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T500. T500. Conception and birth. *Rank Mythus von der Geburt des Helden; **Fellinger Schwangerschaft und Geburt in der altfranzösischen Literatur (Göttingen, 1907); **Hartland Primitive Paternity; *Hdwb. d. Abergl. II 806; McDaniel Conception, Birth and Infancy (Miami, Florida, 1948). – Irish myth: Cross.
T510. T510. Miraculous conception. *Type 516; *BP I 544; *Hartland Perseus I 71ff.; *Chauvin V 43 No. 18 n. 1; **Hartland Paternity; Hdwb. d. Abergl. II 808; *Frobenius Zeitalter des Sonnengottes I 223 – 263; *Rösch FFC LXXVII 96; Hdwb. d. Märchens I “Abstammung, wunderbare”; Loomis White Magic 16. – English: Wells 31 (Geoffrey‘s life of Arthour), 39 (Nennius’ Historia Britonum), 42 (Arthour and Merlin), 101 (King Alisaunder); Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “conceptions”, RTP XV 471, 552, 597; Greek: *Frazer Apollodorus I 21 n. 5; Jewish: *Neuman; India: *Thompson-Balys; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 323 n. 166e; S. A. Indian (Tupinamba): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 172.
T511. T511. Conception from eating. *BP I 544; *Hartland Perseus I 71ff.; Hdwb. d. Abergl. II 1032; Frobenius Zeitalter des Sonnengottes I 236ff., 250ff.; *Toldo I 337. – Irish myth: *Cross; Jewish: Neuman, Gaster Oldest Stories 84; Egyptian: Müller 115; Indonesia: Dixon 236; Koryak: Jochelson JE VI 324, 380; Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 437, 444, (Bering Strait): Nelson RBAE XVIII 461, (Aleut): Golder JAFL XVIII 85, (Cumberland Sound): Boas BAM XV 243; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 323 n. 166h; S. A. Indian (Central Brazil): Ehrenreich Int. Cong. Americanists XIV 661.
T511.0.1. T511.0.1. Queen and maidservant conceive from eating same food. Their sons are like brothers. (Cf. P311.4.) Köhler-Bolte I 512; BP I 545.
T511.1. T511.1. Conception from eating a fruit. (Cf. F611.1.8.) *Type 301; *BP I 544; Chauvin V 43ff.; Gypsy: Aichele Zigeunermärchen 316; Turkish: Manzel Türkische Märchen II No. 7; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 91; Indonesia: Verbeck Malaiische Erzählungen 139; S. A. Indian (Yunca): Alexander Lat. Am. 228, (Huarochiri): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 169.
T511.1.1. T511.1.1. Conception from eating apple. *Type 708; BP II 236; *Hdwb. d. Märchens I 91a n. 14; Chauvin VI 84 No. 252; *Fb “æble” III 1135b; Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: Boberg; India: Thompson-Balys.
T511.1.2. T511.1.2. Conception from eating berry. Finnish: Kalevala rune 50.
T511.1.3. T511.1.3. Conception from eating mango. India: *Thompson-Balys.
T511.1.4. T511.1.4. Conception from eating orange. India: Thompson-Balys.
T511.1.5. T511.1.5. Conception from eating lemon. Africa (Kordofan): Frobenius IV 216ff. No. 19.
T511.1.6. T511.1.6. Conception from eating a peach. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 103.
T511.2. T511.2. Conception from eating plant. French: Sébillot France III 528: Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
T511.2.0.1. T511.2.0.1. Conception from eating root. India: *Thompson-Balys.
T511.2.0.2. T511.2.0.2. Conception from eating leaves. India: Thompson-Balys.
T511.2.1. T511.2.1. Conception from eating mandrake. (Cf. D965.1.) **Frazer Old Testament II 372ff.; Loomis White Magic 20.
T511.2.2. T511.2.2. Conception from eating watercress. Irish myth: Cross.
T511.3. T511.3. Conception from eating vegetable. India: Thompson-Balys.
T511.3.1. T511.3.1. Conception from eating peppercorn. Rumanian: *Schullerus FFC LXXVIII No. 315A, 327D*.
T511.3.2. T511.3.2. Conception from eating spinach. India: Thompson-Balys.
T511.4. T511.4. Conception from eating flower. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 92, 108; Indonesia: v. Ronkel Catalogus Malaiische Handschriften te Batavia 153.
T511.4.1. T511.4.1. Conception from eating rose. Red rose brings boy, white rose a girl. Fb “rose” III 80a; Italian: Basile Pentamerone II No. 8.
T511.5. T511.5. Conception from eating animal.
T511.5.1. T511.5.1. Conception from eating fish. *Types 301, 705; *BP I 544; Irish myth: *Cross; Indonesia: Jeynboll Supplement Catalogus Sundaneesche Handschriften 26; S. A. Indian (Tupinamba): Métraux MAFLS XL 158.
T511.5.2. T511.5.2. Conception from swallowing worm (in drink of water). *Schoepperle II 275, 277; MacCulloch Celtic 140; Irish myth: *Cross.
T511.5.3. T511.5.3. Conception from eating louse. N. A. Indian: Kroeber JAFL XXI 224.
T511.5.4. T511.5.4. Conception from eating bird. India: Thompson-Balys.
T511.6. T511.6. Conception from eating parts of human being.
T511.6.1. T511.6.1. Conception from eating woman’s heart. *DeVries FFC CX 217ff.; Icelandic: De la Saussaye 263.
T511.6.2. T511.6.2. Conception from eating finger-bones. S. A. Indian (Bakairi): Alexander Lat. Am. 312, Lévi-Strauss BBAE CXLIII (3) 347.
T511.7. T511.7. Conception from eating food.
T511.7.1. T511.7.1. Conception after eating honey given by lover. S. A. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 157.
T511.7.2. T511.7.2. Pregnancy from eating an egg. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 91, 103.
T511.7.3. T511.7.3. Conception from eating meat. India: Thompson-Balys.
T511.8. T511.8. Conception from eating – miscellaneous.
T511.8.1. T511.8.1. Conception from swallowing a stone. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 92.
T511.8.2. T511.8.2. Conception from eating medicines. India: *Thompson-Balys.
T511.8.3. T511.8.3. Conception from eating mess of fairy pottage. Irish myth: Cross.
T511.8.4. T511.8.4. Conception from eating grain (seed). India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 93.
T511.8.5. T511.8.5. Woman impregnated after accidentally partaking of crane‘s dung. India: Thompson-Balys.
T511.8.6. T511.8.6. Conception from swallowing a pearl. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 92.
T512. T512. Conception from drinking. *BP I 544; *Hartland Perseus I 71ff.; *Penzer I 95 n. 2; *Schoepperle II 276; Irish myth: Cross; Hindu: Keith 166; Indonesia: Dixon 238 n. 52; Central Caroline Islands: ibid. 251; Eskimo (Bering Strait): Nelson RBAE XVIII 461.
T512.1. T512.1. Conception from drinking elixir from goat’s horns. Penzer III 218.
T512.2. T512.2. Conception from drinking urine. Hdwb. d. Märchens I 85; Frobenius Zeitalter des Sonnengottes I 226ff.; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Chavannes 500 Contes I 80 No. 23, II 283 No. 342, III 233 No. 453; Indonesia: De Vries Volksverhalen II 362 No. 110; Africa: Frobenius Atlantis II 57.
T512.2.1. T512.2.1. Child develops from man‘s urine. S. A. Indian (Mataco): Métraux MAFLS XL 132.
