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P0. Royalty and nobility.
P3. Issue of marriage of brother and sister of highest chiefly rank is a god. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 521.
P10. Kings. Jewish: *Neuman.
P10.1. Special place where occur births of royalty. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 376.
P11. Choice of kings. India: Thompson-Balys.
P11.0.1. Prophecy that brother who first kisses saint will be king. Irish myth: Cross.
P11.0.2. Choice of king of trees.
P11.0.2.1. Bramble chosen king of trees. Herbert III 34; Hebrew: Judges 9: 8 – 15.
P11.1. Choice of kings by divine will. *Egerton JAOS XXXIII 158; Krappe Revue Hispanique LVI (1922) 5 – 24; *Penzer V 175ff.; *Chauvin VI 75 No. 239; India: Thompson-Balys.
P11.1.1. Kings chosen by lot. *Chauvin VI 75 No. 239; Africa (Swahili): Steere 141.
P11.2. Winner of contest to be king. *Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 269; Jewish: *Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
P11.2.1. King chosen by contest: princes finding greatest fault with their father. Youngest can find no fault and is chosen. Type 924**.
P11.2.2. King chosen by contest. Irish myth: Cross.
P11.2.2.1. The one of two giant brothers who performs the greatest feat and procures the wildest dog elected as king. Icelandic: Boberg.
P11.2.3. The one of two giant brothers who gets the most skillful princess elected as king. Icelandic: Boberg.
P11.3. Owner of magic object chosen as king. India: Thompson-Balys.
P11.4. King chosen on basis of strength and exploits. Irish myth: Cross; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
P11.4.1. He who can open palace door to be king. India: Thompson-Balys.
P11.4.2. Amasser of largest fortune to be king. India: Thompson-Balys.
P11.5. He who can fill out a certain wide seat chosen as king. Icelandic: Boberg.
P11.6. Inauguration of king as espousal to goddess. Irish myth: *Cross.
P12. Character of kings.
P12.1. Hunting a madness of kings. Penzer II 127; Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: Boberg; India: Thompson-Balys.
P12.2. Injustice deadliest of monarch’s sins. Penzer I 124 n. 1.
P12.2.1. Tyrannical king. Jewish: *Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
P12.3. Usurper imposes burdensome taxes. Dickson 175 n. 39.
P12.4. King who intends rape killed. Attackers flee into exile. Irish myth: Cross.
P12.5. Good king never retreats in battle. Irish myth: *Cross.
P12.5.0.1. Dead king carried into battle in his war-chariot. Irish myth: Cross.
P12.5.1. King in battle hides in ditch, with earth piled around him. Irish myth: *Cross.
P12.6. Just king brings good fortune upon people. Irish myth: *Cross.
P12.6.1. Four duties of king to subjects: devotion, protection of subjects, justice, and increase of his kingdom. India: Thompson-Balys.
P12.7. Clever king knows everything in advance. Icelandic: Boberg.
P12.8. King banishes nobleman whose castle he wants. Icelandic: *Boberg.
P12.9. Nobility of character a mark of kings. Kings overcomes passion for beautiful captives and sends them back untouched to their people. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
P12.10. King is superior to all in strength, beauty, largeness, etc., and usually has victory. Icelandic: *Boberg; Jewish: *Neuman.
P12.11. Uxorious king neglects duties. India: Thompson-Balys.
P12.12. King avenges lack of homage. India: Thompson-Balys.
P12.13. King quick to anger. India: Thompson-Balys.
P12.13.1. King to be seen after anger cools. India: Thompson-Balys.
P12.14. Modesty of king. Jewish: *Neuman.
P13. Customs connected with kings. Irish myth: *Cross.
P13.0.1. Privileges of under-king. Irish myth: Cross.
P13.0.2. Duties of under-king‘s retainers. Irish myth: Cross.
P13.1. King cannot judge without crown. Fb “konge” II 264b.
P13.2. Mismanagement of king’s treasury a mortal offense. Fb “penge” II 803a.
P13.3. Royal purple (golden diadem) worn as sign of royalty. Irish myth: Cross.
P13.3.1. Kingly insignia worn only on field of battle. Irish myth: Cross.
P13.3.2. Ring can make or unmake a king. India: Thompson-Balys.
P13.4. King must marry. Irish myth: Cross.
P13.5. Crowning of kings. Icelandic: *Boberg; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 986.
P13.5.1. Anointing of kings. Jewish: *Neuman.
P13.6. Custom to appoint a king by day and slay him at night. India: Thompson-Balys.
P13.7. Royal anniversaries. Jewish: *Neuman.
P13.8. King must never be present at funeral. Jewish: *Neuman.
P13.9. Royal perquisites.
P13.9.1. King has first choice in booty. Jewish: Neuman.
