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M200. Bargains and promises. India: Thompson-Balys.
M201. Making of bargains and promises.
M201.0.1. Bargain with God (by holy man). Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: *Neuman.
M201.0.1.1. Covenant between Israel and God. Jewish: *Neuman.
M201.0.2. Covenant between heathen and Israelites. Jewish: Neuman.
M201.1. Blood covenant. Contract written (or signed) with blood. Hdwb. d. Abergl. II 272ff., 1026; *Wilken Verspreide Geschriften I 539ff.; *W. Robertson Smith Religion of the Semites@3 270ff.; *Penzer I 98 n.; *Fb ”skrive“; ”blod“ IV 47b; ** H. C. Turmbull The Blood Covenant (London, 1887). – Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. ”sang“, ”pacte“; Jewish: *Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
M201.1.1. Blood of contractors mixed to seal bargain. Irish myth: *Cross; Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 268.
M201.1.2. Pact with devil signed in blood. (Theophilus.) (Cf. M211.) Type 756B; *Andrejev FFC LXIX 64; Scala Celi 9a, 135b Nos 58, 749; Wünsche Teufel 55f.; England, U.S.: Baughman; Irish: Beal XXI 310 – 312, O‘Suilleabhain 33f.; Spanish Exempla: Keller; Argentina: Jijena Sanchez 80.
M201.2. Covenant confirmed by eating together. Hdwb. d. Abergl. II 272ff.; U.S.: Baughman; Africa (Fang): Nassau 242 No. 9.
M201.3. Spitting of all parties into vessel to seal bargain. Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 53; England: Baughman.
M201.4. Covenant between saints confirmed by cutting off their thumbs. Irish myth: Cross.
M201.5. Covenant confirmed by marriage. Icelandic: *Boberg.
M201.6. Covenant confirmed by hostages. Icelandic: *Boberg.
M202. Fulfilling of bargain or promise.
M202.0.1. Bargain or promise to be fulfilled at all hazards. English romance: Malory VIII 30; Irish myth: *Cross.
M202.1. Promise to be fulfilled when iron shoes wear out. *Cox Cinderella 508.
M202.1. Prisoner would be set free only after he has used up a pair of harmed shoes. Krappe Philological Quarterly XI (1932) 87f.
M202.2. Man keeps word to return to enemy if his mission to his people fails. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
M203. King‘s promise irrevocable. Basil Pentamerone I No. 5; Irish myth: *Cross; Missouri French: Carrière; Spanish Exempla: Keller; India: Thompson-Balys; West Indies: Flowers 560.
M203.1. King punishes one of his men who robs someone to whom the king has given safe conduct. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
M203.2. King kills self to carry out own promise. India: Thompson-Balys.
M203.3. King sells self and family into slavery to keep promise. India: Thompson-Balys.
M204. Demanding of promised boon postponed.
M204.1. Demanding of promised boon postponed until an auspicious moment. Granted anything he may ask, the recipient waits to announce his choice. English romance: Malory VIII 15; India: Thompson-Balys.
M205. Breaking of bargains or promises. India: Thompson-Balys; West Indies: Flowers 561.
M205.0.1. Promise kept in deed but not in spirit. English romance: Malory X 38.
M205.1. Animal punishes broken promise.
M205.1.1. Turtle carrying man through water upsets him because of a broken promise. Chinese: Werner 367.
M205.1.1.1. Fish (whale) carrying man through water shakes him off when man strikes him with coconut. Tahiti: Beckwith Myth 252; Tuamotu: Stimson MS (T-G. 3/600).
M205.1.2. Cat witness to betrothal punishes violator. Kills the man’s son when he has married a different woman. Hebrew: *bin Gorion Born Judas@2 I 368.
M205.2. Curse as punishment for broken promise. Irish myth: *Cross.
M205.3. A man who breaks his oath to a woman cannot be king with right. Icelandic: Boberg.
M205.4. King breaks promise to care for man‘s family. Is caught trying to steal his money. India: Thompson-Balys.
M206. Promise made merely as a matter of form not binding.
M206.1. Host offers to send his guest a cask of the wine he has praised. Later refuses to send it as it was merely a ”verba honoris“. Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 308.
M207. Land grants (bargains). Irish myth: *Cross.
M208. Price set on one’s head. Icelandic: *Boberg.
M210. Bargain with devil. Types 310, 313A, 316, 360, 400, 425C, 441, 500, 502, 706, 710, 756B, 810 – 812, 1170 – 1199; BP II 164, 329f., 427, 561ff., III 12, *Andrejev FFC LXIX 222ff.; *Fb ”djævel“ IV 99a, ”blod“ IV 47b. – England, U.S.: Baughman; Missouri French: Carrière; Italian Novella: *Rotunda; Jewish: *Neuman; India: *Thompson-Balys; West Indies: Flowers 562.