T512.3. T512.3. Conception from drinking water. Icelandic: Herrmann Saxo II 585, Boberg; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 93 No. 51.
T512.3.1. T512.3.1. Conception from drinking holy water. (Cf. D1242.1.2.) Irish myth: *Cross.
T512.4. T512.4. Conception from drinking saint’s tears. Irish myth: Cross.
T512.5. T512.5. Impregnation from licking spittle. India: *Thompson-Balys.
T512.6. T512.6. Conception from drinking sperm. (Cf. T531.1.) Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 37; S. A. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux MAFLS XL 159, (Huarochiri): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 169.
T512.7. T512.7. Conception from drinking dew. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 93.
T513. T513. Conception from wish. (Cf. T548.1.) *Types 675, 708; *Hartland Primitive Paternity I 27f.; *Fb “frugtsommelig” I 376b, “ønske” III 1178b, 1179a; Missouri French: Carrière; Italian: Basile Pentamerone I No. 3.
T513.1. T513.1. Conception through another‘s wish. Italian Novella: Rotunda.
T513.1.1. T513.1.1. Impregnation by magician’s power. Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 148, Rasmussen II 217; S. A. Indian (Tupinamba): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 168.
T514. T514. Conception after reciprocal desire for each other. India: Thompson-Balys.
T514.1. T514.1. Conception after anchorite blesses woman in love with him. India: Thompson-Balys.
T515. T515. Impregnation through glance. England: Baughman; Rumanian: Schullerus FFC LXXVIII No. 315; Cape Verde Islands: Parsons MAFLS XV (1) 289 No. 94.
T515.1. T515.1. Impregnation through lustful glance. N. A. Indian (Yana): Curtin Creation Myths 348. Cf. the “greenclad woman” in Ibsen‘s Peer Gynt.
T516. T516. Conception through dream. *Type 650; Christiansen Norske Eventyr 92; Egyptian: Legrain Louqsor sans les Pharaons 119; Chinese: Ferguson 37, 60, Werner 132, Eberhard FFC CXX 93; Korean: Zong in-Sob 127, 201 Nos. 61, 97.
T517. T517. Conception from extraordinary intercourse.
T517.1. T517.1. Conception from hand or foot. *Hartland Primitive Paternity I 19; Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 275.
T517.2. T517.2. Conception through mother’s side. (Cf. T584.1.) *Hartland Primitive Paternity I 21.
T517.3. T517.3. Conception through ear. *Hartland Primitive Paternity I 19.
T518. T518. Conception from divine impregnation. Penzer VIII 114 n. 1; Spanish Exempla: Keller; India: Thompson-Balys; Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 180; S. A. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 159.
T521. T521. Conception from sunlight. *BP III 89 n. 2; Frazer Golden Bough X 74ff.; Baumann Mensch en Maatschappij VI 263; *Hartland Primitive Paternity I 25ff., 90ff.; Gaster Oldest Stories 169. – India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Werner 130, Eberhard FFC CXX 91; Japanese: Ikeda; Korean: Zong in-Sob 5 No. 2; Siberian: Holmberg Siberian 398; Samoa, Fiji: Dixon 165 nn. 49f.; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 277 n. 21a; Aztec: Krickeberg Märchen der Azteken 230, 247; S. A. Indian (Tunja): Alexander Lat. Am. 201, (Karib): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 146, (Warrau): ibid. 145.
T521.1. T521.1. Conception from moonlight. *Hartland Primitive Paternity I 98; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 91; N. A. Indian: Thompson Tales 277 n. 21a.
T521.2. T521.2. Conception from rainbow. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 92.
T521.3. T521.3. Conception from rays of a dragon. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 91.
T522. T522. Conception from falling rain. *Hartland Primitive Paternity I 24; Baumann Mensch en Maatschappij VI 266; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 323 n. 166g.
T523. T523. Conception from bathing. (Cf. D1788.) *Hartland Primitive Paternity I 23; Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys; Africa (Zulu): Callaway 335.
T524. T524. Conception from wind. (Cf. A715.2, F611.1.9.) *Hartland Primitive Paternity I 22; BP II 300; Hdwb. d. Abergl. II 810; Baumann Mensch en Maatschappij VI 264; Finnish: Kalevala rune 1; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 92; Japanese: Ikeda; Minahassa (Celebes): Dixon 158; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 277 n. 21.
T525. T525. Conception from falling star. Irish myth: Cross.
T525.1. T525.1. Impregnation by star. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 92.
T525.2. T525.2. Impregnation by a comet. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 92.
T526. T526. Conception because of prayer. Korean: Zong in-Sob 4 No. 1.
T527. T527. Magic impregnation by use of charm (amulet). India: Thompson-Balys.
T528. T528. Impregnation by thunder (lightning). Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 91.
T531. T531. Conception from casual contact with man. *Hartland Primitive Paternity I 18, 26; Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 229; Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 144; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 323 n. 166f.
T531.1. T531.1. Conception from having licked semen-stained loincloth. (Cf. T512.6.) India: Thompson-Balys.
T532. T532. Conception from other contacts. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 92, 103; Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 437, Rasmussen III 305; Marquesas: Handy 85; S. A. Indian (Tapirapé): Wagley-Baldao BBAE CXLIII (3) 253.
T532.1. T532.1. Conception from contact with magic object. *Hartland Primitive Paternity I 17f.
T532.1.1. T532.1.1. Conception from plucking flower. (Cf. C515.) Greek: Fox 190.
T532.1.1.1. T532.1.1.1. Conception from smelling flower. Rumanian: Schullerus FFC LXXVIII No. 315; India: Thompson-Balys.
T532.1.2. T532.1.2. Conception from embracing magic tree. Hindu: Keith 159.
T532.1.2.1. T532.1.2.1. Conception from embracing holy image. French: Sébillot France IV 159.
T532.1.3. T532.1.3. Impregnation by leaf of lettuce. Greek: Fox 166.
T532.1.4. T532.1.4. Conception by smell of cooked dragon heart. Italian: Basile Pentamerone I No. 9; India: Thompson-Balys.
T532.1.4.1. T532.1.4.1. Conception after smelling ground bonedust. India: Thompson-Balys.
T532.2. T532.2. Conception from stepping on an animal. French: Sébillot France III 15.
T532.3. T532.3. Conception from fruit thrown against breast. Indonesia: Bezemer Volksdichtung aus Indonesien 409ff.
T532.3.1. T532.3.1. Conception from flowers hidden in breast. S. A. Indian (Amuesa): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 129, 149.
T532.4. T532.4. Cow touched by arrow becomes pregnant. N. A. Indian (Blackfoot): Uhlenbeck Blackfoot Texts (Verhandelingen der Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam, 1912) 18f.
T532.5. T532.5. Conception from putting on another’s girdle. Hawaii: Frobenius Zeitalter des Sonnengottes I 225.
T532.5.1. T532.5.1. Conception from touching another‘s garment. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 376.
T532.6. T532.6. Conception from putting ball into bosom. Mexican: Frobenius Zeitalter des Sonnengottes I 234ff.
T532.7. T532.7. Woman becomes pregnant after eagle sits on her head. India: Thompson-Balys.
T532.8. T532.8. Impregnation by shadow of Bhimsen. India: Thompson-Balys.
T532.8.1. T532.8.1. Conception after shadow of man has fallen on bathing girl. India: Thompson-Balys.
T532.9. T532.9. Miraculous conception from God’s bow. India: Thompson-Balys.
T532.10. T532.10. Conception from hiss of cobra. India: Thompson-Balys.
