hyena. Africa (Ba Ronga): Einstein 266.
D114. D114. Transformation: man to ungulate (wild).
D114.1. D114.1. Transformation: man to bovine animal (wild).
D114.1.1. D114.1.1. Transformation: man to deer. (Cf. B641.2.) – *Type 450; *Fb “hjort” I 625, “hind” I 612, “blod” IV 48a; Irish myth: Cross; *Loomis White Magic 80; Icelandic: *Boberg; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese and Persian: Coyajee JPASB XXIV 182ff., Eskimo (Cape York): Rasmussen III 191; N. A. Indian (White Mountain Apache): Goddard PaAM XXIV 128; S. A. Indian (Tembe): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 140.
D114.1.1.1. D114.1.1.1. Transformation: girl to deer (fawn) (by druid). Irish myth: *Cross.
D114.1.1.2. D114.1.1.2. Transformation: woman to doe. India: Thompson-Balys.
D114.1.2. D114.1.2. Transformation: man to eland. Africa (Kaffir): Theal 87.
D114.1.3. D114.1.3. Transformation: man to hartebeest. Africa (Bushman): Bleek and Lloyd 3.
D114.1.4. D114.1.4. Transformation: man to buffalo. India: Thompson-Balys; N. A. Indian (Cheyenne): Campbell JAFL XXIX 407 No. 1; Africa (Weute): Sieber 229.
D114.1.5. D114.1.5. Transformation: man to musk ox. Eskimo (Mackenzie Area): Jenness 82.
D114.1.6. D114.1.6. Transformation: man to caribou. Eskimo (Mackenzie Area): Jenness 56.
D114.1.7. D114.1.7. Transformation: man to moose. Eskimo (Mackenzie Area): Jenness 40.
D114.2. D114.2. Transformation: man to elephant. Hindu: Penzer VI 162; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 40; Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 247, (Benga) Nassau 184 No. 24, (Basuto) Jacottet 90 No. 14, (Fang) Tessman 118.
D114.3. D114.3. Transformation: man to swine (wild).
D114.3.1. D114.3.1. Transformation: man to peccary. S. A. Indian (Cariri): Lowie BBAE CXLIII (1) 559.
D114.3.2. D114.3.2. Transformation: man to boar. Loomis White Magic 80; Irish myth: Cross; Welsh: MacCulloch Celtic 187; Icelandic: *Boberg.
D114.3.2.1. D114.3.2.1. Transformation: god to boar. (Cf. D101.) India: Thompson-Balys.
D114.4. D114.4. Transformation: man to wild goat. Africa: Milligan 141.
D115. D115. Transformation: man to equine animal (wild).
D115.1. D115.1. Transformation: man to zebra. Africa (Ba Ronga): Einstein 262.
D117. D117. Transformation: man to rodent. S. Am. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 120.
D117.1. D117.1. Transformation: man to mouse. *Fb “mus” II 631b; Dh I 258ff. (cf. C12.5.1); Type 545 A, B (BP I 325, III 487). – Irish myth: Cross; Welsh: MacCulloch Celtic 102; Spanish Exempla: Keller; India: *Thompson-Balys, Panchatantra III 13 (tr. Ryder) 353; Africa (Ba Ronga): Einstein 249.
D117.2. D117.2. Transformation: man to hare (rabbit). *Fb “hare” I 556, “blod” IV 48a; Irish myth: *Cross (D123).
D117.3. D117.3. Transformation: man to rat. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 17, 425f.
D117.3.1. D117.3.1. Transformation: man to bandicoot. India: *Thompson-Balys.
D117.4. D117.4. Transformation: man to marmot. India: Thompson-Balys.
D118. D118. Transformation: man to simian.
D118.1. D118.1. Transformation: man to ape. *Dh II 100. – Greek: Frazer Apollodorus I 241 n. 3; Jewish: Neuman; Hindu: Penzer I 28, III 191, VI 59, VII 44 n. 1; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 177 No. 119; S. A. Indian (Quiché): Alexander Lat. Am. 172, Chile: Pino Saavedra 402ff.
D118.2. D118.2. Transformation: man (woman) to monkey. India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham.
D124. D124. Transformation: man to wild animal – mustelidae.
