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Group No. 238


X. Humor

Group No.

X100 – X199

Group name

Humor of disability


X100. Humor of disability. Besides the motifs which follow, the entire series of motifs concerning fools (J1700 – J2799) properly belongs here as well as where it is given.
X110. Humor of deafness.
X111. Deaf men and their answers. *Type 1698; **Aarne FFC XX; *Fb tunghС€r; India: Thompson-Balys.
X111.1. Deaf persons: search for the lost animal. A inquires for his lost animal. – B talks about his work and makes a gesture. – A follows the direction of the gesture and happens to find the animals. He returns and offers an injured animal to B in thanks. – B thinks that he is blamed for injuring the animals. Dispute. Taken to deaf judge. (Cf. X111.14.) *Type 1698A; Aarne FFC XX 16ff.; India: *Thompson-Balys.
X111.2. Deaf peasant: travelers ask the way. Travelers ask their direction. Peasant thinks they want to buy oxen. – Peasant's wife arrives; thinks they say her food is too salty. – Daughter-in-law and father-in-law misunderstand each other. *Type 1698B; Aarne FFC XX 28ff.; India: *Thompson-Balys.
X111.3. Two persons believe each other deaf. A trickster tells each of two persons before they meet that the other is hard of hearing and must be shouted at. A great shouting takes place, and each thinks the other out of his wits. *Type 1698C; *Aarne FFC XX 29ff.; Wesselski Gonnella 118 No. 16; Nouvelles RР№crР№ations No. 10; Nouvelles de Sens No. 4.
X111.4. Deaf peasant: the wedding invitation. Lord: Good morning, Peter. – Peasant: I come from Bingen. – L. What is the hog worth? – P. Two weeks from next Sunday (the wedding). – L. Shall I come to the wedding? – P. Three and a half gulden. *Type 1698D; *Aarne FFC XX 35ff.; *Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 719.
X111.5. Deaf man on the bridge. Lord: Good day, Caspar. – Caspar: I am making a reel. – L. Good day, Caspar. – C. It is worth four pence. – L. Good day, Caspar. – C. Yes, my lord, whenever you wish. Type 1698E; *Aarne FFC XX 38ff.
X111.6. The deaf man and the proud nobleman. A nobleman amuses himself at the expense of the deaf man. Finally – Nobleman: I wish you a thousand gallows and ropes around your neck. – Peasant: My lord, I wish you twice as many. Type 1698F; *Aarne FFC XX 39ff.
X111.7. Misunderstood words lead to comic results. In some the people are not really deaf but fail to catch a word; in some they are deaf. Type 1698G; Aarne FFC XX 40, 76. – Spanish: Espinosa Jr. No. 189; India: Thompson-Balys; Indonesia: DeVries's list No. 296.
X111.8. The deaf man with the bird in the tree. A traveller asks the way and the man keeps telling him about the bird he has caught. (The questions and answers often rhyme.) Type 1698H; Aarne FFC XX 41ff.
X111.9. Deaf man visits the sick. He plans the conversation with the expected answers. The answers turn out otherwise. – A. How are you? – B. I am dead. – Thank God! What have you eaten? – Poison, I think. – I hope it agrees with you. *Type 1698I; Aarne FFC XX 50ff.; India: Thompson-Balys.
X111.10. Good day. – A woodchopper. The workman answers the traveler's courtesies with remarks about his work. (Cf. X111.8.) Type 1698J; Aarne FFC XX 51ff., cf. 67ff., 72, 75 (Types 12, 13, 16, 18).
X111.11. Buyer and deaf seller. Type 1698K; Aarne FFC XX 60ff., 69ff. (Types 11, 14, 15).
X111.12. The deaf parson. The youth answers unintelligibly but is praised nevertheless. Type 1698L.
X111.13. The deaf bishop. The drunken priest says, In the morning I take a drink of rum and afterwards four or five little drinks. Type 1698M.