P13.9.2. Fifth of the land‘s production belongs to king. Jewish: *Neuman.
P14. Particular practices of kings.
P14.1. Prisoners released as celebration of king’s success. *Chauvin VI 101 No. 269 n. 2; Babylonian: Spence 59.
P14.2. King will not permit a one-eyed man in his presence. *Chauvin V 160 No. 84 n. 1.
P14.3. King playing chess when important news arrives. *Dickson 233 n. 30; Icelandic: *Boberg.
P14.4. King orders all gold brought to him. Wesselski Archiv Orientální I 77.
P14.5. King never touches earth: carried always by slaves. Africa (Upoto): Einstein 121.
P14.6. King‘s (prince’s) sulking chamber. He sulks here until his wishes are carried out. India: *Thompson-Balys.
P14.7. None permitted to enter hall of king unless he possesses an art. Irish myth: Cross.
P14.8. King does not want men who are unable to engage in any sport. Icelandic: Örvar-Odds saga 142 – 43.
P14.8.1. King asks all newcomers what they can do and expects a prompt answer. Icelandic: *Boberg.
P14.9. Law that nobody may give the king bad tidings. Icelandic: *Boberg.
P14.10. Kings have seat on hills. Icelandic: *Boberg; India: Thompson-Balys.
P14.11. King angry at hero who rides straight into the castle without permission. Icelandic: Völsunga saga ch. 28 (26).
P14.12. King has his own gifts stolen back for him. India: Thompson-Balys.
P14.13. King gives his own wife as reward. India: Thompson-Balys.
P14.14. King requires everyone who comes before him to tell a story. Irish myth: Cross.
P14.15. King has champion to enforce respect. Irish myth: Cross.
P14.15.1. Old, wise counsellor of court. Irish myth: Cross.
P14.15.2. Court messenger. Irish myth: Cross.
P14.16. Threefold division of king‘s day: one third dedicated to watching boys at play; one third to playing fidehell (chess?); one third to drinking. Irish myth: Cross.
P14.17. King’s stronghold on island. Irish myth: Cross.
P14.18. King orders man whose neck the rope will fit to be executed. India: Thompson-Balys.
P14.19. King goes in disguise at night to observe his subjects. India: *Thompson-Balys; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 424, 908.
P14.20. Tom-tom beater to spread the news of kingship. India: *Thompson-Balys.
P14.21. King shows himself in public only one day a year. Jewish: *Neuman.
P14.22. King keeps lions as pets and a lion-tamer at his palace. Jewish: Neuman.
P14.23. King does not eat much during years of famine in order not to forget the hungry. Jewish: *Neuman.
P15. Adventures of kings.
P15.1. Disguised king punished by peasant. Beaten because he does not get up early enough. (King Alfred and the cakes.) *BP III 451 n. 1.
P15.1.1. Disguised king taught courtesy by peasant. English: Wells 94 (The Taill of Rauf Coilyear).
P15.1.2. King pardons person who has made mistake of addressing one of his courtiers as king. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
P15.2. King demands subject’s wife for himself. India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham.
P15.2.1. King carries off subject’s wife and makes her his own. India: Thompson-Balys.
P15.3. King loses his kingdom to impostor. (Cf. K1934.1.) Jewish: Neuman.
P15.4. King is cursed by disguised dwarf-smiths whose work he criticised. Icelandic: Ásmundar saga Kappabana 466.
P15.5. King frees man sent by rival king to kill him. He sees bravery in the would-be assassin. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
P15.6. King descends to bottom of sea in glass barrel to study ways of fishes. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
P15.7. King himself works at brick building so that subjects cannot complain of enforced labor. Jewish: *Neuman.
P15.8. Subjects drive their ruler away after he has made them do forced labor. India: Thompson-Balys.
P16. End of king‘s reign.
P16.1. King (prince) retires from the world (becomes hermit, swineherd). *Chauvin VI 194 No. 363; Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg.
P16.1.1. King on retiring orders funeral obsequies given him. Chauvin VIII 115 No. 98.
P16.1.2. King learning of queen‘s adultery abdicates. India: Thompson-Balys.
P16.1.3. The higher the office held in this world, the heavier the judgment of God: Cuchulinn’s reason for abjuring kingship. Irish myth: Cross.
P16.1.4. Father abdicates in favor of son. India: Thompson-Balys.
P16.2. King must resign if maimed (disfigured). Irish: MacCulloch Celtic 25, Cross.
P16.2.1. King must resign if he begets natural son. Icelandic: *Boberg.
P16.3. King killed when old. Hawaii: Beckwith 409f.; Tonga: Gifford 31.
P16.3.0.1. King commits suicide. Irish myth: Cross.