D124.1. D124.1. Transformation: man to weasel. Fb “lækat” II 495a.
D124.2. D124.2. Transformation: man to ermine. Eskimo (Mackenzie Area): Jenness 36a.
D124.3. D124.3. Transformation: man to marten. Tobler 51.
D124.4. D124.4. Transformation: man to badger. Irish myth: *Cross (D117.2).
D127. D127. Transformation: man to sea mammal.
D127.1. D127.1. Transformation: man to seal. *Fb “sælhund”; Icelandic: *Boberg; Irish myth: *Cross; Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 222, 224, 450, 469, Boas RBAE V 621, (Mackenzie Area) Jenness 84, (Cape York) Rasmussen III 100.
D127.2. D127.2. Transformation: man to otter. Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: Völsunga Saga ch. 14; Eskimo (Aleut): Golder JAFL XVIII 221, (Kodiak): Golder JAFL XX 139.
D127.3. D127.3. Transformation: man to whale. (See references at D178.) Icelandic: *Boberg; German: Grimm No. 197. – Eskimo (Greenland): Holm 31, (Smith Sound): Kroeber JAFL XII 170, (Labrador): Hawks GSCan XIV 157, (Central Eskimo): Boas RBAE VI 625; Tuamotu: Stimson MS (P – G 13/10).
D127.4. D127.4. Transformation: man to walrus. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen I 184, II 96.
D127.5. D127.5. Transformation: man to dolphin. Icelandic: Boberg; Greek: Grote I 32, 45, 70x, 178 (Apollo), Frazer Apollodorus I 333 n. 1.
D127.6. D127.6. Transformation: man to porpoise. Marquesas: Handy 92; Tonga: Gifford 77.
D130. D130. Transformation: man to domestic beast (mammal).
D131. D131. Transformation: man to horse. *Types 314, 502, 531, 726*; BP III 18ff, 94ff.; *Fb “hest” I 598; “æble” III 1136a, “blod” IV 48a; Tobler 44, 50, 80; *Malone PMLA XLIII 441 n. 25; Kittredge Arthur 170 n. 3; Cosquin Études 512ff. – Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 329 No. 52; Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 40 No. 33, 45 No. 71; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 118, 120, 130 Nos. 25, 33, 72; Persian: Carnoy 269; Hindu: Penzer VI 5, 8; India: *Thompson-Balys; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 1205; Japanese: Ikeda. – Africa (Mpongwe): Nassau 68 No. 15.
D131.1. D131.1. Transformation: merman to horse. (Cf. B82.) Fb “hest” I 599a.
D132. D132. Transformation: man to ass (mule, jennet, etc.).
D132.1. D132.1. Transformation: man to ass. (Cf. B641.4.) – *Types 430, 567; *Chauvin II 183 No. 23; *K. Weinhold Über das Märchen vom Eselmenschen (Sitzungsb. d. K. Pr. Akad. Berlin [1893] 475 – 488); Cosquin Études 512ff.; Wesselski Theorie 22. – Breton: *Sébillot Incidents s.v. “âne”; India: *Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda.
D132.2. D132.2. Transformation: man to mule. Spanish: *Boggs FFC XC 86 No. 754 C*.
D133. D133. Transformation to cow (bull, calf, etc.). India: Thompson-Balys.
D133.1. D133.1. Transformation to cow. *Type 473; *Fb “ko” II 240b. – Icelandic: Boberg; Greek: Grote I 80; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 43, 52.
D133.1.1. D133.1.1. Nisser in form of cows. Fb “ko” II 240b; Kristensen Danske Sagn II (1893) 83ff., (1928) 63ff.
D133.2. D133.2. Transformation: man to bull. (Cf. B641.3.) – Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg; Greek: Frazer Apollodorus I 299 n. 2 (Europa), I 256 n. 3 (Achelous); Persian: Carnoy 269; Hindu: *Penzer VI 5 n. 1; Chinese: Werner 359.
D133.3. D133.3. Transformation: man to ox. Cosquin Études 512ff.; Norse: FSS 118f, MacCulloch Eddic 181; Spanish: *Boggs FFC XC 48, 63 Nos. 327D*, 453.
