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Group No. 22


A. Mythological Motifs

Group No.

A1500 – A1599

Group name

Origin of customs


A1500. Origin of customs – general. Irish: Beal XXI 324 – 326; Jewish: Neuman.
A545. Culture hero establishes customs. P600. Customs.
A1501. Tribal customs established by diviner. (Man who sees future.) – India: *Thompson-Balys.
D1712. Soothsayer.
A1502. All customs for the year established. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1503. Creator gives men customs and songs before their emergence. S. Am. Indian (Inca): Rowe BBAE CXLIII (3) 315.
A1234. Mankind emerges from ground.
A1510. Origin of eating customs. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1422. Assignment of edible animals. A1539.1. Origin of seating arrangements in royal hall.
A1511. Origin of time for meals. Esthonian: Aarne FFC XXV 141 No. 17; Jewish: Neuman.
A1511.1. Mealtimes from confused message from God. India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 120 No. 77.
A1512. Origin of custom of not eating in the dark: devil eats from plates. India: *Thompson-Balys.
A1514.1. Origin of drinking ceremonies. Tonga: Gifford 35, 47, 72, 74.
A1515. Origin of custom of eating certain animals.
A1515.1. Origin of custom of eating flesh of buffalo. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1516. Origin of cannibalism. Maori: Clark 15; Easter Is.: Métraux Ethnology 377.
GI0. Cannibalism.
A1517. Origin of eating tabus. Tonga: Gifford 80; New Guinea: Ker 13, 52; Africa: Bouveignes 15.
A1518. Why food is cooked. New Guinea: Ker 97.
A1520. Origin of hunting and fishing customs. Irish myth: Cross.
A1525. Origin of customs: game-division. Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 243f.
A1526. Why Indians cache their meat. Chitimacha: Swanton JAFL XXX 467.
A1527. Custom of catching fish with nets. S. Am. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 53.
A1528. Why one presents stranger with first fish caught. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 22.
A1530. Origin of social ceremonials.
A1533. Origin of peace ceremonies. Tahltan: Teit JAFL XXXII 213.
A1534. Origin of guesting. Irish myth: Cross.
A1435.1. Acquisition of guest-houses.
A1435.1. Acquisition of guest-houses.
A1535. Origin of secular feasts. Jewish: Neuman.
V70. Religious feasts and fasts.

