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Group No. 162


K. Deceptions

Group No.

K800 – K999

Group name

Killing or maiming by deception


K800. K800. Killing or maiming by deception. India: Thompson-Balys.
K810. K810. Fatal deception into trickster’s power.
K811. K811. Victim lured into house and killed. *Type 56B; Irish myth: Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg; India: Thompson-Balys; Indonesia: DeVries‘s list No. 32; West Indies: Flowers 528.
K811.0.1. K811.0.1. Animal enticed into palace after it had long fed out of trickster‘s hand. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 851.
K811.1. K811.1. Enemies invited to banquet and killed. (Cf. K871.2.) *Pauli (ed. Bolte) Nos. 661, 662; *BP II 85, III 106; Gaster Thespis 211, 328; Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg; Greek: Grote I 150; India: Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Yanagita Folklore Studies XI 2 No. 2; Tuamotu: Stimson MS (z-G. 13/555).
K811.1.1. K811.1.1. With help of captor’s daughter, prisoners slay many of his soldiers at a banquet. (cf. K781.) English: Wells 85 (The Sowdone of Babylone).
K811.1.2. K811.1.2. Enemies invited to feast and poisoned. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K811.2. K811.2. Jackals persuaded to enter pit to escape coming storm. Killed. India: Thompson-Balys.
K811.3. K811.3. Cruel king lured to enemy‘s power by invitation to false execution. He comes to see a girl die and is killed himself. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
K811.4. K811.4. Hostile visitors lured into iron house concealed by wooden walls. Hosts set fire to house. Irish myth: Cross.
K811.5. K811.5. Pretended friend puts food on far side of hidden ditch, victim falls in and is killed. Africa (Fang): Tessman 42.
K812. K812. Victim burned in his own house (or hiding place). Icelandic: *Boberg; India: *Thompson-Balys, Panchatantra III 16 (tr. Ryder) 364; Japanese: Ikeda; Indonesia: DeVries’s list Nos. 32, 75.
K812.1. K812.1. Dupe‘s house set afire so that he is burned in trying to put out fire. India: Thompson-Balys.
K812.1.1. K812.1.1. Boy teaches giants how to lay a carpet of dried grass and naphtha over the hard ground floor of their cave, sets fire to it and thus suffocates them. India: Thompson-Balys.
K812.2. K812.2. Men lured to their death when their fields are set on fire. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
K812.3. K812.3. Monkey lures tiger into tree-top and sets fire to it. India: Thompson-Balys.
K812.4. K812.4. Owner burns intruder in house. India: Thompson-Balys.
K813. K813. Stag killed by lion into whose den the fox puts him. Wienert FFC LVI 49 (ET 85), 97 (ST 106, 192); Halm Aesop No. 243; India: Thompson-Balys.
K813.1. K813.1. Whimbrel sends his adulterous mate to meet him in cave. He has arranged with lion to be there to eat her. Spanish Exempla: Keller; India: Thompson-Balys.
K813.2. K813.2. Hare tricks civet cat into being eaten by lion. Africa (Dzalamo): Meinhof ZsES XI 281.
K814. K814. Overcurious dupe enters trickster’s basket and is killed. Africa (Angola): Chatelain 197 No. 25.
K815. K815. Victim lured by kind words approaches trickster and is killed. *Type 242; Wienert FFC LVI 50 (ET 101), 97 (ST 112); Halm Aesop No. 263; Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 33 No *127A; India: *Thompson-Balys, Panchatantra III 13 (tr. Ryder) 368; Africa (Basuto): Jacottet 276 No. 41, (Kaffir): Theal 177; West Indies: Flowers 528.
K815.1. K815.1. Fox persuades cock to come down and talk to him. Kills him. Chauvin II 94 No. 44; Bødker Exempler 291 No. 48; Spanish Exempla: Keller; Italian Novella: Rotunda; India: *Thompson-Balys.
K815.1.1. K815.1.1. Fox tries to persuade cock to come down and talk to him. Cock calls dog and fox flees. India: Thompson-Balys.
K815.2. K815.2. Spider invites wasp (fly) to rest on her ”white curtain“. Eats her. Herbert III 40ff.; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
K815.3. K815.3. Dogs listen to wolves‘ hypocritical words. Are killed. Wienert FFC LVI 49 (ET 90), 97 (ST 109); Halm Aesop No. 266.
