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Group No. 258


Z. Miscellaneous groups of motifs

Group No.

Z60 –Z99

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Other formulistic motifs


Z61. Never. Various ways of expressing this idea. When black sheep turn white, when a dry branch sprouts, etc. *Fb “aldrig” IV 9a; *Wehrhan 36; Hdwb. d. Märchens II 163a; *Gittee Zs. f. Vksk. III 442ff.; Weise Zs. f. hochdeutsche Mundarten III 47ff.; Stoett Nederlandsche Spreekwoorden, Spreekwijzen, Vitdrukkingen en Gezegden@4 (Zutphen, 1923) I 401ff. No. 1036; Berthold Nassauische Blätter V 199ff.; Treichel Der Urquell II 214; Heller Die Bedeutung des arabischen Antar-romans für die vergleichende Literaturkunde (Form und Geist XXI, Leipzig, 1931) 174ff.; Taylor English Riddles 54 No. 143; Müller-Fraureuth Die deutschen Lügendichtungen bis auf Münchhausen (Halle a. S., 1881) 19. – Irish myth: *Cross; Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys; West Indies: Flowers 588.
Z61.1. Never. “Till Ogham and pillar be blent together, till heaven and earth, till sun and moon be blent together.” Irish myth: Cross.
Z61.2. Forever. “A day and a night.” Irish myth: Cross.
Z61.3. Butterby Church – no church at all. If person says he has gone to Butterby Church, he has not gone to church. England: Baughman.
Z61.4. “He struck him such a blow that he remembered the milk he drank on the sixth day after he was born.” India: Thompson-Balys.
Z62. Proverbial simile.
Z62.1. The old and the new keys. Hero marries his first sweetheart according to the proverb that the old key is better than the new. (Cf. L214.) *Type 313; *BP II 59, 246, 335, 516ff., III 40; *Fb “nøgle” II 511b; Rumanian: Schullerus FFC LXXVIII No. 906*.
Z62.2. “Bridegroom like the sun and bride like the moon.” India: Thompson-Balys.
Z63. Formulas signifying fruitlessness, e.g. like putting a withe about sand, like mocking a beggar. Irish myth: Cross.
Z64. Three explanations. When explanation of phenomenon is asked, three explanations are offered of which the last is always the true one. (Cf. Z71.1.) Irish myth: Cross.
Z64. Proverbs.1 India: Thompson-Balys.
Z64.1. Proverb: one man for worship, two men for cultivation of a field, three men for a journey. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z65. Color formulas. Hdwb. d. Märchens II 51a.
Z65.1. Red as blood, white as snow. Often from blood on snow as a suggestion, a wish is made for a child (wife) with skin like snow and cheeks like blood, etc. (Sometimes black as a raven.) Types 516, 709, 720; BP I 166, 450, *461, IV 245 n. 1; Rösch FFC LXXVII 100; *Böklen 62ff.; **Cosquin Contes indiens 218ff.; Italian: Basile Pentamerone V No. 9.
Z65.1.1. Red as blood, white as snow, (and black as a raven). Usually applied to the cheeks, skin, and hair of a girl’s lover. Irish myth: *Cross.
Z65.2. Series: white cock, red cock, black cock. These crow at dawn and scatter ghosts. (Cf. E452.) Köhler-Bolte III 581.
Z71. Formulistic numbers. *Hdwb. d. Abergl. s.v. “Zahl”; Penzer I 242 n. 3, 255 n. 2, VI 14 n. 1; Feilberg Dania II 185ff.
Z71.0.1. Odd numbers – formulistic. Roman: Pliny Natural History X 151, XXVIII 23; Hindu: Caland Verhandelingen der Koniglijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam XVII (4) 23 and NS I (6) 73, 103; Indonesian: Kruyt Het Animisme 514.
Z71.0.2. Formulistic numbers: a number plus one (101, 1001, etc.). R. M. Meyer Archiv f. Religionswissenschaft X (1907) 89ff.; *BP IV 397ff.; Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: Neuman.
Z71.1. Formulistic number: three. **R. Mueller Die Zahl Drei in Sage, Dichtung u. Kunst (Teschen, 1903); Wundt Völkerpsychologie VI 341; Diels Sibyllinische Blätter 40; Aly Volksmärchen bei Herodot 240: Hdwb. d. Märchens I 412ff.; *H. Usener “Dreiheit” Rheinisches Museum f. Philologie N. F. LVIII (1903) 1 – 47, 161 – 208; *Fb “tre”. – Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “trois”; Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham; Africa (Bulu): Krug 120f. (Luba): DeClerq ZsKS IV 201; S. A. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 166.