D133.4. D133.4. Transformation: man to calf. Fb “kalv” II 79; Irish myth: Cross.
D133.4.1. D133.4.1. God assumes form of calf. Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: Neuman; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 136.
D133.5. D133.5. Transformation: man to steer (bullock). German: Grimm No. 82a, 163.
D134. D134. Transformation: man to goat (he-goat, she-goat, kid etc.). Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: Boberg; Greek: Grote I 238; Lappish: Qvigstad FFC LX 48 No. 75C; German: Grimm No. 163; Hindu: Penzer VI 56 nn. 1, 2; India: *Thompson-Balys.
D134.1. D134.1. Transformation: man to he-goat.
D134.2. D134.2. Transformation: man to she-goat. Hartland Science 247; Loomis White Magic 80. – Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “chèvre”; India: Thompson-Balys.
D134.3. D134.3. Transformation: man to kid. Greek: Frazer Apollodorus I 320 n. 4 (Dionysus); India: Thompson-Balys.
D134.4. D134.4. Transformations supernatural being into a goat. Irish myth: Cross.
D135. D135. Transformation: man to sheep. Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “mouton”; India: Thompson-Balys.
D135.1. D135.1. Transformation: man to lamb. German: Grimm No. 141; India: Thompson-Balys.
D136. D136. Transformation: man to swine. Fb “svin” III 676a; *Dh II 102. – Icelandic: *Boberg; Irish: *Hartland Science 198, *Cross; Italian Novella: Rotunda; Missouri French: Carrière; Greek: Fox 137, Frazer Apollodorus II 287 n. 2 (Odysseus and Circe); Hindu: Keith 218; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 217 No. 167; Tahiti: Beckwith Myth 37.
D141. D141. Transformation: man to dog. (Cf. B641.1.) – *Type 652; BP II 121 (Grimm Nos. 76, 30a); Types 449*, 726*; *Fb “hund” I 676b, “blod” IV 48a, “lys” II 483b; *Dh II 101; **Jijena Sanchez; *Kittredge Arthur 170 n. 3; Chauvin V 3 No. 2, *5 No. 443 – Icelandic: *Boberg; Irish: *Cross; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3655; Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys, Penzer VIII 141; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 1205; Korea: Zong in-Sob 64 No. 35; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 349; Tuamotu: Stimson MS (z-G. 13/52); Maori: Clark 50; Surinam: Alexander Lat. Am 274; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 347 n. 247, 248, (Canadian Dakota): Wallis JAFL XXXVI 90 No. 22; Eskimo (Labrador): Hawkes GSCan XIV 152, (Cumberland Sound): Boas BAM XV 156.
D141.0.1. D141.0.1. Kynanthropy. Irish myth: Cross.
D141.0.2. D141.0.2. Men and women transformed to dogs by druidic spell. Irish myth: *Cross.
D141.1. D141.1. Transformation: woman to bitch. Irish myth: *Cross; Greek: Frazer Apollodorus II 241 n. 4 (Hecuba).
D141.1.1. D141.1.1. Transformation: girl to puppy. India: Thompson-Balys.
D142. D142. Transformation: man to cat. Types 402, 566; Fb “blod” IV 48a, “kat” II 108a; Taylor MPh XVII (1919) 59 n. 8. – Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “chat”; French: Cosquin No. 11; German: Grimm No. 130a; India: Thompson-Balys; Tonga: Gifford 20; N. A. Indian: Thompson CColl II 400 ff.
D142.0.1. D142.0.1. Transformation: woman to cat. Irish myth: *Cross.
D142.1. D142.1. Devil as cat. *Kittredge Witchcraft 178 nn. 37 – 44 passim.
D142.2. D142.2. God assumes form of a cat. Hindu: Penzer II 46, 197 n. 2; Tonga: Gifford 20.