K815.4. K815.4. Cat invites hens to a feast and kills them. Wienert FFC LVI *49 (ET 87), 96 (ST 105).
K815.5. K815.5. Owl invites cricket to share his nectar. Kills him. Wienert FFC LVI 56 (ET 159), 118 (ST 280).
K815.6. K815.6. Snake promises to do no harm to frog. Kills him. Panchatantra III 13, (tr. Ryder) 368; Indonesia: DeVries’s list No. 127.
K815.7. K815.7. Cat acts as judge between sparrow and hare; eats them both. *Penzer V 102 n. 2; Chauvin II 96 No. 50; Bødker Exempler 294 No. 55; Panchatantra III 2, (tr. Ryder) 315 (partridge and rabbit); Spanish Exempla: Keller.
K815.8. K815.8. Hawk persuades doves to elect him their king. Kills them. Wienert FFC LVI 47 (ET 60), 97 (ST 107).
K815.9. K815.9. Tiger flatters cow into showing that she has few teeth. Kills her. India: Thompson-Balys.
K815.10. K815.10. Weasel induces cuckoo to tell him that it cries at night when asleep. Hence weasels can kill cuckoos. India: Thompson-Balys.
K815.11. K815.11. Wounded wolf persuades lamb to bring him a drink, adding that he will get his own food. Italian Novella: Rotunda.
K815.12. K815.12. Boat lured to land with kind words and wrecked in order to take vengeance on the men. Icelandic: Boberg.
K815.13. K815.13. Cat makes truce with mice. When they have become friendly, he eats them. Bødker Exempler 306 No. 81; Spanish Exempla: Keller; India: *Thompson-Balys.
K815.14. K815.14. Fish tricked by crane into letting selves be carried from one pond to another. The crane eats them when they are in his power. (Cf. K713.1.2.) Bødker Exempler 281 No. 26; Spanish Exempla: Keller; India: *Thompson-Balys; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 260.
K815.14.1. K815.14.1. Fish, lured by kind words, are killed by old man. India: Thompson-Balys.
K815.15. K815.15. Cat lures young foxes from den with music. Kills them. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 133*; Russian: Andrejev No. 61 II*; Lappish: Qvigstad FFC LX No. 133*.
K815.16. K815.16. Jackal feigns holiness but seizes worshipping rats. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 291.
K815.17. K815.17. King of fishes eats his subjects as they pay him their respects day and night. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 269.
K815.18. K815.18. Serpent asks his victim to feed him with honey, then seizes and swallows him. S. A. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 71.
K815.19. K815.19. Victim told to stand ready by tree to catch bee nest as it falls; trickster throws club at him instead. S. A. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 75.
K816. K816. Dupe lured to supposed dance and killed. Africa (Fjort): Dennett 82 No. 19.
K818. K818. Victim persuaded to disarm. Killed. Irish myth: Cross.
K818.1. K818.1. Man killed with sword, which he himself is tricked into passing to captured enemy. Herrmann Saxo II 197 – 98; Icelandic: *Boberg.
K818.2. K818.2. Giantess killed with the spear she herself has given hero. Icelandic: Sturlaugs saga Stárfsama 622, Boberg.
K818.3. K818.3. Victim‘s arrows made harmless. India: Thompson-Balys.
K818.4. K818.4. Deception by hiding weapons. India: Thompson-Balys.
K821. K821. Fairies in animal form persuaded they will hear music better in own shapes. Are killed. Irish myth: Cross.
K822. K822. Women draw warrior aside so that confederate may kill him. Irish myth: Cross.
K824. K824. Sham doctor kills his patients. Bødker Exempler 289 No. 42; Spanish Exempla: Keller; India: Thompson-Balys; Korean: Zong in-Sob 220 No. 98; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 352 n. 271a; Africa (Wute): Sieber ZsES XII 171f.; West Indies: Flowers 529; Jamaica: *Beckwith MAFLS XVII 256 No. 38.
K824.1. K824.1. Sham doctor kills ogre (giant). *BP III 375; **Hackman Polyphemsage; Icelandic: *Boberg; Melanesia, Indonesia: Dixon 188f. nn. 6 – 8; S. A. Indian (Quiche): Alexander Lat. Am. 169.
K825. K825. Victim persuaded to hold out his tongue: cut off. Robbers induced by various excuses (to learn to sing, to learn foreign language, to have a hair taken off the tongue). Type 1653; *Cosquin I 244f.; Norwegian: Christiansen Norske Eventyr 141 No. 1654; Spanish: Espinosa III Nos. 147, 181 – 8; India: *Thompson-Balys.