T533. T533. Conception from spittle. (Cf. T541.8.2.) Fb “spytte” III 515b; Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 16, 105; S. A. Indian (Quiche): Alexander Lat. Am. 171, (Maya): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 169, (Mocoví): Métraux MAFLS XL 98.
T534. T534. Conception from blood. (Cf. T541.1, T563.2.) *Fb “blod” IV 47a.
T535. T535. Conception from fire. (Cf. F611.1.10.) Irish myth: Cross.
T535.1. T535.1. Conception from heat of fire. *Hartland Primitive Paternity I 98ff.
T536. T536. Conception from feathers falling on woman. N. A. Indian (Aztec): Alexander Lat. Am. 60.
T537. T537. Conception from scarification. Pigeons scarify woman on loins. Africa (Zulu): Callaway 55.
T538. T538. Unusual conception in old age. Loomis White Magic 20; Jewish: Neuman; S. A. Indian (Inca): Rowe BBAE CXLIII (2) 318.
T539. T539. Miraculous conception – miscellaneous.
T539.1. T539.1. Hero enters womb of sleeping woman and is reborn. India: Thompson-Balys; Hindu: Keith 194, 222.
T539.2. T539.2. Conception by a cry. Max Müller Sacred Books of the East V 69, 71 (Persian); cf. Carnoy 289.
T539.3. T539.3. Conception from intercourse with demon. Irish myth: *Cross; Jewish: *Neuman.
T539.4. T539.4. Heifers covered by supernatural bull conceive miraculously. Irish myth: Cross.
T539.5. T539.5. Magic impregnation from faraway husband. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 102 No. 59.
T540. T540. Miraculous birth. *BP I 544; *Hartland Perseus ch. 4, 5, 6, Primitive Paternity passim; *Fb “barn” IV 27a; *Penzer II 136 n. 1; Jewish: *Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 94 No. 53; Indonesia: DeVries‘s list Nos. 157, 159; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 323 n. 166.
T540.1. T540.1. Supernatural birth of saints. *Toldo I 320 n. 2; Loomis White Magic 20; India: Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda.
T541. T541. Birth from unusual part of person’s body. Irish myth: Cross; Japanese: Ikeda.
T541.1. T541.1. Birth from blood. Greek: *Frazer Apollodorus I 5 n. 4, Fox 6, 262; Philippine (Tinguian): Cole *15, 63, 71, 124.
T541.1.1. T541.1.1. Birth from blood-clot. Hatt Asiatic Influences 80ff.; Oceanic: *Dixon 109, 251 n. 25; Mono-Alu: Wheeler No. 01; New Hebrides: Codrington 406; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 322 n. 165, (California): Gayton and Newman 68; Africa (Zulu): Callaway 72, 105, (Kaffir): Theal 149.
T541.1.1.1. T541.1.1.1. Boy created by saint from blood-clot. Irish myth: Cross.
T541.2. T541.2. Birth from wound or abscess. *Type 705; Fb “orm” II 759b; Oceanic: Dixon 113, 234 n. 44, 251 nn. 18 – 22; Haiti: Alexander Lat. Am. 29; Africa: *Werner 156f., 222.
T541.2.1. T541.2.1. Birth from wound or abscess on body of father. Cosquin Études 257, Contes indiens 196ff.; Moe Samlede Skrifter I 43ff.; Greek: Grote I 10; India: *Thompson-Balys; Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 18 n. 2, 30 n. 3, 38, 81, 87, 144, 151; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 341 nn. 228, 229; Africa (Mkulwe): Einstein 18f.
T541.2.1.1. T541.2.1.1. Child born of splinter in hand (foot). India: Thompson-Balys; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 341 n. 228.
T541.3. T541.3. Birth from tears. India: Thompson-Balys; Hindu: Keith 141; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 323 n. 166a.
T541.4. T541.4. Birth from person‘s head. *Fb “barn” IV 27a; Greek: *Frazer Apollodorus I 25 n. 2; India: Thompson-Balys; Hindu: Keith 121.
T541.4.1. T541.4.1. Birth from mouth. Jewish: Neuman.
T541.5. T541.5. Birth from man’s thigh. *Fb “barn” IV 27a; Gaster Oldest Stories 127.
T541.5.1. T541.5.1. Birth from woman‘s thigh. Japanese: Ikeda.
T541.6. T541.6. Birth from an arm. Micronesia: Dixon 251 nn. 18 – 22; S. A. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 98.
T541.7. T541.7. Birth from an eye. Micronesia: Dixon 251 nn. 18 – 22.
T541.8. T541.8. Birth from secretions of the body. N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 323 n. 166b.
T541.8.1. T541.8.1. Birth from excrement. Jewish: *Neuman.
T541.8.2. T541.8.2. Birth from spittle. (Cf. T533.) S. A. Indian (Yana): Curtin Creation Myths 348.
T541.8.3. T541.8.3. Birth from mucus from the nose. Hindu: Keith 141; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 352 n. 269.
T541.8.3.1. T541.8.3.1. Child born through nose. India: Thompson-Balys; Africa (Upoto): Einstein 122.
T541.9. T541.9. Birth from contact of severed male genitals with ground. Greek: Frazer Apollodorus I 5 n. 4.
T541.10. T541.10. Birth from semen thrown on ground. Irish myth: Cross; Greek: Frazer Apollodorus II 90 n. 1.
T541.11. T541.11. Birth from lotus issuing from a god’s navel. Hindu: Keith 120.
T541.12. T541.12. Birth from nine mothers. (Cf. A112.5.) Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 153 (Heimdall).
T541.13. T541.13. Birth from man‘s shoulder. India: Thompson-Balys.
T541.14. T541.14. Birth through the ear. Africa (Upoto): Einstein 122.
T541.15. T541.15. Birth through the back. Africa (Upoto): Einstein 122.
T541.16. T541.16. Birth from knee. S. A. Indian (Tucuna): Nimuendajú BBAE CXLIII (3) 724.
T542. T542. Birth of human being from an egg. (Cf. F611.1.11.) *Type 650; Christiansen Norske Eventyr 92; *Fb “æg” III 1142b; Greek: Frazer Apollodorus II 23 n. 7, 25 n. 1, Fox 24f., 203; India: *Thompson-Balys; Hindu: Keith 139; Indo-Chinese: Scott Indo-Chinese 276, 292; Chinese: Graham; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 757, 787; Korean: Zong in-Sob 5 No. 2; S. A. Indian (Chincha): Alexander Lat. Am. 230; Africa (Basuto): Jacottet 110.
T542.1. T542.1. Shepherdess born of red and blue egg. India: Thompson-Balys.
T543. T543. Birth from plant. Japanese: Ikeda; Africa (Gold Coast): Barker and Sinclair 77 No. 12, (Ekoi): Talbot 133ff., (Ibo, Nigeria): Thomas 76.
T543.0.1. T543.0.1. Twig, born of a woman, is planted and becomes a girl. (Cf. T555.) BP II 125.
T543.1. T543.1. Birth from a tree. Greek: Fox 198; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 84; Indonesia: DeVries’s list No. 159.
T543.2. T543.2. Birth from flower. Irish myth: Cross; Armenian: Ananikian 45; Hindu: Penzer VI 15 n. 3.
T543.2.1. T543.2.1. Birth from lotus. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 299, II 135, 247, 527, 1150.
T543.3. T543.3. Birth from fruit. *Penzer VI 15. n. 3; Armenian: Ananikian 45; India: *Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Anesaki 313, Ikeda; Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 134.