D150. D150. Transformation: man to bird. (Cf. B644.) – *Types 405, 432, 665; BP II 26ff., 69; Dh II 250 ff., III 406, 429ff.; Hartland Science 247; Chauvin V 87 No. 27; Cosquin Études 516ff., 526ff.; Irish: *Cross, MacCulloch Celtic 75, 79; Icelandic: De la Saussaye 261; Greek: Fox 15, 16 (Ceyx and Alcyone), 70 (Procne and Philomela), Frazer Apollodorus I 70 n. 1, II 67 n. 6 (Thetis); Jewish: Neuman; Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 46 No. 77**; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham, Eberhard FFC CXX 48, 123ff., 125; Japanese: Ikeda; Korean: Zong in-Sob 64 No. 35; Maori: Dixon 79; Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 139, 151; Marquesas: Handy 55, 108; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 115; Tuamotu: Stimson MS (T-G 3/619); Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 148, 287, 327, Rasmussen II 14; N. A. Indian (Thompson River): Alexander N. Am. 137; S. A. Indian (Kiangon): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (1) 47, (Toba): Métraux: MAFLS XL 24, 26; Africa (Fang): Trilles Proverbes 202, Einstein 52, 55f.
D151. D151. Transformation: man to bird – passeriform.
D151.1. D151.1. Transformation: man to swallow. *Dh III 414ff.; Icelandic: Boberg; Korean: Zong in-Sob 65 No. 35.
D151.2. D151.2. Transformation: man to finch. Africa (Zulu): Callaway 119.
D151.2.1. D151.2.1. Transformation into snowbunting. Eskimo (Cumberland Sound): Boas BAM XV 220.
D151.3. D151.3. Transformation: man to nightingale. *Fb “blod” IV 48a. – Greek: Frazer Apollodorus II 98 n. 2, Pausanias V 226.
D151.4. D151.4. Transformation: man to crow. Fb “krage” II 285b. – Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg; Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 63 No. 453; India: *Thompson-Balys.
D151.5. D151.5. Transformation: man to raven. *Type 451; Fb “ravn” III 22b, 23a; Krappe Speculum XX (1945) 405 – 414; German: Grimm No. 93; Irish myth: *Cross; Koryak: Jochelson JE VI 14; Eskimo (Cumberland Sound): Boas BAM XV 177, 227, 229, 303.
D151.6. D151.6. Transformation: man to titmouse. Livonian: Loorits FFC LXVI 90 No. 80.
D151.7. D151.7. Transformation: man to blackbird. Irish myth: Cross.
D151.8. D151.8. Transformation: man to sparrow. German: Grimm No. 68.
D151.9. D151.9. Transformation: man to magpie. Icelandic: Boberg.
D152. D152. Transformation: man to bird – falconiform.
D152.1. D152.1. Transformation: man to hawk. Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg; India: *Thompson-Balys, Penzer I 84. – Eskimo (Ungava): Turner RBAE XI 263; S. A. Indian (Yuracare): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 504, (Mundurucú): Horton ibid. 294; Africa (Gold Coast): Barker and Sinclair 128 No. 22.
D152.1.1. D152.1.1. Transformation: god to hawk. India: Thompson-Balys.
D152.2. D152.2. Transformation: man to eagle. Irish myth: *Cross; Welsh: MacCulloch Celtic 97; Icelandic: Boberg; Finnish: Kalevala rune 43; Italian novella: Rotunda; Missouri French: Carrière; India: Thompson-Balys; Eskimo (Kodiak): Golder JAFL XVI 94 No. 8.
D152.3. D152.3. Transformation: man to vulture. Icelandic: Boberg; India: Thompson-Balys, Penzer VIII 142; Africa (Fang): Trilles 167.
D152.4. D152.4. Transformation: girl to falcon. Italian Novella: Rotunda.
D152.4.1. D152.4.1. Odin as falcon. Icelandic: Hervarar saga 82, 140, *Boberg.
D152.5. D152.5. Transformation: man to osprey. Irish myth: Cross.
D152.6. D152.6. Transformation: man to kite. India: *Thompson-Balys.
D153. D153. Transformation: man to bird – coraciiform.
D153.1. D153.1. Transformation: man to woodpecker. *Type 751A; Dh II 125. – Lappish: Qvigstad FFC LX 38 No. 50; Livonian: Loorits FFC LXVI 90 No. 80.
D153.2. D153.2. Transformation: man to owl. (Cf. A1710, A1958). – Dh II 123; *Fb “ugle” III 964b. – Irish myth: *Cross; Welsh: MacCulloch Celtic 97; India: Thompson-Balys; S. A. Indian (Chibcha): Kroeber BBAE CXLIII (2) 908.