M211. Man sells soul to devil. (Faust, Theophilus.) Types 330, 360, 361, 756B, 810, 812, 1170-1199; *BP II 164, 427, 561ff., III 12; *Andrejev FFC LXIX 46, 50, 223, 227 n.; Lidzbarski Am Urds-Brunnen IV 59 n. 1; Scala Celi 9a, 112a, 135b Nos. 58, 625, 749; *Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 667; *Fb ”sjæl“ III 215a; Faligan RTP V 1; Alphabet Nos. 50, 467; *Ludorff Anglia VII 60ff.; *Loomis White Magic 112f.; *K. Bittner Die Faustsage im russischen Schrifttum (Reichenberg. i. B. [Prager Deutsche Studien No. 37], 1925); *Krappe Bulletin Hispanique XXXIX 34. – Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3400, Legends No. 757; Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 49, 67 Nos. 330, 510, Espinosa Jr. Nos. 70-74, 83f.; Italian Novella: Rotunda; Argentina: Jijena Sanchez 74; N. A. Indian (Wampanoag): Knight JAFL XXXVIII 134, (Salinan): Mason U Cal X 196.
M211.1. Man unwittingly sells soul to devil. He jestingly offers to sell his soul. Devil in disguise buys it. *Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 280; *Wesselski Märchen 245 No. 55.
M211.1.1. Man goes to well at midnight on Old Christmas to see water turned into wine. Just as it turns into wine the devil takes him, or injures him. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
M211.2. Man sells soul to devil in return for devil‘s building house (barn, etc.). Wünsche Teufel 29-56 passim.
M211.3. Man bequeaths soul to devil. U.S.: Baughman; Italian Novella: Rotunda.
M211.4. Jews must repay devil’s help by giving tribute of persons each year. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 1867D*.
M211.5. Formulas for selling one‘s soul to devil. England: Baughman.
M211.6. Man sells soul to devil for visit home in boat that sails through sky. U.S.: Baughman.
M211.7. Man sells soul to devil for magic power to escape capture. Canada: Baughman.
M211.8. Man sells soul to devil for devil’s doing one specific job. England, Wales: *Baughman.
M211.9. Person sells soul to devil in return for the granting of wishes. England: Baughman.
M212. Devil agrees to help man with robberies.
M212.1. Devil as helper of robber refuses to let women‘s ornaments be stolen. They are his own weapons. Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 86.
M212.2. Devil at gallows repudiates his bargain with robber. Ring turns to rope. The judge cannot find a rope and is about to release the thief because of the miracle. But the ring in the box presented by the devil as a bribe turns out to be a rope. The man is hanged. *Krappe Archivum Romanicum VII 470ff.; *Wesselski Märchen 244 No. 54; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
M213. Devil as substitute for day laborer at mowing. He mows with a magic sickle. The evil overseer tries to keep up with him and dies of overexhaustion. Type 820.
M214. Devil to help gambler in exchange for one task yearly. Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 55 No. 408A*.
M215. With his whole heart: devil carries off judge. The devil refuses to take anything not offered him with the whole heart. He hears the judge (advocate) cursed for fraud with such sincerity that he carries him off. *Type 1186; **Taylor PMLA XXXVI 35ff., also in Bryan and Dempster Sources and Analogues of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales 26974; *Herbert III 592; *Fb ”ridefoged“ III 53b; *Pauli (ed. Bolte) Nos. 81, 807; *Robinson Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer (Cambridge, Mass., 1933) 809 (Friar‘s Tale).
M216. Devil bargains to help man become priest. He must not later exorcise him from people. Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 50 No. 332.
M216.1. The devil helps man study for priesthood. For this, he must promise the devil his soul. Having become a great priest, the man finds means to save himself. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3266, Legends Nos. 400ff.
M216.2. The devil makes the herdsman’s son a priest in return for a whistle. After quarreling with the devil, who asked to repair the whistle during Mass, the priest forgets all he learned and does not know how to hold Mass. Is beaten. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3269, Legends Nos. 413f.
M217. Devil bargains to help man win woman. *Loomis White Magic 113; Alphabet No. 64; Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 66 No. 508A*, Keller; Italian Novella: *Rotunda. Cf. Cosquin Études 545ff. (sale of self to magician).
M217.1. Servant makes pact with devil denying Christ to secure nobleman’s daughter. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
M218. Contract with the devil destroyed. Dh I 140; Alphabet Nos. 64, 467; Irish: Beal XXI 311, O‘Suilleabhain 33.
M218.1. Pacts with the devil, sealed in blood, made ineffective by a saint. *Loomis White Magic 75.
M219. Other devil contract motifs.
M219.1. Bargain with the devil for an heir. Irish myth: *Cross.