T543.3.1. T543.3.1. Birth from orange. India: Thompson-Balys.
T543.4. T543.4. Birth from fungus. Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 135.
T543.5. T543.5. Birth from gourd. India: *Thompson-Balys.
T543.6. T543.6. Birth from grass (grain).
T543.6.1. T543.6.1. Birth from wheat. India: Thompson-Balys.
T543.7. T543.7. Birth from vegetable. India: Thompson-Balys.
T544. T544. Birth from mineral.
T544.1. T544.1. Birth from rock. Ploss Das Kind I 33; Gaster Oldest Stories 125; Caucasian: von Löwis of Menar Archiv f. Religionwiss. XIII 509ff., XV 305; Greek: Fox 213; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 94 No. 52; Melanesia: Dixon 119, Codrington 156.
T544.2. T544.2. Boy forged from iron. (Cf. F611.1.12.) *Type 540; Christiansen Norske Eventyr 92; *Fb “jærn” II 60b.
T545. T545. Birth from ground. Greek: Grote I 52; Hindu: Keith 127; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 314 n. 139.
T546. T546. Birth from water.
T546.1. T546.1. Birth from sea-foam. N. A. Indian (Zuñi): Stevenson RBAE XXIII 24.
T546.2. T546.2. Birth from hailstone. India: Thompson-Balys.
T547. T547. Birth from virgin. Saintyves Saints Successeurs 220ff., 271 – 77; Greek: Grote I 10, 55; S. A. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 154.
T548. T548. Birth obtained through magic or prayer. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 1163, 1258; S. A. Indian (Inca): Rowe BBAE CXLIII (2) 318.
T548.1. T548.1. Child born in answer to prayer. *Prato RTP IV 177; Toldo I 321 n. 1; Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 77, 113 Nos. 650, 936; Italian: Basile Pentamerone I No. 2; Jewish: Neuman, Gaster Thespis 270f.; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 76f.; Japanese: Ikeda; Korean: Zong in-Sob 1 No. 4, 171 f. No. 74; West Indies: Flowers 578.
T548.1.1. T548.1.1. Hateful or lovely child to be born first? Childless parents‘ prayer answered: they are to have two children, one hateful, one lovely. Choice as to which is to come first. Köhler-Bolte I 520ff.
T548.2. T548.2. Magic rites for obtaining a child. *Type 711; Christiansen Norske Eventyr 98; Penzer VI 14; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 284.
T548.3. T548.3. Magic elixir to procure a child. Penzer III 218f.
T548.4. T548.4. Charity rewarded by birth of child. India: Thompson-Balys.
T549. T549. Miraculous birth – miscellaneous.
T549.1. T549.1. Vegetable comes to life at woman’s prayer. Africa (Gold Coast): Barker and Sinclair 77 No. 12.
T549.2. T549.2. Thrown cane becomes child. N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 75.
T549.3. T549.3. Boy born from fish‘s belly. India: Thompson-Balys.
T549.3.1. T549.3.1. Fish when slit open gives up baby boy. India: Thompson-Balys.
T549.4. T549.4. Child born from miscarried fetus. Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 68, 83, 89.
T549.4.1. T549.4.1. Child born from placenta. Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 79.
T550. T550. Monstrous births. *Types 425, 708; *Hibbard 48 n. 6; Tegethoff 24; BP II 236; Irish: MacCulloch Celtic 155, *Cross; U.S.: Baughman; Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. “accouchement”; Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen III 145.
T550.1. T550.1. Monster child helps mother. *Type 708; BP II 236; Japanese: Ikeda.
T550.2. T550.2. Abnormally born child has unusual powers. *Fb “ufødt” III 961b; Japanese: Ikeda; West Indies: Flowers 578.
T550.3. T550.3. Misshapen child from brother-sister incest. (Cf. T415.) Halliday Indo-European Folk-Tales (London, 1933) 134; Greek: Fox 33: Chinese: Werner 408.
T550.4. T550.4. Monstrous birth because mother sees horrible sight. England: Baughman; Ploss Das Kind 21ff.
T550.5. T550.5. Blemished children born of monstrous parent. Irish myth: Cross.
T550.6. T550.6. Only half a son is born by queen who ate merely half of mango. (Cf. F525, T589.2.) India: Thompson-Balys.
T550.7. T550.7. Poor woman gives birth to child who has no body (merely head or skull). India: Thompson-Balys.
T551. T551. Child with extraordinary members (limbs).
T551.1. T551.1. Child born without limbs. English: Wells 122 (The King of Tars); Africa (Kaffir): Theal 72.
T551.1.1. T551.1.1. Child born as formless lump of flesh. Icelandic: Ragnars saga Loðbrókar (ed. Olsen, Copenhagen, 1906 – 08) 129; *Schlauch Chaucer‘s Constance and Accused Queens (New York, 1927) 126; *Hornstein Philological Quarterly XX 1; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 782, 1268f.
T551.2. T551.2. Child born with two heads. (Cf. F551.0.2.1.) Africa (Angola): Chatelain 117 No. 9.
T551.3. T551.3. Child born with animal head. Type 711; Christiansen Norske Eventyr 99.
T551.3.1. T551.3.1. Child with dog’s head. India: Thompson-Balys.
T551.3.2. T551.3.2. Child with hawk‘s head. India: Thompson-Balys.
T551.3.3. T551.3.3. Monstrous birth: child with donkey’s head. India: Thompson-Balys.
T551.3.4. T551.3.4. Child with cow‘s head.
T551.3.4.1. T551.3.4.1. Person born with cow’s ears. (Cf. F511.2.2.) Chinese: Graham.
T551.3.4.2. T551.3.4.2. Child born with horns. Greek: Grote I 18.
T551.4. T551.4. Boy born with one side flesh and one iron. Africa (Kaffir): Theal 129.
T551.4.1. T551.4.1. Child born beautiful on one side, hairy on other. Hibbard 45ff. (King of Tars); Irish myth: Cross.
T551.5. T551.5. Child born half man, half fish. Italian Novella: Rotunda.
T551.6. T551.6. Child born without mouth. Irish myth: *Cross.
T551.7. T551.7. Child born with one ear. Irish myth: Cross.
T551.8. T551.8. Child born with caul (containing serpent). Irish myth: *Cross.
T551.9. T551.9. Child born with claws as result of curse by dying peddler murdered by its parents. U.S. (New York State): *Baughman (M411.3.1.1.).
T551.10. T551.10. Monstrous birth – nine faces, nine arms, nine feet. Chinese: Graham.
T551.11. T551.11. Birth of one-eyed child. (Cf. F512.1.) India: Thompson-Balys.
T551.12. T551.12. Child born with one leg. Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen I 179.
T551.13. T551.13. Child born hairy. Jewish: Neuman.
T551.13.1. T551.13.1. Child born with long hair. Jewish: *Neuman.
T551.13.2. T551.13.2. Child born with long beard. Jewish: Neuman.
T551.14. T551.14. Child with all of its organs out of place. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 270.
T551.15. T551.15. Child born blood-red. Jewish: *Neuman.
T552. T552. Child born bearing an object.
T552.1. T552.1. Girl born with red string around neck. Fb. “rød”.
T552.2. T552.2. Child born with snake around neck. Fb. “slange”; Italian Novella: Rotunda.
T552.2.1. T552.2.1. Child born bearing lizard in each hand. Irish myth: Cross.
T552.2.2. T552.2.2. Child born holding worm (in each hand). Irish myth: *Cross.