A1535.1. Origin of the potlatch. A feast of the Indians of the Northwest Coast of America in which large amounts of property are given away to the guests. These feasts must be returned. Quileute: Farrand JAFL XXXII 258.
A1535.2. Origin of games and fairs. Irish myth: Cross.
A1535.3. Origin of games (fair) at Telltown (Tailtiu). Irish myth: Cross.
V70.3. Festival of Lugnasad (Telltown, Tatltlu).
A1535.4. Origin of feast of Tara. Irish myth: Cross.
A1541.3. Origin of Hallowe'en. V70.5. Festival of Samhain (Hallowe'en).
A1535.5. Festival of Beltane. Irish myth: Cross.
A1535.6. Origin of horse-racing. Irish myth: Cross.
A1537. Origin of social etiquette. Jewish: Neuman.
A1537.1. Origin of wishing long life to person who sneezes. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 731.
A1539. Origin of social ceremonials – miscellaneous.
A1539.1. Origin of seating arrangements in royal hall. Irish myth: Cross.
A1540. Origin of religious ceremonials. Flemish: DeMeyer FFC XXXVII 85 Nos. 36a, 43d. – India: *Thompson-Balys; Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 171f.
A1541. Origin of religious feasts and fasts. Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
A1541.1. Origin of feast for the dead. (Cf. A1543.1.) – Tahltan: Teit JAFL XXXII 238.
A1541.1.1. Origin of grave-digging Irish myth: Cross.
A1541.1.2. Communion feast to placate dead. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1541.2. Origin of feasts in honor of certain god (goddess). Irish myth: Cross; India: Thompson-Balys.
A1541.2.1. Origin of feast for Zise. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1541.3. Origin of Hallowe'en. Irish myth: Cross.
A1541.3.1. Origin of Hallowe'en as a mystic night. Irish myth: Cross.
A1541.4. Origin of Sabbath. Jewish: Neuman.
A1541.4.0.1. Holy day established on seventh day. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 45.
A1541.4.1. Origin of Sabbath from a feast to Venus. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
A1541.4.2. Origin of dragon festival. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 238 No. 185.
A1541.5. Origin of passover. Jewish: Neuman.
A1541.6. Origin of Pentecost. Jewish: Neuman.
A1541.7. Origin of religious fasts. Jewish: Neuman.
A1542. Origin of religious dances. Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 359.
A1542.1. Origin of particular manner of dancing. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1542.2. Origin of particular dance.
A1542.2.1. Origin of crocodile dance. Africa (Fang): Einstein 48.
A1543. Origin of religious songs (chants).
A1543.1. Origin of the death chant. (Cf. A1541.1.) – Tahltan: Teit JAFL XXXII 239; Irish myth: Cross.
A1544. Origin of religious images (idols). Jewish: Neuman; India: *Thompson-Balys; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 516; Easter Is.: Métraux Ethnology 261.
A1544.0.1. Why Jews do not worship idols. Jewish: Neuman.
A1545. Origin of sacrifices. Greek: *Grote I 25f., 28; Irish myth: Cross; Icel.: Boberg; Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys; Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 36, 59, 199.
A1545.1. Regulations for sacrifices. Hebrew: Leviticus ch. 1 – 7; Greek: *Grote I 25f., 28; Jewish: Neuman; Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 64, 70, 198, 397; Tahltan: Teit JAFL XXXII 238.
A1545.2. Animal substituted for human sacrifice. Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
A1545.3. Origin of animal sacrifices. India: *Thompson-Balys.
A1545.3.1. Origin of dog sacrifices. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1545.3.2. Origin of calf sacrifices. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1545.3.3. Origin of cock sacrifice. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 120 No. 78.
A1545.4. Custom of sacrifice begun at harvest and sowing times. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1545.5. Origin of human sacrifice. India: *Thompson-Balys; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 370.
A1545.5.1. Origin of the custom of wife self-sacrifice (suttee). India: *Thompson-Balys.
A1545.6. Why animal bones only are used in sacrifice. Greek: Grote I 59.
A1546. Origin of worship. (Cf. V0 – V99.) – Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: *Neuman.
A1546.0.1. Origin of symbols of worship. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1546.0.2. Origin of prayers. Jewish: *Neuman; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 19ff., 69; Easter Is.: Métraux Ethnology 313.
A1546.0.3. Origin of calf-statues in temples. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 136.
A1546.1. Origin of worship of rivers. India: *Thompson-Balys.
A1546.2. Origin of worship of particular god(s). India: Thompson-Balys.
A1546.3. Origin of Christian worship.
A1546.3.1. First convert to Christianity in Ireland. Irish myth: Cross.
A1546.3.2. First monk, first pilgrim. Irish myth: Cross.
A1546.4. Origin of Jewish worship. Jewish: Neuman.
A1546.5. Origin of worship from holy books. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1546.6. Origin of fire worship. Jewish: Neuman.
A1546.7. Origin of animal worship.
A1546.7.1. Origin of crocodile worship. Africa (Fang): Einstein 50.
A1547. Origin of funeral customs. Jewish: Neuman; India: *Thompson-Balys.
A1547.1. Origin of funeral sacrifices. (Cf. A1545.) – India: Thompson-Balys.
A1547.2. Origin of lute-playing at funerals. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1547.3. Origin of lamentations for the dead. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1548. Origin of tithing. Jewish: Neuman.
A1549. Origin of religious ceremonials – miscellaneous.
A1549.1. Origin of commemorative religious meal (to memorialize death or actions of ancestor or holy person). India: Thompson-Balys.
A1549.2. Origin of sundry religious ceremonials – Jewish: Neuman.
A1549.3. Origin of religious games. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 40.
A1549.4. Origin of penance for sin. Jewish: Neuman.
A1550. Origin of customs of courtship and marriage. India: *Thompson-Balys.
A1551. Why women do not woo. Esthonian: FFC XXV 142 No. 18; Jewish: Neuman; S. Am. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 54.
A1552. Marriage between close relatives.
A1552.1. Why brothers and sisters do not marry. India: *Thompson-Balys.
A1552.2. Origin of royal marriages with close relatives. Tonga: Gifford 187.
A1552.3. Brother-sister marriage of children of first parents. Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 68.
A1553. Origin of exogamy and endogamy.
A1553.1. Origin of exogamy. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1554. Origin of love-songs. China: Eberhard FFC CXX 118.
A1555. Origin of marriage. Finnish: Aarne FFC VIII 7 No. 26, XXXIII 52 No. 26; Flemish: DeMeyer FFC XXXVII 84 No. 26; Irish myth: Cross; India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham.
A1555.1. Origin of wedding ceremony. Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