Z71.1.0.1. Triads. Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: Boberg.
Z71.1.0.2. Formulistic numbers: threefold (e.g. three times thirty). Jewish: Neuman; Africa (Fang): Einstein 49.
Z71.1.1. Formula: three days and three nights. Irish myth: *Cross.
Z71.1.2. Three chairs in heaven for three saints. Irish myth: *Cross.
Z71.1.3. Three strains of (fairy) music. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.1.4. Three things that lead to hell (heaven). Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.1.5. Three innocent children: Ananias, Zacharias, Misael. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.1.6. Three Lents. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.1.7. Three Maries. Irish myth: *Cross.
Z71.1.8. Three orders of Irish saints. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.1.9. Three seas surrounding the earth. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.1.10. Three sods that none may escape: “The sod of his birth, the sod of his death, the sod of his burying.” Irish myth: *Cross.
Z71.1.11. Three whom Christ raised from the dead. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.1.12. Three spiritual gifts of God. Irish myth: *Cross.
Z71.1.13. Three persons who spoke immediately after birth. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.1.14. Three weak things that are the strongest. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.1.15. Three worst things in Ireland. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.1.16. Three reasons why men should condemn wealth. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.1.17. Three cries of the world. Irish myth: *Cross.
Z71.1.18. Three bad stories of the saints of Ireland. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.2. Formulistic number: four. Grimm Deutsche Rechtsalterthümer I 290ff.; Eisler Weltenmantel 337; Wundt Völkerpsychologie VI 354ff.; Brinton Myths of the New World 66ff.; India: Thompson-Balys; Icelandic: Boberg.
Z71.2.0.1. Formulistic number: fourfold (e.g. 400, 4000). Jewish: Neuman.
Z71.2.1. Formula: north, south, east, west. (The cardinal directions.) India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.2.2. The four elements. Irish myth: *Cross.
Z71.2.3. The four humors. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.2.4. Four places that cleanse the soul. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.2.5. Four categories of souls at Judgment. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.2.6. Four things that prevent the holy life. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.2.7. Four things to which the glory of the world is compared. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.2.8. Sending four messengers with four winds. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.3. Formulistic number: five. Irish myth: Cross; English: Gawayne and the Green Knight lines 623ff.; Hdwb. d. Abergl. s.v. “Funf”; India: Thompson-Balys; N. A. Indian (Klikitat): Jacobs U Wash II 32ff.
Z71.3.0.1. Formulistic numbers: fivefold (e.g. 50, 500). Africa (Luba): De Clerq Zs KS IV 202.
Z71.3.1. Five sighs we should vent over our sins. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.3.2. Five wounds of Christ. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.4. Formulistic number: six. Hdwb. d. Märchens I 420a s.v. “Drie” nn. 408ff.
Z71.4.0.1. Formulistic number: sixfold. Jewish: Neuman.
Z71.5. Formulistic number: seven. *Nyrop Dania II 126; Grimm Deutsche Rechtsalterthümer I 292; Wundt Völkerpsychologie VI 349; *Roscher Die Sieben- und Neunzahl im Kultus und Mythus der Griechen (Leipzig, 1904); Aly Volksmärchen bei Herodot 241; *Fb “syv”. – Irish: *Cross, O‘Suilleabhain 45, 100, Beal XXI 316, 332; Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “sept”; Icelandic: *Boberg; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. Nos. 157, 178; India: *Thompson-Balys; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 457; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 49, 162, Graham; N. A. Indian (Seneca): Curtin-Hewitt RBAE XXXII 93 No. 6, 149 No. 24, 154 No. 26; Africa (Cameroon): Mansfield 224, 236, (Togo): Einstein 7, (Congo): Weeks Cannibals 217.
Z71.5.0.1. Formulistic numbers: sevenfold (e.g. 49, 70, 70,000, 7,777). (Cf. Z71.15.) Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 943; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 78 No. 43, 80 No. 46.
Z71.5.1. Seven brothers and one sister. Type 451; *Gummere Kittredge Anniversary Volume 17; Italian: Basile Pentamerone IV No. 8; India: *Thompson-Balys; N. A. Indian (Seneca): Curtin-Hewitt RBAE XXXII 565 No. 116.