X111.14. Deaf litigants and deaf judge misunderstand one another. (Cf. X111.1.) *Chauvin VII 113 No. 381; Italian Novella: Rotunda.
X111.15. Travelers pass through Wesley. One asks name of town; another replies, This is Wesley. Another says, I thought it was Thursday. Third says, So am I; let's have a drink. U.S.: Baughman.
X112. Deaf husband orders deaf wife to prepare a certain dish: misunderstanding. India: Thompson-Balys.
X113. Misunderstanding and quarrels in family of deaf. India: Thompson-Balys.
X120. Humor of bad eyesight.
X121. The wife who saw double. Sees two plates where there are one, etc. Thinks two men are with her. Husband: See everything double except your husband. Wesselski Hodscha Nasreddin II 186 No. 358.
X121.1. The squint-eyed son and the bottle. Sent by his father to get the only bottle of rare wine, he sees two. Not wishing to show his father to be a liar, he breaks one – really the only one. Chauvin II 196 No. 22.
X122. One-eyed man as appraiser of horse. Has appraised it at half a mark. He saw only half a horse; otherwise he would have valued it at a mark. BР№dier Fabliaux 123; Italian Novella: Rotunda.
X123. Blind man and the bull. Man asks bull if he is on the right road. Bull butts him and knocks him down. The man says that all that was not necessary, simply to say yes or no. Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 140 No. 1699.
X123.1. Blind man reaches his home hanging on ox's tail (or in other ridiculous situation). India: *Thompson-Balys.
X124. Nearsighted knight mistakes own servant for one of the enemy. Runs lance into his posterior. Italian Novella: Rotunda.
X124.1. Blind man strikes woman thinking she is buffalo. India: Thompson-Balys.
X124.2. Blind son-in-law visits his wife's family: gets into difficulties. India: Thompson-Balys.
X125. Blind men trying to kill pigs with clubs strike one another. (Cf. K1081.) Herbert III 71, 133, 572.
X128. Blind man in awkward position pretends to see. India: Thompson-Balys.
X130. Other physical disabilities.
X131. The wry-mouthed family. Each member has mouth turned in a different way. Unavailing attempts to blow out the light. U.S.: *Baughman; Danish: MS in Danske Folkemindesamling (Grundtvig No. 166).
X133. Man calls convention of all long noses. Italian Novella: Rotunda.
X135. The humor of stuttering. U.S.: Baughman; Italian Novella: Rotunda.
X135.1. Each of four stutterers thinks the others are ridiculing him. Italian Novella: Rotunda.
X135.2. Stutterer tries to give alarm. Amusing results. U.S.: *Baughman.
X137. Humor of ugliness. U.S.: *Baughman.
X141. Blind, lame, and deaf as witnesses in court. Type 1673*.
X142. The humor of small stature. (Cf. F535.1.) Italian Novella: Rotunda.
X142.1. Dwarf king falls into porridge-pot at court of human king. Irish myth: *Cross.
X142.2. Dwarf poet forced to swim in drinking-horn of human being. Irish myth: *Cross.
X142.3. Tiny ambassador put on horse with long stirrups. Cannot say anything as he is too busy trying to keep his seat. Italian Novella: Rotunda.
X142.4. Short magistrate wears a high helmet. Italian Novella: Rotunda.
X143. Humor of lameness.
X143.1. Lame man taken on hunt in wheel chair beats the dogs home when they tree a spook or when a bear gets after them. (Cf. K1861.) U.S.: *Baughman.
X145. Humor of bad singing.
X145.1. Audience of one hired to listen to egoistic dismal-voiced singer. India: Thompson-Balys.
X151. Humor of fatness.
X151.1. Six short, fat husbands married to six tall, fat wives try absurdly to kiss them at the threshold on their wedding day. India: Thompson-Balys.
X151.2. Fat man so unwieldly he fishes from his window in the street. India: Thompson-Balys.

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