M219.2. Devil fetches man contracted to him.
M219.2.1. Devil appears in great storm, takes away soul of person contracted to him. (Cf. D2141.0.4, D2141.0.5, Q550.1.) England, U.S.: *Baughman.
M219.2.2. Devil flays corpse of person contracted to him. (Cf. Q457.2.) England: Baughman.
M219.2.3. Man contracted to the devil responds to call by voice: ”The hour has come but not the man.“ England, Scotland: *Baughman.
M219.2.4. Devil carries off hunt-loving priest. (Cf. G303.17.2.4.) England: *Baughman.
M219.2.5. Body of devil’s disciple is removed from coffin by devil. England, U.S.: *Baughman.
M219.2.6. Devil puts body of convert on a sea monster which takes it away. U.S.: Baughman.
M219.3. Familiars guard and protect those who have pact with the devil. Argentina: Jijena Sanchez 80.
M219.4. Familiar devours whoever does not keep pact with devil. Argentina: Jijena Sanchez 82.
M220. Other bargains.
M221. Beheading bargain. Giant allows hero to cut off his head; he will cut off hero‘s later. **Kittredge Gawain and the Green Knight; Irish myth: *Cross.
M221.1. Hag offers to run race with men on condition that the one left behind shall be beheaded. Marvelous runner beheads hag. Irish myth: Cross.
M222. Man umpires dispute in exchange for guarantee of safety. Disputants, bear and tiger, agree not to eat him. India: Thompson-Balys.
M223. Blind promise (rash boon). Person grants wish before hearing it. English romance: Malory X 22; Irish myth: *Cross.
M223.1. Person who never refuses a request. Irish myth: Cross.
M225. Eyes exchanged for food. A starving man lets himself be blinded in return for food. *Type 613; *BP II 468ff.; **Christiansen FFC XXIV 46, 54; *Fb ”øje“ III 1166b; Missouri French: Carrière; India: Thompson-Balys.
M225.1. Horse, clothes, and members of rider‘s body exchanged for food. India: Thompson-Balys.
M226. In return for magic shirt from girl hero is to stay in Ireland for three years. In return he claims her as wife. Icelandic: Boberg.
M231. Free keep in inn exchanged for good story. *Fb ”kro“ II 303a.
M232. Prince to give up life in exchange for learning a secret. Malone PMLA XLIII 405, 413.
M233. Three deformed witches invited to wedding in exchange for help. *Type 501; BP I 109; **Von Sydow Två Spinnsagor.
M234. Life spared in return for life-long service. Irish myth: *Cross.
M234.1. Life spared in return for poetic mead. Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 53.
M234.2. Life spared for bringing a dreaded enemy without weapon. Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 83 f. (Thor and Loki).
M234.3. Life bought for gold. Icelandic: Boberg.
M234.4. Life bought with promise of reparations and healing of enemy. Icelandic: Boberg.
M235. Bargain: woman rides naked through streets to obtain freedom for citizens. Godiva. Liebrecht 104; Hartland FL I 207.
M236. Peace bought for husband. Icelandic: MacCulloch Eddic 103, *Boberg.
M237. Bargain to save face. Irish myth: Cross.
M237.1. Opponents agree not to fight and are thus undefeated. Irish myth: *Cross.
M241. Bargain: to divide all winnings.
M241.1. Dividing the winnings: half of the bride demanded. When the hero shows that he is willing to carry out the bargain, his helper relents. *Type 505 – 508; *BP III 490; Köhler-Bolte I 11, 444; *Liljeblad Tobiasgeschichte; English: Wells 160 (Sir Amadace); India: Thompson-Balys.
M241.2. Dividing the winnings: presents (favors) from man‘s own wife. After the agreement to divide all winnings the first man receives favors (presents, kisses) from the second’s wife. He faithfully delivers them. *Type 1364; Wesselski Märchen 187 No. 2; English: Wells 55 (Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight).
M242. Bargains and promises between mortals and supernatural beings. (Cf. M221, M222, M223.) Irish myth: *Cross.
M242.1. Mortal fosters fairy child to prevent destruction of crops. Irish myth: *Cross.
M242.2. Contract between hungry god and untouchable: to give gods food it they will eat from his hands. India: Thompson-Balys.
M242.3. Ogre released in return for his magic girdle. Tuamotu: Stimson MS (Z-G. 13/152, 221, 1314).
M244. Bargains between men and animals.
M244.1. Bargain with king of mice. India: Thompson-Balys.
M244.2. Captured bird promises to deliver fifteen birds in exchange for freedom. Africa (Cameroon): Lederbogen 73.
M246. Covenant of friendship.
M246.1. Covenant of friendship between animals.
M246.1.1. Covenant of friendship between elephant and jackal. India: Thompson-Balys.