Z71.5.2. Journey beyond seven seas. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.5.3. Seven year’s peace with no killing of men. Irish myth: *Cross.
Z71.5.4. King for seven years. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.5.5. Exile for seven years. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.5.6. Seven as a number in religious and social records. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.5.6.1. Seven causes of poverty. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.5.6.2. Seven Deadly Sins. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.5.6.3. Seven ecclesiastical orders. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.5.6.4. Seven grades of wisdom. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.5.6.5. Seven joys of the Virgin Mary. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.5.6.6. Seven masses necessary to free soul from hell. Irish myth: *Cross.
Z71.5.6.7. Seven orders of poets. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.5.6.8. Seven gifts of God (Holy Spirit). Irish myth: *Cross.
Z71.5.6.9. Seven penitential psalms. Irish myth: *Cross.
Z71.5.6.10. Seven prayers of saint. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.5.6.11. Seven to whom alms should be given. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.5.6.12. Seven fair rivers in Inis Eidheand (Eden) in the East of Africa. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.5.6.13. Seven daughters of Humility. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.5.7. King with seven wives and seven mares. The seven wives pregnant for seven years, the seven mares seven years in foal. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.5.8. Seven brothers marry seven sisters. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.6. Formulistic number: nine (99, 900, 999, 99,999, etc.). *Hdwb. d. Märchens I 419b, nn. 378 – 407; Grimm Deutsche Mythologie I 505f.; Ohrt Danske Trylleformler I 196ff.; Agrell Runornas Talmystik 70ff.; Grimm Deutsche Rechtsalterthümer I 84, 295; Wundt Völkerpsychologie V 82, VI 350; Hdwb. d. Abergl. I 1397; Wuttke Volksaberglaube, register. – Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg; Jewish: Neuman; Persian: Carnoy 342 (99,999); India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 56, 206 No. 154; Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 56ff.; Africa (Wakweli): Bender 76f.
Z71.6.1. Three times nine. Irish myth: *Cross.
Z71.6.2. Nine whirlpools of the world. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.6.3. (Nine) wonders of Ireland. Irish myth: *Cross.
Z71.6.4. Nine materials used in building Tower of Babel. Irish myth: *Cross.
Z71.7. Formulistic number: eleven. Wuttke Volksaberglaube register s.v. “Elf”; Oldenberg Religion der Veda 514; Jewish: Neuman; Icelandic: Boberg.
Z71.8. Formulistic number: twelve. *Hdwb. d. Märchens I 420b nn. 416ff.; Wundt Völkerpsychologie VI 353; Hoops‘ Reallexikon I 496; Thien Motive 8f.; Fb “tolv”. – Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 64.
Z71.8.1. Twelve articles of faith. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.8.2. Twelve abuses of the world. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.8.3. Formulistic number: “twice twelve years”. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.8.4. Formulistic number: twelve plus thirteen. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.8.5. Formulistic number: twelve score. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.8.6. Formulistic number: twenty-four. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.8.7. Formulistic number: thirty-six. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.9. Formulistic number: thirteen. *Hdwb. d. Märchens I 424a; Grimm Rechtsalterthümer I 298; *Kyriakides To Dysoionon tou Arithmou 13 (Athenae, 1953); India: *Thompson-Balys.
Z71.10. Formulistic number: sixteen. E. Skard Maal og Minne (1931) 106f.; India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.11. Formulistic number: thirty. (Cf. Z71.1.0.1.) Hdwb. d. Märchens I 420b nn. 432ff.
Z71.12. Formulistic number: forty. *Clouston Eastern Romances 456 n. 1; Dh I 228, 283, 284; Grimm Deutsche Rechtsalterthümer I 301; Wundt Völkerpsychologie VI 341; *Roscher Die Zahl 40 im Glauben der Semiten (Leipzig, 1909). – India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.13. Formulistic number: sixty. (Cf. Z71.4.) Hdwb. d. Märchens I 421a.
Z71.14. Formulistic number: seventy-two. (Cf. Z71.8.) Grimm Deutsche Rechtsalterthümer I 303, II 497; Hdwb. d. Abergl. III 989, 991; Schröder Germanentum u. Hellenismus 11f.; Thien Motive 2; Bojunga “Die 72 Völkerschalten in Widsith” Paul und Braune’s Beiträge XVI 545ff.; R. Michel ibid. XV 377. – Chinese: Wilhelm Chinesische Märchen 364, 366, cf. 358, 363.