A1555.1.1. Origin of custom of throwing fruits on bridal couple. Jewish: Neuman.
A1555.2. Origin of custom of purchasing wives. Irish Myth: Cross.
A1555.3. Why umbrellas are used to welcome bride to new home. Chinese: Graham.
A1556. Origin of sexual restrictions. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1556.1. Beginning of law against rape. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1556.2. Origin of celibacy. Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 109.
A1556.3. Origin of adultery. It occurs in the primeval human family. Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 69.
A1556.3.1. Origin of decrying female sinners. Irish myth: Cross.
A1556.4. Origin of jus primae noctis. Jewish: Neuman.
A1557. Why woman is master of her husband. (Cf. A1372.9.) Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 98.
A1558. Origin of divorce. Africa (Akan-Ashanti): Rattray 242 No. 62.
A1559. Origin of customs of courtship and marriage – miscellaneous.
A1559.1. Origin of the village dormitory. India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham.
A1560. Origin of customs connected with birth. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1562. Origin of medical treatment during pregnancy.
A1562.1. Origin of charms for pregnant women. Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 181.
A1565. Origin of diet during confinement. Africa (Basuto): Jacottet 54.
A1566. Parents learn how to wean their children. S. A. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 120.
A1567. Origin of circumcision. Jewish: Neuman.
A1567.1. Why dust is strewn on wound at circumcision. Jewish: Neuman.
A1570. Origin of regulations within the family.
A1571. Origin of code of conduct between husband and wife.
A1571.1. Why husband and wife shall not exchange hats. Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 117.
A1575. Origin of relation of mother and children.
A1575.1. Why a mother has prior claim on her children. Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 101.
A1576. Origin of code of conduct for parents toward children of polygamous marriage. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1577. Origin of personal names. Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: Neuman; Liberian: Bundy JAFL XXXII 422.
A1577.1. Adam named from first letters of four stars. Irish myth: Cross.
A1578. Origin of family insignia.
A1578.1. Origin of family crests. Tahltan: Teit JAFL XXXII *235 – 238.
A1579. Origin of regulation within the family – miscellaneous.
A1579.1. Why children are not left alone in the house to sleep. Marquesas: Handy 51.
A1580. Origin of laws. Irish myth: Cross; India: Thompson-Balys.
A1580.1. Origin of justice. Irish myth: Cross.
A1580.1.1. First judgment in Ireland. Irish myth: Cross.
A1580.2. Laws given directly by deity. Jewish: Neuman.
A1581. Origin of special penalties.
A1581.1. Origin of penalty for murder. Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 401.
A1581.2. Origin of penalty for theft. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1582. Origin of government. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1583. Origin of kingdom. Irish myth: Cross.
A1585. Origin of laws: division of property in a family. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1586. First surety. Irish myth: Cross.
A1587. Origin of tabus. Mono-Alu: Wheeler 67; Papua: Kerr 90. C. Tabu.
A1587.1. Tabus instituted by God or creator. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1587.2. Tabus instituted by culture hero. S. A. Indian (Tupinamba): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 132.
A1589. Origin of laws – miscellaneous.
A1589.1. Why women are disqualified as witness in court. Jewish: Neuman.
A1590. Origin of other customs.
A1591. Origin of burial. Irish myth: Cross; Icel.: Boberg; Finnish: Aarne FFC VII 9 No. 41, XXXIII 53 No. 41. – India: Thompson-Balys; Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 226; Maidu: Dixon BAM XVII 44 No. 1.
A1591.1. Burial learned from watching raven bury its dead. Dh I 249.
A1592. Origin of cremation. Icel.: Boberg; India: Thompson-Balys; Tahltan: Teit JAFL XXXII 239ff.
A1593. Why men no longer know time of death. Custom changed when men began to repair fences with stalks when they knew they were to die the next day. – Irish myth: Cross; *Babler Sudetendeutsche Zs. f. Vksk. VII (1934) 171ff.; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3062, Legends Nos. 115 – 120. – Esthonian: Aarne FFC XXV 142 No. 19; Livonian: Loorits FFC LXVI 84 No. 37.
A1594. Origin of physicians. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1594.1. Establishment of doctor's fees. Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 279.
A1595. Origin of tattooing. Easter Island: Métraux Ethnology 316f., 367.
A1596. Origin of army. Irish myth: Cross.
A1596.1. Origin of custom of paying soldiers. Irish myth: Cross.
A1597. Origin of custom of wearing a beard. Irish myth: Cross.
A1597.1. First men without beards: Cain, Abel. Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: Neuman.
A1597.2. Origin of custom of shaving. Irish myth: Cross.
A1598. Origin of customs of hospitality. Jewish: Neuman.
A1599. Origin of additional customs.
A1599.1. Origin of warning beacon. Irish myth: Cross.
A1599.2. Origin of erection of monuments to mark boundaries. Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: Neuman.
A1599.3. Why women wear veils in India. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1599.4. Why the face must be wiped dry after washing. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3070; Legends No. 122.
A1599.5. Why in addressing anyone the second plural should be used. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3072.
A1599.6. Why earthworms are killed whenever earth is dug. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1599.7. Why dagger must be always cleaned on the inside of the robe. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1599.8. Inequalities of fortune among men, otherwise the work of the world will not go on. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1599.9. Origin of custom of committing suicide by strangling. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1599.10. Origin of witchcraft. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1599.11. Origin of quarrels. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1599.11.1. Origin of war. Africa (Togo): Einstein 8.
A1599.12. Origin of covenanted friendships. India: Thompson-Balys.
P311. Sworn brethren.
A1599.13. Why certain caste is kind to animals. India: *Thompson-Balys.
A1599.14. Why a lamp must be lighted in a house at least every fortnight. – India: Thompson-Balys.
A1599.15. Origin of begging. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1599.16. Origin of allusive expression for the story of gods' incest and trickery. Marquesas: Handy 123.

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