P16.3.1. Old king attacked. Icelandic: *Boberg.
P16.3.1.1. Attempt to kill old king by suffocating him in bathroom. Icelandic: Boberg.
P16.3.2. King too old to fight goes himself into his grave mound. Icelandic: Boberg.
P16.4. Persons buried with dead king. *Wesselski Märchen 230; Icelandic: Corpus Poeticum Boreale I 303, *Boberg.
P16.4.1. Suttee. Wife burned with dead king. *Penzer IV 255 ff., 264; **Zachariae Zs. f. Vksk. XIV 198ff., 302ff., 395ff., XV 74ff.; Chauvin VII 20; Mansikka FFC XLIII 330ff.; Hert Die Indogermanen II 440, 490ff.; Grimm Deutsche Rechtsalterthümer I 622; Hoops‘ Reallexikon IV 556ff.; Schreuer Zs. f. Vgl. Rechtswissenschaft XXXIV 19ff. – Icelandic: *Boberg; Slavic: Máchal 233; India: *Thompson-Balys; Melanesia: Codrington 288ff.; Africa: Frobenius Atlantis VII 106, 227.
P16.5. Shavings of spear which killed king cast into cataract. Irish myth: Cross.
P16.6. Kings worshipped after their death. Icelandic: *Boberg.
P16.7. King slain by “his own household” in revenge for deposing his father. Irish myth: Cross.
P16.8. Land where every raja dies; if he rules for a day he dies that night; if he rules for a night, he dies that day. India: Thompson-Balys.
P16.9. King’s coffin sunk into river. Jewish: *Neuman.
P17. Succession to the throne. Missouri French: Carrière.
P17.0.1. No sons left to rule after father. Lawmaker’s sons slain in rebellion against him. Irish myth: Cross.
P17.0.2. Son succeeds father as king. Icelandic: *Boberg.
P17.0.2.1. At son‘s wedding king names him as successor. Icelandic: Boberg.
P17.0.3. Vengeance for destruction of fairy-mound pursues king’s descendants. Irish myth: Cross.
P17.1. First man to arrive after king‘s death to be heir. (Cf. N683.) Hdwb. d. Märchens I 605a n. 62; India: *Thompson-Balys.
P17.2. Queen chosen to live rather than king so that she can bear an heir to the throne. Serpents alleged to tell by their death which shall die first: male serpent predicts king’s death; female, queen‘s. King has male serpent killed. BP IV 139; Gesta Romanorum No. 92.
P17.3. Dying king names successor. Icelandic: Boberg.
P17.3.1. Second-born son declared as successor because message about the birth of first son was slower traveling. Emperor will not change proclamation. India: Thompson-Balys.
P17.4. Kingship rotates among brothers. Irish myth: Cross.
P17.5. Brothers rule jointly. Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: Boberg.
P17.6. Succession by mother-right. Irish myth: Cross.
P17.7. Succession will fall to line that has been wronged. Irish myth: Cross.
P17.8. Kingship given to younger brother. (Cf. P17.10.) Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: Boberg; Jewish: Neuman.
P17.9. Natural son succeeds to the throne. Irish myth: Cross.
P17.9.1. Natural son is refused kingship and half heritage. Icelandic: Hervarar saga 86 – 88, Boberg.
P17.10. Three sons each get a kingship, but the youngest the most important in the home country. (Cf. P17.8.) Icelandic: Boberg.
P17.11. Slayer of king marries widow and inherits kingdom. Icelandic: *Boberg.
P17.12. King to be succeeded by whoever can carry his dead body a certain distance. Irish myth: Cross.
P17.13. What the princes most desire: king asks each of three sons separately. Answers: to study, to make pilgrimages, to build a great kingdom. Last chosen. India: Thompson-Balys.
P18. Marriage of kings. Irish myth: Cross.
P18.1. After highly mourned wife‘s death the king marries another who turns out to be an evil witch. Icelandic: *Boberg.
P18.2. Limited number of wives for polygamous king. Jewish: *Neuman.
P19. Other motifs connected with kings. Irish myth: Cross.
P19.1. King’s presence necessary for army‘s victory. English romance: Malory passim.
P19.2. King may have any woman as paramour if he makes her a settlement. Irish myth: Cross.
P19.2.1. King abducts woman to be his paramour. Irish myth: Cross.
P19.3. King must procure whatever visiting poets ask, or suffer from their satire. Irish myth: Cross.
P19.4. Kingly powers (rights). Irish myth: Cross.
P19.4.0.1. King’s wand (rod). Irish myth: Cross.
P19.4.1. King may judge against all save one of highest rank in religion or learning. Irish myth: Cross.
P19.5. King raised from dead (by saint). Irish myth: Cross.