Z71.15. Formulistic number: seventy-seven. (Cf. Z71.5.0.1.) *Hdwb. d. Abergl. III 991; Wuttke Volksabergl. 525b s.v. “Sieben und Siebenzig”; Gaster Thespis 180, 192, 221.
Z71.16. Formulistic numbers – miscellaneous. Henry Ancient Tahiti (Honolulu, 1928) 430.
Z71.16.1. Formulistic number: eight. Irish myth: *Cross; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 154, 210, 411 s.v. “acht”; Polynesia: *Beckwith Myth 209f.; Hawaii: ibid. 233; Tahiti: ibid. 209; Cook Islands: ibid. 256, Samoa: ibid. 256; Easter Island: Métraux Ethnology 80, 376.
Z71.16.1.1. Eight deadly sins. Irish myth: *Cross.
Z71.16.1.2. Eight virtues. Irish myth: *Cross.
Z71.16.1.3. Eight miracles of Christ‘s body in the sacrament. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.16.1.4. Eight unprofitable types of fasting. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.16.2. Formulistic number: ten. Irish myth: Cross; Society Islands: Henry Ancient Tahiti (Honolulu, 1928) 430; Africa (Fang): Trilles 186.
Z71.16.2.1. Ten plagues. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.16.3. Formulistic number: twenty-five. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.16.4. Formulistic number: twenty-six. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.16.5. Formulistic number: thirty-two. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.16.6. Formulistic number: eighty. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.16.7. Formulistic number: sixteen hundred. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.16.8. Formulistic number: eighty thousand. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.16.9. Formulistic number: fifty-two lakhs. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.16.10. Formulistic number: fourteen. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.16.11. Formulistic number: fifteen. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.16.11.1. Fifteen characteristics of a good (bad) woman. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.16.11.2. The fifteen Oes. Irish myth: *Cross.
Z71.16.11.3. Fifteen signs before Doomsday. Irish myth: *Cross.
Z71.16.12. Formulistic number: seventeen. Irish myth: Cross.
Z71.16.13. Formulistic number: twenty-one. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.16.14. Formulistic number: twenty-two.
Z71.16.14.1. Twenty-two rooms and twenty-two doors built by skillful carpenter. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.16.15. Formulistic number: fifty-three. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z71.16.16. Formulistic number: fifty-six. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z72. Formulas based on the year. Irish myth: Cross.
Z72.1. A year and a day. (Cf. Z71.0.2.) *Fb “år” III 1195b; A Gobbe-Duval Essais de folklore juridique@2 (Paris, 1920) 178ff.; Schröder und v. Künssberg Lehrbuch d. dt. Rechtsgeschichte@6 (1922) 789 n.; Liebermann Herrig’s Archiv (1916) 401f.; Köhler-Bolte I 6. – Irish myth: Cross; English: Malory X 36, 39 and passim; Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “an”, “congé”; French Canadian: Barbeau JAFL XXIX 18, 24.
Z72.2. Seven years, seven months, seven days. Type 451; BP I 431; Köhler-Bolte Zs. f. Vksk. VI 63.
Z72.3. Seven (three) years between feasts. Irish myth: *Cross.
Z72.4. Seven years as length of course in school. Irish myth: Cross.
Z72.5. Every third year as period of tribute. Irish myth: Cross.
Z72.6. Three hundred and sixty-five. Irish myth: Cross.
Z72.7. Twelve years and thirteen days. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z73. A day and a night. Irish myth: Cross.
Z73.1. After four days – another two days – another day. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z75. Formula: as many children as holes in a sieve. Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “enfants”.
Z76. Formulistic exaggerations.
Z76.1. Three-fourths of men of Ireland die in one night. Irish myth: Cross.
Z78. Testament willing rewards and punishments. Conventional ending of a story. Child V 497 s.v. “testament”.
Z80. Formulistic rimes.
Z81. Blowing the house in. I‘ll huff and I’ll puff till I blow your house in. Type 124; *Taylor JAFL XLVI 78; BP I 40f.; Jacobs English Fairy Tales 251 No. 14.
Z90. Miscellaneous formulas.
Z91. Formula for other world: “Where no man goes and no crow flies.” India: Thompson-Balys.
Z92. Formulas of distance.
Z92.1. “A tree on island beyond the seven seas and the sixteen rivers.” India: Thompson-Balys.

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