T552.3. T552.3. Child born carrying knife and calabash. Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 32.
T552.4. T552.4. Child born carrying handful of hair. Africa (Fjort): Dennett 56 No. 10.
T552.5. T552.5. Child born with complete armor. Hartland Perseus III 198; Hungarian: Ipolyi Zs. f. deutsche Mythologie und Sittenkunde II 168; Malay: Overbeck Malaiische Erzählungen 12; Africa: Frobenius Atlantis IV 300, XII 125.
T552.5.1. T552.5.1. Child born wearing helmet. Irish myth: Cross.
T552.5.2. T552.5.2. Child born with magic iron bow. India: Thompson-Balys.
T552.5.3. T552.5.3. Child born with knife and shield. Africa (Upoto): Einstein 120.
T552.6. T552.6. Child born carrying a stone. Irish myth: Cross.
T552.7. T552.7. Child born wearing jewel. India: Thompson-Balys.
T552.8. T552.8. Daughter born with a feathered parka. Eskimo (Kodiak): Golder JAFL XXII 21.
T553. T553. Thumbling born as result of hasty wish of parents. They wish for a child, no matter how small he may be. *Type 700; *BP I 389ff.; India: Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Anesaki 286, Ikeda.
T554. T554. Woman gives birth to animal. Type 441; BP II 236ff., 482ff.; *Fb “hund” I 678b; Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 279; Italian Novella: Rotunda; Greek: Fox 108, 211; India: Thompson-Balys; Africa (Zulu): Callaway 105, 268, (Kaffir): Theal 148.
T554.0.1. T554.0.1. Woman transformed to animal bears animal. (Cf. T578.2.) Irish: MacCulloch Celtic 169, *Cross.
T554.1. T554.1. Tiger, spirit, and man sons of one mother. India: Thompson-Balys.
T554.2. T554.2. Woman bears dog. India: Thompson-Balys.
T554.3. T554.3. Woman bears crane. India: Thompson-Balys.
T554.4. T554.4. Woman bears monkey. India: *Thompson-Balys.
T554.5. T554.5. Woman bears tortoise (turtle). India: *Thompson-Balys.
T554.6. T554.6. Woman bears goat. India: Thompson-Balys.
T554.7. T554.7. Woman gives birth to a snake. India: Thompson-Balys; S. A. Indian (Brazil): Oberg 108; Africa (Upoto): Einstein 120.
T554.8. T554.8. Woman bears frog. India: Thompson-Balys.
T554.8.1. T554.8.1. Woman gives birth to toad. Chinese: Graham.
T554.9. T554.9. Woman bears three pigs. Philippine (Tinguian): *Cole 116.
T554.10. T554.10. Woman gives birth to a bird. Mono-Alu: Wheeler No. 20.
T554.11. T554.11. Supernaturally impregnated woman gives birth to dragon. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 102 No. 60.
T555. T555. Woman gives birth to a plant. (Cf. T543.0.1.) BP II 125; Italian: Basile Pentamerone I No. 2; Persian: Carnoy 295.
T555.1. T555.1. Woman gives birth to a fruit. Can transform itself to girl. India: Thompson-Balys.
T555.1.1. T555.1.1. Woman gives birth to pumpkin. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 77.
T555.2. T555.2. Queen gives birth to a gourd. India: Thompson-Balys.
T556. T556. Woman gives birth to a demon. Type 433B; Hindu: Meyer Hindu Tales 62, 117, 165.
T557. T557. Child born with viper in heart (body). Irish myth: *Cross.
T561. T561. Child born in a jug (jar). Penzer IX 89 n. 3; N. A. Indian: Thompson Tales 323 n. 166c; Africa (Kaffir): Theal 149.
T561.1. T561.1. Child born in conch shell. India: *Thompson-Balys.
T561.2. T561.2. Child born in a furnace. India: Thompson-Balys.
T561.3. T561.3. Child born in a bag. India: Thompson-Balys.
T561.4. T561.4. Child born in pot. India: Thompson-Balys; S. A. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 40, 97ff., 129-33, BBAE CXLIII (1) 368.
T562. T562. White woman bears black child. Fb “prins og prinsesse” II 876.
T563. T563. Birthmarks. Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: Boberg.
T563.1. T563.1. Child of three fathers born with three stripes. Irish myth: *Cross.
T563.2. T563.2. Child formed of clot of gore has red birthmark. (Cf. T541.1.1.) Irish myth: *Cross.
T563.3. T563.3. Child born with figure of serpent on his body. Jewish: *Neuman.
T563.4. T563.4. Tattoo on newly born baby‘s back telling who was his former incarnation. Korean: Zong in-Sob 76 No. 41.
T565. T565. Woman lays an egg. (Cf. T542.) Fb “æg” III 1142b; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 77; Korean: Zong in-Sob 5 No. 2; S. A. Indian (Huamachuco): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 151.
T566. T566. Human son of animal parents. India: Thompson-Balys.
T569. T569. Monstrous births – miscellaneous.
T569.1. T569.1. Queen delivered of a piece of flesh; abandoned and saved, it gradually separates into forms of boy and girl. India: Thompson-Balys.
T569.2. T569.2. Woman gives birth to grinding-stone. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 68.
T570. T570. Pregnancy. India: Thompson-Balys.
T571. T571. Unreasonable demands of pregnant women. *Penzer I 97 n. 1, 221ff., II 31, III 60, V 127 n. 2, VII 201, IX 144; Cowell Jataka Index s.v. “pregnancy”; *M. Bloomfield in Penzer VII vii, JAOS XL 1; Child II 408f., 414; Loomis White Magic 20. – Irish: MacCulloch Celtic 176, *Cross; India: *Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda; Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 95, 98; Maori: Dixon 60; Indonesian, Polynesian: ibid 233 n. 42; Sumatran: ibid. 161; Batak: Voorhoeve 141; Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen III 51; Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 374, (Angola): Chatelain 83 No. 4, (Ila, Rhodesia): Smith and Dale II 414 No. 13; West Indies: Flowers 578.
T572. T572. Prevention of childbirth.
T572.1. T572.1. Magic prevention of childbirth. *Type 755; *Hauffen Zs. f. Vksk. X 436ff.; *Kittredge Witchcraft 113f., 442f. nn. 79 – 84; *Fb “sten” III 554a; Irish myth: *Cross.
T572.1.1. T572.1.1. Mother sits on stone to prevent premature birth. Irish myth: *Cross.
T572.2. T572.2. Abortion. *Encyc. Rel. Ethics VI 54ff.; *Penzer II 229; Irish myth: *Cross; Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
T572.2.1. T572.2.1. Abortion by vomiting up embryo. Irish: MacCulloch Celtic 84, *Cross.
T572.2.2. T572.2.2. Abortion by eating. Child I 341, 343f., 352, 354, III 387, 393, IV 456; Gaster Oldest Stories 121.
T572.2.3. T572.2.3. Hero an abortion thrown into the bushes. Maori: Dixon 42.
T572.2.4. T572.2.4. Abortion by fasting. Irish myth: Cross.
T572.2.5. T572.2.5. Abortion caused by fear. Irish myth: Cross.
T572.2.6. T572.2.6. Abortion by long bathing. India: Thompson-Balys.
T573. T573. Short pregnancy. Jewish: *Neuman; Koryak: Jochelson JE VI 375; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 309 n. 116; S. A. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 142, (Uru-Chipaya): ibid 169, (Inca): Rowe BBAE CXLIII (2) 318.
T573.0.1. T573.0.1. Short pregnancy in animals. Irish myth: *Cross.