M246.1.2. Covenant of friendship between louse and crow. India: Thompson-Balys.
M246.2. Covenant of friendship: no matter how poor son of one is, daughter of other will accept him as groom. India: Thompson-Balys.
M246.3. Covenant of friendship: to secure brides for each other. India: Thompson-Balys.
M250. Promises connected with death.
M251. Dying man‘s promise will be kept. Fb ”love“ II 452a.
M252. Promise of dying man to bring news of other world. (Or two friends agree that the first to die shall bring news.) *Type 470; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 305 No. 6, 323 Nos. 112, 113, 329 Nos. 31, 33; Irish: Beal XXI 331f., O‘Suilleabhain 99 – 102, *Cross; Jewish: bin Gorion Born Judas VI 123, 311.
M253. Friends in life and death. In pursuance of the pledge, the living follows the other to the world of the dead. *Type 470; Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 561; **MacKay The Double Invitation; Jewish Neuman.
M254. Promise to be buried with wife if she dies first. *Type 612; *BP I 128.
M255. Deathbed promise concerning the second wife. Promises his dying wife that he will not marry unless the bride meets the specifications the dying wife imposes. *Type 510B; *Cox 53 – 79 passim; De Vries Studien over Færösche Balladen 133; Icelandic: Boberg; Danish: Grundtvig No. 135.
M256. Promise to dying man broken.
M256.1. Sons break promise to have masses for father’s soul. ”If he is in Hell it will do him no good; if he is in Heaven he won‘t need it; and if he is in Purgatory he can purge himself.“ Italian Novella: Rotunda.
M257. Dying monster’s request and promise. Hero is to drink his blood, suck his eyes and brains, and give his heart to his loved one to eat. He will become marvelously strong and his wife will have three sons and four daughters with great powers. Köhler-Bolte I 117; Gascon: Bladé I 3, 181; India: Thompson-Balys.
M257.1. Dying hero‘s request and promise to disciples. India: Thompson-Balys.
M257.2. Murdered person’s request and promise. India: Thompson-Balys.
M258. Promise to dying man sacred. Icelandic: *Boberg.
M258.1. Promise to dying father leads to adventures. Type 884; *BP II 56ff.
M258.2. Promise to dying father not to wed woman of certain tribe. Jewish: *Neuman.
M258.3. Promise to dying father to bury him in his homeland. Jewish: *Neuman.
M260. Other promises.
M261. Chaste woman promises herself to her lover when the rocks leave the coast. (They are moved by magic.) Robinson Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer (Cambridge, Mass., 1933) 826 (Franklin‘s Tale); **Dempster and Tatlock in Bryan and Dempster Sources and Analogues of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales 333 – 56; Irish myth: Cross; cf. Type 976.
M261.1. Chaste woman promises herself to her lover when he can make a garden bloom in winter. (Cf. H352.) Italian Novella: Rotunda.
M261.1.1. Raja to marry girl when cut mango branch blooms. India: Thompson-Balys.
M261.2. Princess promises to embrace her teacher on her wedding day. Teacher has only been testing her promise. India: Thompson-Balys.
M262. Person promises to have but one consort if he is cured. Irish myth: Cross.
M263. Retreat in return for cessation of attack. Host agrees to march back a day‘s journey if warrior will cease his feats of arms upon them until a certain battle in the future. Irish myth: Cross.
M266. Man promises to build church if he is saved at sea. Danish: Kristensen Danske Sagn III (1895) 145ff., (1931) 107ff.; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 134 No. 85; Italian Novella: Rotunda; West Indies: Flowers 562.
M267. Promise to give another one’s wife for a day. India: *Thompson-Balys.
M268. Marriage promised to save life. India: *Thompson-Balys.
M271. Sons agree to meet at father’s grave after they have been out in world for one year to learn trade. Chinese: Graham.
M272. Supernatural woman promises to return if she gives birth to a boy. Chinese: Graham.
M290. Bargains and promises – miscellaneous.
M291. Trickster undertakes impossible bargains and collects his part. Trusts that in the year he is given either he or the other will die. Chauvin VIII 117ff. No. 101 n. 1.
K551.11. Ten-year respite given captive while he undertakes to teach elephant (ass) to speak.
M292. Wife undertakes man‘s penances for him: also to go to heaven for him? He has a dream and when he sees that she also goes to heaven for him he decides against the bargain. *Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 287.
M293. Covenant: one nation not to wrest city from inhabitants without their consent. Jewish: *Neuman.
M294. Divine promise not to destroy sinful city if righteous live there. Jewish: Neuman.
M295. Bargain to keep secret.
M295.1. Tiger lets man go on condition he does not tell what he has overheard. India: Thompson-Balys.
M296. Two men in love agree to have nothing to do with the girl without the other’s consent. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 153.