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Group No. 256


Z. Miscellaneous groups of motifs

Group No.

Z0 – Z19

Group name



Z0. Formulas.
Z10. Formulistic framework for tales. *Hdwb. d. MРґrchens s.v. Formel; Irish myth: *Cross; India: *Thompson-Balys.
Z10.1. Beginning formulas. *Hdwb. d. MРґrchens II 161; *BP IV 14ff.; Korean: Zong in-Sob 14 No. 7.
Z10.2. End formulas. *BP IV 24ff.; Hdwb. d. MРґrchens II 164; *Petsch Formelhafte SchlСЊsse im VolksmРґrchen (1900); India: *Thompson-Balys.
Z10.3. Transition formulas. Hdwb. d. MРґrchens II 162; BP IV 20ff.
Z11. Endless tales. Hundreds of sheep to be carried over stream one at a time, etc. The wording of the tale so arranged as to continue indefinitely. *Type 2300; *BP II 209; Taylor Hdwb. d. MРґrchens II 190a; Irish myth: *Cross; Spanish Exempla: Keller; Italian Novella: *Rotunda; India: *Thompson-Balys.
Z11.1. Endless tale: corn carried away grain at a time. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
Z11.2. Endless tale: hundreds of birds in snare fly away one at a time. India: Thompson-Balys.
Z12. Unfinished tales. Just as the interest is aroused the narrator quits. If the bowl had been stronger my tale had been longer. *Types 2250, 2260; BP II 210, III 455; Taylor Hdwb. d. MРґrchens II 189b; Köhler-Bolte I 269.
Z13. Catch tales. The manner of the telling forces the hearer to ask a particular question, to which the teller returns a ridiculous answer. Type 2200; England, U.S., Canada: *Baughman; West Indies: Flowers 586.
Z13.1. Tale-teller frightens listener: yells Boo at exciting point. Type 366; Canada, England, U.S.: *Baughman.
Z13.2. Catch tale: teller is killed in his own story. Canada, U.S.: *Baughman.
Z14. Runs. Conventional passages of set form within a tale, usually recited in a different voice from the rest. *Hdwb. d. MРґrchens II 163; *Campbell-McKay 233ff.; India: *Thompson-Balys.
Z15. Tale avoiding all pronouns. Lang English Fairy Tales 118.
Z16. Tales ending with a question. *Type 653; *BP III 45; Basset RTP VII 188; Cosquin Revue d'Ethnographie et des Traditions Populaires I 62, II 41; Africa: Werner African 359.
Z16.1. Four brothers construct a woman. Whose is she? India: Thompson-Balys.
Z17. Rounds. Stories which begin over and over again and repeat. Type 2350; Taylor JAFL XLVI 88, Hdwb. d. MРґrchens II 190; U.S.: Baughman; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 2300; India: Thompson-Balys.
Z18. Formulistic conversations.
Z18.1. What makes your ears so big? – To hear the better, my child, etc. Type 333.
Z19. Formulistic frameworks – miscellaneous.
Z19.1. Game-tales. (Used as game.) *BP II 210.
Z19.2. Tales filled with contradictions. West Indies: Flowers 587.

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