D153.3. D153.3. Transformation: man to hornbill. India: Thompson-Balys.
D154. D154. Transformation: man to bird – charadriiform.
D154.1. D154.1. Transformation: man to dove. German: Grimm No. 130A; Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 56 No. 408A*; Greek: Frazer Apollodorus II 180 n. 1; India: *Thompson-Balys; S. A. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 178.
D154.1.0.1. D154.1.0.1. Transformation: god to dove. India: Thompson-Balys.
D154.2. D154.2. Transformation: man to pigeon. French Canadian: Sister Marie Ursule; India: *Thompson-Balys; Maori: Clark 36; Tuamotu: Stimson MS (z-G 13/52).
D154.3. D154.3. Transformation: man to snipe. Tuamotu: Stimson MS (P-G 13/10).
D154.4. D154.4. Transformation: man to gull. Eskimo (Ungava): Turner RBAE XI 262, (West Hudson Bay): Boas BAM XV 327.
D155. D155. Transformation: man to bird – ciconiiform.
D155.1. D155.1. Transformation: man to stork. *Dh II 102; Wesselski Bebel II 49 No. 117. – Lithuanian: Balys Index Nos. 3131f., Legends Nos. 232, 234, 237, 239 – 242, 246f.
D156. D156. Transformation: man to cuckoo. *Dh II 99, 101, 127, III 426ff.; Japanese: Ikeda.
D157. D157. Transformation: man to parrot. *Bolte Reise der Söhne Giaffers 209; *Penzer V 27ff., VI 60; India: *Thompson-Balys.
D161. D161. Transformation: man to bird of anatidae group (duck).
D161.1. D161.1. Transformation: man to swan. *Type 451; **O. Rank Die Lohengrinsage (1911) 65f.; *Wehrhan Die Sage 50; *Wesselski Märchen 255 No. 64; *Chauvin VIII 206 No. 248; *G. Huet Romania XXXIV (1905) 206ff.; *Fb “svane” III 664ab; H. A. Todd A propos of La Naissance du chevalier au cygne (MLN VI 2); Krappe Apollon Kyknos (Classical Philology XXXVII 353 – 370); *BP I 427ff.; Hibbard 248, *251. – English Romance: Wells 97 (Chevalere Assigne); Irish: *Cross; Icelandic: Hrómundar saga Gr. 373 – 75 (Kára), Boberg; Greek: *Frazer Pausanias II 395.
D161.2. D161.2. Transformation: man to goose. *Types 403, 450; *Fb “gås”; Hdwb. d. Abergl. VII 1279f.
D161.2.1. D161.2.1. Transformation: man to gander. India: Thompson-Balys.
D161.3. D161.3. Transformation: man to duck. Types 403, 434*; Fb “and” IV 12b, “fjer” I 301, “blod” IV 48a; Missouri French: Carrière; Eskimo (Mackenzie Area): Jenness 32a.
D162. D162. Transformation: man to crane. Fb “trane”; Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: Boberg; India: Thompson-Balys; Maori: Dixon 79.
D166. D166. Transformation: man to gallinaceous bird.
D166.1. D166.1. Transformation: man to chicken (cock, hen).
D166.1.1. D166.1.1. Transformation: man to cock. Fb “kok” II 248b. – Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “coq”, Missouri French: Carrière; India: Thompson-Balys.
D166.2. D166.2. Transformation: man to peacock. Hindu: Penzer VIII 142; India: Thompson-Balys.
D166.3. D166.3. Transformation: man to turkey. Papua: Ker 107.
D166.4. D166.4. Transformation: person to ptarmigan. Eskimo (Cumberland Sound): Boas BAM XV 220, 302.
D169. D169. Transformation: man to bird – miscellaneous.
D169.1. D169.1. Transformation: woman to waterfowl. India: Thompson-Balys.
D169.2. D169.2. Transformation: magician to paddy-bird. India: Thompson-Balys.
D169.3. D169.3. Transformation: man to toucan. S. A. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 178.
D169.4. D169.4. Transformation: man to cassowary. Papua: Ker 90.