P20. Queens. Irish myth: Cross.
P20.1. Clever queen. Icelandic: *Boberg.
P21. Queen intervenes for condemned courtiers. *Chauvin II 104 No. 65.
P21.1. Queen as intercessor with king. Greek: Odyssey VI 313; Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
P22. Queen marries murderer of her fiancée. Italian Novella: Rotunda.
P22.1. Queen leaves country with her son, having killed her husband in revenge for his killing of her father and brother. Icelandic: *Boberg.
P23. Queen persuades king to make war without cause that her sons may have territory. Irish myth: Cross.
P23.1. Queen persuades husband to riot against his superior. Icelandic: Boberg.
P23.2. Queen persuades husband to claim her father’s kingdom after his death. Icelandic: Boberg.
P23.3. Queen persuades husband to avenge her father. Icelandic: Boberg
P23.4. Queen offers son to be killed in order to spur to fight and avenge her first husband. (Cf. S12.3.) Icelandic: Boberg.
P24. Queen must pay tribute to victorious queen to the amount paid by king to victorious king. Irish myth: Cross.
P25. Queen meddles in state affairs. India: Thompson-Balys.
P26. Captured queen commits suicide. (Cf. P16.3.0.1.) Irish myth: Cross; India: Thompson-Balys.
P26.1. Queen commits suicide, as her husband vanquishes and kills her father and her brother. Icelandic: Boberg.
P27. Grief at queen‘s death. Icelandic: *Boberg.
P27.1. King sits mourning on his wife’s grave mound. Icelandic: *Boberg.
P27.2. King mourns so much at wife‘s death that he goes on piracy, (every summer afterward). Icelandic: *Boberg.
P27.3. King calls daughter in second marriage by the name of his first queen. Icelandic: Boberg.
P28. Marriage of queen.
P28.1. Chieftainess of such rank that none of her countrymen can woo her. Maori: Clark 2.
P29. Queens – miscellaneous.
P29.1. No king to rule who is not husband of certain queen. Irish myth: Cross.
P29.2. Queen commits adultery with husband’s foster son. Irish myth: Cross.
P29.3. Queen (princess) pours liquor for battle champions. Irish myth: Cross.
P30. Princes. Irish myth: Cross.
P30.1. King’s sons called kings. Icelandic: Boberg.
P31. Prince must learn a trade. (Cf. P51.) *Chauvin VI 74 No. 239.
P31.1. Princes as smiths. Irish myth: Cross.
P32. Friendship of prince and commoner. India: Thompson-Balys.
P32.1. All children born in realm on same day as chief‘s son are brought to palace to be the boy’s companions. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 441.
P34. Prince imprisoned as hostage for safety from king. Irish myth: Cross.
P35. Unknown prince chosen chief of children in play. *Type 920; *DeVries FFC LXXIII 40ff.
P36. Dispossessed prince taunted by usurper‘s son. West Africa: Frobenius Atlantis VI 182ff. No. 4.
P37. Birth rites confer royalty on infant prince. Easter Island: Métraux Ethnology 59.
P38. Prince forfeits father’s and God‘s blessing if he fails to claim throne. English romance: Malory I 4.
P40. Princesses.
P41. Princess cannot be married to someone of low caste, though he passes suitor test. India: Thompson-Balys.
P41.1. Great warrior destroyed by king when he asks for princess in marriage. India: Thompson-Balys.
P50. Noblemen (knights).
P50.0.1. King and vassals: obligations of vassals to king. Irish myth: Cross.
P50.0.1.1. King demands open gate to vassals‘ castle (city). Irish myth: Cross.
P50.1. Earl. Icelandic: *Boberg.
P50.1.1. Earl’s name preferred to king‘s. Icelandic: Boberg.
P50.2. Marshall.
P51. Noble person saves self from difficulties by knowledge of a trade. (Cf. P31.) Chauvin VIII 111 No. 90.
P52. Knight jousts with all comers. (Cf. P561.) English romance: Malory passim.
P52.1. Knight’s duty to perform as lady bids. English romance: Malory VI 5.
P55. Wild man of noble birth. (Cf. F567.) Dickson 135 n. 117; Irish myth: Cross.
P60. Noble (gentle) ladies.
P61. Noble woman given to foreigners on condition that thereafter their land be held by female right. Irish myth: Cross.
P90. Royalty and nobility – miscellaneous.
P92. Bathing pool reserved for royalty. Tahiti: Henry Ancient Tahiti (Honolulu, 1928) 608.
P93. Certain foods, ornaments, feathers, etc. reserved for royalty. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 376.
P94. Garment must be removed in presence of certain high chiefs. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 376.
P95. Impossible to refuse the request of a troubled nobleman. Greek: Odyssey IV 653.