T573.1. T573.1. Woman conceives and bears same day. Irish myth: Cross; India: Thompson-Balys.
T574. T574. Long pregnancy. Delayed by an enemy who bewitches the mother. *Toldo I 337, II 313; *Frazer Pausanias V 45f.; *Fb “føde” I 398; Tegethoff 41; Köhler-Bolte Zs. f. Vksk. VI 63 (to Gonzenbach No. 12); Child I 82ff., 489, III 497, V 285b. – Irish: Thurneyson I 274, *Cross; Icelandic: Boberg; Finnish: Kalevala rune 1; Greek: *Frazer Apollodorus I 166 n. 2; Persian: Carnoy 331; Chinese: Wilhelm Chinesische Märchen Nos. 15, 18, 29; Batak: Frazer Golden Bough I 143; Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 180; Madagascar: Dandoyau Contes populaires des Sakalava No. 57.
T574.1. T574.1. Long pregnancy: twelve months. India: *Thompson-Balys.
T574.2. T574.2. Long pregnancy: seven years. Jewish: *Neuman; India: *Thompson-Balys; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 208, II 1222.
T575. T575. Child speaks before birth. (Cf. A511.1.2.)
T575.1. T575.1. Child speaks in mother‘s womb. *Chauvin VII 112 No. 379bis n. 1, VIII 63 No. 27; *Fb “ufødt” III 962a; **Colson “L’enfant qui parle avant d‘être né” Mélusine V No. 2; Gaidoz Mélusine IV No. 10; *Toldo I 338f.; DeVries FFC LXXIII 322, 325f.; Hdwb. d. Märchens I 102, 520; Child III 367 nn., IV 507a, V 298a; Krappe Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum LXXII (1935) 161 – 71; Saintyves Saints Successeurs 253. – Irish: MacCulloch Celtic 207, *Cross; Jewish: *Neuman; Persian: Carnoy 335; India: *Thompson-Balys; S. A. Indian (Aztec): Alexander Lat. Am. 60, (Tupinamba): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 133, (Warrau): ibid. 145; Africa (Angola): Chatelain 85 No. 5, (Kaffir): Theal 89, (Zulu): Callaway 6.
T575.1.1. T575.1.1. Child in mother’s womb reveals crime. BP II 535; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
T575.1.1.1. T575.1.1.1. Child in mother‘s womb reveals murder. BP II 535.
T575.1.1.2. T575.1.1.2. Child in mother’s womb reveals adultery. DeVries FFC LXXIII 322, 325f.
T575.1.1.3. T575.1.1.3. Child in mother‘s womb reveals unjust judgment. DeVries FFC LXXIII 322, 325f.; Loomis White Magic 23f.
T575.1.2. T575.1.2. Future suicide weeps in mother’s womb. Fb “selvmord”.
T575.1.3. T575.1.3. Twins quarrel before birth in mother‘s womb. *Krappe Balor 31 n. 109; Greek: *Frazer Apollodorus I 145 n. 4; Jewish: *Neuman; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 279 n. 33.
T575.1.4. T575.1.4. Future poet chants spell in mother’s womb. Irish myth: Cross.
T575.1.5. T575.1.5. Children in mothers‘ wombs praise God at birth of Christ. Irish myth: Cross.
T575.1.5.1. T575.1.5.1. Embryos in womb join melody and sing. Jewish: Neuman.
T575.1.6. T575.1.6. Child in mother’s belly guides her. S. A. Indian (Warrau): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 145, (Karib): ibid. 146.
T575.1.6.1. T575.1.6.1. Unborn child directs his mother on journey. S. A. Indian (Karib): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 146, (Chiriguano): ibid 154, 160, 165, (Tupinamba): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 132.
T575.2. T575.2. Woman talks to her child before it is conceived. N. A. Indian (Blackfoot): Wissler and Duvall PaAM II 126.
T575.3. T575.3. Child speaks from dead mother‘s womb. (Cf. T584.2.) India: Thompson-Balys.
T575.4. T575.4. Child in mother’s womb visible from outside. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 325, 609.
T576. T576. Prenatal influences. India: Thompson-Balys.
T577. T577. Fetus exchanged from one woman to another. India: Thompson-Balys; Hindu: Keith 171, 223.
T577.1. T577.1. Male embryo transformed in womb to female. Jewish: Neuman.
T578. T578. Pregnant man. *Type 705; *Fb “frugtsommelig” I 376b; DeVries FFC LXXIII 268; von der Hagen II 53ff. No. 24; Christensen DF XLVII 227 No. 93, L 72. – Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 145 (Loki); Koryak: Jochelson JE VI 324; Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 444, (West Hudson Bay): Boas BAM XV 326; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 323 n. 166d; Africa (Basuto): Jacottet 196 No. 29.
T578.1. T578.1. Child incubated in man‘s thigh. Greek: *Frazer Apollodorus I 319 n. 3 (Zeus and Dionysus).
T578.2. T578.2. Man transformed to female (human or animal) bears offspring. (Cf. T554.0.1.) Irish myth: *Cross.
T579. T579. Pregnancy – miscellaneous motifs.
T579.1. T579.1. Sheath and knife as analogy for mother and unborn child. Child V 486 s.v. “knife”; Eskimo: Rink No. 2.
T579.2. T579.2. Girl’s blood examined to see if she is pregnant. Fb “blod” IV 48a.
T579.3. T579.3. Seven-year-old girl has child. Gaster Exempla 230 No. 247.
T579.3.1. T579.3.1. Seven-year-old boy begets child. Irish myth: Cross.
T579.4. T579.4. Mother of saint has healing spittle during pregnancy. Irish myth: Cross.
T579.5. T579.5. Saint performs miracles while yet unborn. (Cf. D1713.) Irish myth: Cross.
T579.6. T579.6. Worm swallowed at conception eats hand of babe before birth. (Cf. T511.5.2.) Irish myth: Cross.
T579.7. T579.7. King demands that his pregnant queen be chained to him. India: Thompson-Balys.
T579.8. T579.8. Signs of pregnancy.
T579.8.1. T579.8.1. Transparent body of pregnant woman. Jewish: Neuman.
T579.8.2. T579.8.2. Girl paints face because pregnant. S. A. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 154.
T579.8.3. T579.8.3. Girl betrays pregnancy by dropping milk on brother. Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 87.
T580. T580. Childbirth. Irish myth: Cross.
T580.1. T580.1. Jewess must entreat Virgin before she can bear her child. Irish myth: Cross.
T581. T581. Place and conditions of childbirth.
T581.1. T581.1. Birth of child in forest. Dickson 168 n. 19; Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg.
T581.2. T581.2. Child born of woman abandoned in pit. Indonesian, Polynesian: Dixon 234 n. 43.
T581.2.1. T581.2.1. Child born to an apparently dead mother in her grave. *Bolte “Die Sage von der erweckten Scheintoten” Zs. f. Vksk. XX (1910) 353 – 81; H. Hauvette “La morte vivante” (Paris, 1933); Krappe “L’enfant de la morte” Lettres Romanes I (1947) 297 – 310.
T581.2.2. T581.2.2. Blind wives fall into a pool where they give birth to children. India: Thompson-Balys.
T581.2.3. T581.2.3. Children born in dungeon. India: Thompson-Balys.
T581.3. T581.3. Child born in tree. English: Child II 109; Indonesian, Polynesian: Dixon 234 n. 43.
T581.4. T581.4. Child born in stable. English: Child II 85 – 99 passim, V 221.