D170. D170. Transformation: man to fish. *Types 555, 665; BP I 139; *Fb “fisk”; Chauvin 57 No. 222 n. 3; *Loorits Pharaos Heer in der Volksüberlieferung (Tartu, 1935); Cosquin Études 516ff. – English: Child V 497 s.v. “stepmother”; Irish myth: Cross; Norse: De la Saussaye 261; Lappish: Qvigstad FFC LX 48 No. 75 D; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 122, Graham; India: *Thompson-Balys; Tahitian: Dixon 65; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth XXIII 204, 525; Tuamotu: Stimson MS (z-G 3/1100); Marquesas: Handy 135; Easter Island: Métraux Ethnology 372; Tonga: Gifford 84; Eskimo (Kodiak): Golder JAFL XX 139; N. A. Indian (Seneca): Curtin-Hewitt RBAE XXXII 170 No. 32; S. A. Indian (Cashinawa): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 684, (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 52, 150; Africa (Madagascar): Renel I 94ff.
D171. D171. Transformation: man to carp. India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Werner 339.
D173. D173. Transformation: man to eel. Irish myth: Cross; Polynesian, Melanesian, Indonesian: Dixon 55, 56 nn. 75, 76; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 21; Samoa: Clark 70.
D173.1. D173.1. God assumes form of an eel. Irish myth: Cross.
D174. D174. Transformation: man to cuttlefish. Greek: Frazer Apollodorus II 67 n. 6 (Thetis).
D175. D175. Transformation: man to crab. New Guinea: Dixon 138 (woman); Papua: Ker 21, 86.
D175.1. D175.1. Transformation: god to crab. India: Thompson-Balys.
D176. D176. Transformation: man to salmon. Irish myth: *Cross; Norse: MacCulloch Eddic 146.
D177. D177. Transformation: man (woman) to catfish. India: Thompson-Balys.
D178. D178. Transformation: man to shark. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 140; Fiji: ibid. 131; Tonga: ibid. 130, Gifford 76, 184; Solomon Islands: Beckwith Myth 131.
D179. D179. Transformation: man to fish – miscellaneous.
D179.1. D179.1. Transformation: man to trout. Irish myth: Cross.
D179.2. D179.2. Transformation: man to pike. Icelandic: Völsunga saga ch. 14.
D179.3. D179.3. Transformation: man to sardine. India: Thompson-Balys.
D179.4. D179.4. Transformation: man to shrimp. India: Thompson-Balys.
D179.5. D179.5. Transformation: man to sword-fish. Mangaia (Cook Island): Clark 140.
D180. D180. Transformation: man to insect. Cosquin Études 527ff.; Irish: *MacCulloch Celtic 79ff.; Chinese: Werner 363, Eberhard FFC CXX 127; Eskimo (Aleut): Golder JAFL XVIII 220; Africa (Wachaga): Gutman 34.
D181. D181. Transformation: man to spider. Tobler 80; Chinese: Werner 364; Africa (Gold Coast): Barker and Sinclair 72 No. 10.
D182. D182. Transformation: man to hymoptera.
D182.1. D182.1. Transformation: man to bee. Chinese: Werner 363; Indonesian: Dixon 219f.; Africa (Basuto): Jacottet 220 No. 32.
D182.1.1. D182.1.1. Transformation: man to bumblebee. India: Thompson-Balys.
D182.2. D182.2. Transformation: man to ant. French Canadian: Sister Marie Ursule; Italian Novella: Rotunda; German: Grimm No. 29; Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 104.
D183. D183. Transformation: man to orthoptera.
D183.1. D183.1. Transformation: man to cicada. Greek: Fox 246 (Tithonus).
D183.2. D183.2. Transformation: man to cricket. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 127; Africa (Fjort): Dennett 52 No. 8 (girl).
D184. D184. Transformation: man to coleoptera.
D184.1. D184.1. Transformation: man to beetle.
D184.2. D184.2. Transformation: man to firefly. Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 57, 85, 92.
D185. D185. Transformation: man to diptera.
D185.1. D185.1. Transformation: man to fly. *Fb “flue” I 315. – Icelandic: De la Saussaye 261f., *Boberg; India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Werner 363; Gold Coast: Barker and Sinclair 42 No. 4.