T581.5. T581.5. Child born during snowstorm. Irish myth: Cross.
T581.6. T581.6. Noise of battle precipitates birth. Irish myth: Cross.
T581.7. T581.7. Child born on flagstone. Loomis White Magic 20f.; Irish myth: *Cross.
T581.8. T581.8. Woman bears twins at end of footrace (with king‘s horses). Irish myth: *Cross.
T581.9. T581.9. Child born on beach. Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: Örvar-Odds saga 2 – 5, Boberg.
T581.10. T581.10. Twins born in tent; mother abducted. Icelandic: FSS 246 – 48, Boberg.
T581.11. T581.11. Boy is born in a wrapping of fine cloth. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 1097.
T582. T582. Precautions at childbirth. *Penzer II 166ff.; *McDaniel Conception. Birth and Infancy (Miami, 1948); *H. A. Winkler Salomo und die Karina: eine orientalische Legende von der Bezwingung einer Kindbettdämonin (Stuttgart, 1931); Irish myth: Cross.
T582.1. T582.1. Avoidance of evil spirits at childbirth. Armenian: Ananikian 88f.
T582.2. T582.2. All locks in house to be shot during childbirth. English: Child II 498.
T582.3. T582.3. Knots to be untied at childbirth. Particularly knots in the woman‘s clothes. Aly Hdwb. d. Abergl. V. 19; cf. Frazer Pausanias V 45f.; English: Child I 85.
T582.4. T582.4. Knife (other sharp instrument) as childbirth precaution. Jewish: Neuman.
T583. T583. Accompaniments of childbirth.
T583.1. T583.1. Couvade. Father goes into confinement at time of childbirth. *Encyc. Religion Ethics II 635b; *Ploss Das Kind I 125; Bouwman Revue Anthropologique XXV 49ff., Lévy-Bruhl L‘âme primitive 225ff.; Hdwb. d. Abergl. V 1573; Grimm Deutsche Rechtsalterthümer I 106. – Irish myth: *Cross; Latin American: Alexander Lat. Am. 37f.; Melanesia: Codrington 228ff.
T583.1.0.1. T583.1.0.1. Husband goes into seclusion at wife’s pregnancy. India: Thompson-Balys.
T583.1.0.2. T583.1.0.2. Couvade imposed on man during wife‘s menstruation. India: Thompson-Balys.
T583.1.1. T583.1.1. Pains of woman in childbirth repeated in person of the man. English: Child II 109, V 292; U.S.: Baughman.
T583.2. T583.2. Calamities at birth of hero. India: Thompson-Balys.
T583.3. T583.3. King leaves bell with his wife for her to ring so he will know when her child is born. India: *Thompson-Balys.
T584. T584. Parturition. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
T584.0.1. T584.0.1. Childbirth assisted by magic. (Cf. D1501.2.) *Kittredge Witchcraft 114, 443f. nn. 85 – 102; Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg.
T584.0.2. T584.0.2. Husband acts as midwife when no woman is available. Boje 125ff.
T584.0.3. T584.0.3. Birth of holy person painless. Loomis White Magic 16, 20; Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: Neuman.
T584.0.4. T584.0.4. Childbirth assisted by angel. Irish myth: Cross.
T584.0.5. T584.0.5. While saint‘s mother was giving birth to the child, she grasps a stout rod which roots and becomes a sturdy tree. Loomis White Magic 22f.
T584.0.6. T584.0.6. Childbirth assisted by sacred stone. Irish myth: *Cross.
T584.1. T584.1. Birth through the mother’s side. *Hartland Primitive Paternity I 21; Toldo I 340; English: Child I 83, II 309ff., 373ff.; V 227ff.; Irish myth: Cross; Egyptian: Müller 390 n. 34; Persian: Carnoy 290, 331; Hindu: Keith 33; Malagasy: Sibree FLJ II 50; Haiti: Alexander Lat. Am. 29; Bakairi: ibid. 312.
T584.2. T584.2. Child removed from body of dead mother. *Schoepperle 280 n. 2; Loomis White Magic 21; Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: Boberg; Greek: Fox 286; India: Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda; Oceanic: *Dixon 132 n. 4; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 324 n. 166i; S. A. Indian (Yuracare): Alexander Lat. Am. 314, Métraux RMLP XXXIII 144, (Karib): ibid. 147, (Tupinamba): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 132.
T584.2.1. T584.2.1. Child born of dead mother in grave. Irish myth: Cross.
T584.2.1.1. T584.2.1.1. Twins freed from dead mother’s body as body rots. New Hebrides: Codrington 398.
T584.3. T584.3. Cesarean operation upon a woman at childbirth as a custom. Hatt Asiatic Influences 83f.
T584.4. T584.4. Piglings cut from bodies of sows and reared. Irish myth: *Cross.
T584.5. T584.5. Extraordinarily long labor at childbirth.
T584.5.1. T584.5.1. Prolonged labor: woman has childbirth pains for 100 days but is not delivered. India: Thompson-Balys.
T584.6. T584.6. After-birth (placenta) becomes a demon. India: Thompson-Balys.
T584.7. T584.7. Hero is born by splitting mother‘s womb. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 93f.
T584.8. T584.8. Child helps mother in severing his navel string. Jewish: *Neuman.
T585. T585. Precocious infant. *Toldo I 329; Loomis White Magic 23; Gaster Oldest Stories 69; Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg; Greek: Fox 79 (Hercules), 92 (Hermes); India: *Thompson-Balys.
T585.1. T585.1. Child born full (nearly) grown. *Ranke FFC CXIV 156; Persian: Carnoy 287; Jewish: Neuman; India: *Thompson-Balys; Korean: Zong in-Sob 5 No. 2; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 230; S. A. Indian (Aztec): Alexander Lat. Am. 60, (Inca): Rowe BBAE CXLIII (2) 318, (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 161, 166, (Karib): ibid. 147; Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 126, (Fjort): Dennett 60 No. 12, (Zulu): *Callaway 9; Cape Verde Islands: Parsons MAFLS XV (1) 352.
T585.1.1. T585.1.1. Child stronger than mother on day of birth. Irish myth: Cross.
T585.2. T585.2. Child speaks at birth. (Cf. T575.1.) *Penzer II 39 n. 2; *Liebrecht 210ff.; Günter 242 s.v. “redend”; Cowell Jataka VI 157, 250; Chavannes 500 Contes I 30, 243, 427. – Irish myth: *Cross; Jewish: *Neuman; India: *Thompson-Balys; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 151, II 944, 1247; S. A. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 97; Africa: Frobenius Atlantis II 57, IV 278, VII 148, 208, XII 125, (Benga): Nassau 184 No. 24 version 2, (Bahonga): Einstein 247, (Fang): ibid. 57, (Mkulwe): ibid. 18f.
T585.2.1. T585.2.1. Child two months old speaks. Irish myth: Cross.
T585.2.2. T585.2.2. Child speaks prematurely on first birthday. Moreno Esdras.
T585.3. T585.3. Infant born blind immediately drowns self. Irish myth: *Cross.
T585.4. T585.4. Infant saint rebukes mother’s impiety. Loomis White Magic 23; Irish myth: Cross.
T585.5. T585.5. Child born with all his teeth. Irish myth: Cross.
T585.5.1. T585.5.1. Child born with hairy mane. Irish myth: Cross.
T585.6. T585.6. Newborn child kisses dying mother. Icelandic: Boberg.
T585.7. T585.7. Precocious hero leaves cradle to go to war. Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: Boberg.