D185.1.1. D185.1.1. Transformation: woman (fairy) to fly. Irish myth: *Cross.
D185.2. D185.2. Transformation: man to flea. Norse: Flateyjarbók I 276; India: Thompson-Balys.
D185.3. D185.3. Transformation: man to gnat. Irish myth: Cross (D187).
D186. D186. Transformation: man to lepidoptera.
D186.1. D186.1. Transformation: man to butterfly. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 172, No. 113.
D190. D190. Transformation: man to reptiles and miscellaneous animals.
D191. D191. Transformation: man to serpent (snake). (Cf. B642.1.) – *Type 433; *BP III 89 n. 2; *E Hoffmann-Krayer Zs. f. Vksk. XXV 120 n. 1; R. M. Meyer Zs. f. Vksk. XXI 4; Köhler-Bolte II 435ff.; *Krappe Études 53ff.; Hartland Science 244 – 7; *Fb “orm” II 759b. – Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 54 (Bolverk), Boberg; Greek: Frazer Apollodorus II 67 n. 6; Jewish: Neuman; India: *Thompson-Balys, Penzer IX 45. – English: *Child V 497 s.v. “stepmother”; Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “serpent”; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 296 No. 21; New Britain: Dixon 117; Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 135; Eskimo (Greenland): Thalbitzer Phonetic Study of Eskimo Language (København, 1904) 5; American Indian (Seneca): Curtin-Hewitt RBAE XXXII 112 No. 14; (Plains Ojibwa): Skinner JAFL XXXII 303 No. 7, (Ladino): Conzemius BBAE CVI 130f.
D191.1. D191.1. Lucifer as serpent. Irish myth: *Cross.
D192. D192. Transformation: man to worm (often==snake). Irish myth: *Cross; English: Child I 315f.; India: *Thompson-Balys.
D192.0.1. D192.0.1. Transformation: demon (in human form) to worm. Irish myth: Cross.
D192.1. D192.1. Transformation: man to caterpillar. India: *Thompson-Balys.
D192.2. D192.2. Transformation: man to centipede. Korean: Zong in-Sob 99 No. 54; Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 99.
D193. D193. Transformation: man to tortoise (turtle). *Dh II 128. – Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “tortue”. – India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Werner 324; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 137.
D194. D194. Transformation: man to crocodile. (Cf. B642.2.) – India: *Thompson-Balys; Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 181, 401, (Kaffir): Theal 38, (Luba): DeClerq Zs. f. Kolonialsprachen IV 204.
D194.0.1. D194.0.1. Wer-crocodile. Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 401.
D194.1. D194.1. Transformation: man to alligator. India: Thompson-Balys.
D195. D195. Transformation: man to frog. (Cf. B643). – *Type 440; *BP I 1ff.; *Fb “frø” I 378, “blod” IV 48 a; Tobler 80. – Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3188, Legends No. 202; Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 97 No. 836A; Jewish: Neuman; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 289, II 390; Korean: Zong in-Sob V No. 2; Chile: Pino Saavedra 405; Africa (Bushman): Bleek and Lloyd 199, (Zulu): Callaway 211.
D196. D196. Transformation: man to toad. Fb “tudse” III 889a; Hartland Science 51ff.; Tobler 26. – English: Lang Eng. Fairy Tales 190; Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “crapaud”; Chinese: Graham; S. A. Indian (Guaporé Rivér): Lévi-Strauss BBAE CXLIII (3) 379.
D197. D197. Transformation: man to lizard. S. A. Indian (Warrau): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 146.
D197.1. D197.1. Transformation: man to iguana. S. A. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 66.
D198. D198. Transformation: man to snail. India: Thompson-Balys; Korean: Zong in-Sob 30 No. 13; Africa: Milligan 95.
D199. D199. Transformation: man to other animals than those already treated.
D199.1. D199.1. Transformation: man to centaur. (Cf. B21.) – Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 413.
D199.2. D199.2. Transformation: man to dragon. (Cf. B11.) – English: Wells 103 (Alliterative Alexander Fragment A); Irish myth: *Cross.
D199.2.1. D199.2.1. Magician fights as dragon. Icelandic: *Boberg.
D199.3. D199.3. Transformation: woman to siren. Jewish: Neuman.