T585.8. T585.8. Child stands (walks) at birth. Jewish: Neuman; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 789, II 299.
T585.9. T585.9. Child born circumcised. Jewish: *Neuman.
T586. T586. Multiple births. Irish myth: *Cross; India: Thompson-Balys; Eskimo (Greenland): Rasmussen III 85, 251.
T586.1. T586.1. Many children at a birth. BP I 432; Köhler-Bolte I 467; Jewish: *Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 420; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 200f.; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 310 n. 116a; S. A. Indian (Chibcha): Alexander Lat. Am. 199.
T586.1.1. T586.1.1. Four children at a birth. Haiti: Alexander Lat. Am. 30.
T586.1.1.1. T586.1.1.1. Six children at a birth. Irish myth: Cross.
T586.1.2. T586.1.2. Seven children at a birth. *Fb “gifte” I 432; *BP I 432; Wesselski Märchen 174 No. 64; *Loomis White Magic 87; India: Thompson-Balys.
T586.1.2.1. T586.1.2.1. King and queen have seven sons, all named Maine. Irish myth: *Cross.
T586.1.2.2. T586.1.2.2. King has six (seven) sons, all named Lugaid. Irish myth: *Cross.
T586.1.3. T586.1.3. Nine children at a birth. Ward II 657 No. 9.
T586.1.4. T586.1.4. Five children at a birth for four successive years. All alive. Italian Novella: Rotunda.
T586.1.5. T586.1.5. Forty sons born in one day. India: Thompson-Balys.
T586.2. T586.2. Extraordinary number of children in family.
T586.2.1. T586.2.1. King with fifty sons (daughters). Greek: Fox 20, 30.
T586.2.2. T586.2.2. King with 60,000 sons. Hindu: Keith 115.
T586.3. T586.3. Multiple birth as result of relations with several men. (Cf. T587.1.) Irish myth: Cross; S. A. Indian (Tenetehara): Wagley-Galvao BBAE CXLIII (3) 148, (Kaigua, Tembé, Apapocuvá-guarani): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 136.
T586.3.1. T586.3.1. Woman ravished by three brothers bears triplets. Irish myth: *Cross.
T586.3.2. T586.3.2. Triplets killed by tribe at birth. Africa (Fang): Einstein 56, Trilles 182.
T586.4. T586.4. Extraordinary number of animals at birth.
T586.4.1. T586.4.1. Four calves to one cow at a birth. Irish myth: *Cross.
T586.5. T586.5. Extraordinarily frequent childbirth.
T586.5.1. T586.5.1. Woman bears child every month. India: *Thompson-Balys.
T586.5.2. T586.5.2. Child born each day for seven days. India: Thompson-Balys.
T587. T587. Birth of twins. (Cf. T685.) Irish myth: Cross; India: *Thompson-Balys.
T587.1. T587.1. Birth of twins an indication of unfaithfulness in wife. (Cf. T586.3.) *Harris Cult of the Heavenly Twins 10ff.; Krappe “Tyndare” Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni XV (1939) 23 – 29; English: Child II 67 n., 511a, Wells 96 (Chevalere Assigne), 126 (Lai Le Freine), *Hibbard 295; Greek: Fox 79; India: Thompson-Balys.
T587.2. T587.2. Twins born one with ear of other in mouth. Irish myth: Cross.
T587.2.1. T587.2.1. Immediately after birth of twins one puts the other in his mouth: this twin‘s body becomes made of iron. India: Thompson-Balys.
T587.3. T587.3. Last born twin conceived first. Jewish: Neuman.
T588. T588. Motifs associated with the placenta. India: Thompson-Balys.
T588.1. T588.1. Spirits make child from placenta. Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 185.
T589. T589. Childbirth – miscellaneous motifs.
T589.1. T589.1. Co-operative birth. Each of two wives bears a half-boy. They are placed together and form a real boy. Hindu: Keith 156.
T589.2. T589.2. Boy cut in two: each half becomes a boy. N. A. Indian (Shoshonean): Alexander N. Am. 133, (California): Gayton and Newman 92.
T589.3. T589.3. Birth trees. Spring forth as hero is born; act as life tokens, etc. (Cf. T589.7.1.) Type 303; Köhler-Bolte I 179; Fb “træ” III 865b; *Kittredge Arthur 171 n. 1; Irish myth: Cross.
T589.4. T589.4. Birth with veil brings luck. (Cf. T552.5.1.) Fb. “sejrsskjorte”.
T589.5. T589.5. New-born child reincarnation of recently deceased person. Fb “sjæl” III 214a; N. A. Indian: *Alexander N. Am. 281 n. 20.
T589.6. T589.6. Where children come from. Explanations given to children. Hdwb. d. Abergl. IV 1342ff.; v. Wlislocki Germania N. R. XXII 134ff.
T589.6.1. T589.6.1. Children brought by the stork. *Fb “barn” I 50b.
T589.6.1.1. T589.6.1.1. Newborn boy placed in the lap of bathing queen by vulture. India: Thompson-Balys.
T589.6.2. T589.6.2. Children brought by midwife. *Fb “barn” I 50b.
T589.6.3. T589.6.3. Children said to come from underworld. Kalevala-seuran Vuosikirjaa IV 243.
T589.6.4. T589.6.4. Children said to come from a well. Wuttke Deutsche Aberglaube Register s.v. “Kinderbrunnen”.
T589.6.5. T589.6.5. Children said to come from cauliflower. Hdwb. d. Abergl. IV 1348.
T589.6.6. T589.6.6. Children said to come from stones. Schmidt DF XXXIX 92ff.
T589.7. T589.7. Simultaneous births. Irish myth: Cross.
T589.7.1. T589.7.1. Simultaneous birth of (domestic) animal and child. Type 303; Irish myth: *Cross.
T589.7.2. T589.7.2. Hero born in hour of Christ’s Nativity. Irish myth: *Cross.
T589.8. T589.8. Woman strives to delay birth until auspicious day. Loomis White Magic 20f.; Irish myth: *Cross.
T589.9. T589.9. Child with several mothers. (Heimdal.) Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 153.
T590. T590. Conception and birth – miscellaneous motifs.
T591. T591. Barrenness or impotence induced by magic. *Kittredge Witchcraft 113, 441 n. 78; *Boje 107; Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: Boberg; India: *Thompson-Balys.
T591.1. T591.1. Magic remedies for barrenness or impotence. (Cf. D1347, D1925, D2161.3.11.) Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: *Neuman; India: *Thompson-Balys.
T591.1.1. T591.1.1. Magic potion as remedy for impotence. Greek: Frazer Apollodorus I 87 n. 3.
T591.1.2. T591.1.2. Milk of hornless, single-colored cow drunk by man to make wife fruitful. Irish myth: Cross.
T591.2. T591.2. Unlucky for a woman to look on the face of a childless person. India: Thompson-Balys.
T592. T592. Milk suddenly appears in woman’s dry breast. *Cosquin Études 199ff., 238ff.; India: Thompson-Balys.
T592.1. T592.1. Milk medicine fills woman’s breasts with milk. India: Thompson-Balys.
T595. T595. Sign hung out informing brothers whether mother has borne boy or girl. *Type 451; BP I 70ff.; Italian: Basile Pentamerone IV No. 8.
T596. T596. Naming of children.
T596.1. T596.1. Angel names child. Irish myth: Cross.
T596.2. T596.2. Children named by numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.). Hdwb. d. Märchens I 521a; Irish myth: Cross.
T597. T597. Ambitions of father transferred to child at moment of conception. Irish myth: Cross.