K825.1. K825.1. Cormorant’s tongue pulled out by putting louse on it. Dh III 28; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 306 n. 109aa.
K825.1.1. K825.1.1. Victim persuaded to hold out tongue: bitten off. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K825.2. K825.2. Elephant killed by cutting off trunk which is poked into cave after victims. India: Thompson-Balys.
K825.3. K825.3. Man causes victim to bite his tongue off. U.S.: Baughman.
K825.4. K825.4. Man persuaded to hold out hand for alleged letter from king. Hand cut off. India: Thompson-Balys.
K826. K826. Hoodwinked dancers. A trickster induces ducks to dance with closed eyes and kills them. N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 295 n. 82, (California): Gayton and Newman 83, 85.
K827. K827. Dupe persuaded to relax vigilance; seized.
K827.1. K827.1. Fox persuades bird to show him how she acts in a storm: he devours her. (Bird has advised other bird how to avoid the fox; he is revenged.) *Type 56A; Dh IV 279; Chauvin II 112 No. 81; Bødker Exempler 306 No. 82; Spanish: Espinosa III No. 258f.; Africa (Basuto): Jacottet 36 No. 5, (Hottentot): Bleek 21 No. 11; West Indies: Flowers 529.
K827.2. K827.2. Cannibals persuaded to take snuff: killed. Africa (Zulu): Callaway 142.
K827.3. K827.3. Dupe persuaded to sing (dance) on trickster‘s body. When he approaches the mouth he is killed. American Negro (Georgia): Harris Remus 92 No. 19; Bahama: Parsons MAFLS XIII 109 No. 63.
K827.4. K827.4. Fox shams death and catches crows that come to feed on him. Spanish Exempla: Keller.
K827.5. K827.5. Cheese smeared on crab lures giant to smell him. Crab pinches giant’s neck and kills him. India: Thompson-Balys.
K828. K828. Bloodthirsty animal by trickery admitted to fold: kills peaceful animal. Type 123; India: Thompson-Balys.
K828.1. K828.1. Fox in sheepskin gains admission to fold and kills sheep. *Herbert III 36ff.; Hervieux IV 222 No. 51; Jacobs Aesop 209 No. 39; Wienert FFC LVI 45 (ET 35), 68 (ET 325), 96 (ST 100); Halm Aesop No. 376; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
K828.2. K828.2. Fox feigning illness admitted to hen-roost and kills the hens. Herbert III 36; Hervieux IV 221 No. 50; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
K828.3. K828.3. Wolf tries to cheat ewe by posing as ram. India: Thompson-Balys.
K831. K831. Victim killed while being bathed. Greek: *Frazer Apollodorus II 269 n. 2 (Agamemnon); India: *Thompson-Balys.
K831.1. K831.1. Slave washing mistress’s back in stream pushes her into crocodile hole. Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 333.
K831.1.1. K831.1.1. Trickster sends dupe to well for drink of water; pushes him in. India: Thompson-Balys.
K831.2. K831.2. Monkey killed by girls who pretend to wash its buttocks. India: Thompson-Balys.
K832. K832. Dupe induced to look about: seized and killed. Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: Boberg.
K832.1. K832.1. Jealous wife tells sister to look below: pushes her over cliff. Africa (Kaffir): Theal 153.
K832.1.1. K832.1.1. Victim persuaded to look into well or pond: pushed in. Type 408; India: *Thompson-Balys.
K832.2. K832.2. Fencer calls opponent‘s attention to something behind him: when opponent looks around he cuts off his head. Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 311; Italian Novella: *Rotunda.
K832.3. K832.3. Female confederate disrobes before hero, who is attacked when he looks away. Irish myth: Cross.
K832.4. K832.4. Man gets bear off guard by telling her to listen for hunters: kills her. Chinese: Graham.
K832.5. K832.5. Victim persuaded to look for certain tree: pushed over cliff. Chinese: Graham.
K832.6. K832.6. Man asked to look at birds: pulled into pool. India: Thompson-Balys.
K833. K833. Man lured into aiding trickster who has feigned an accident or needs help. Is killed. Italian Novella: Rotunda; Tuamotu: Stimson MS (T-G 3/59); S. A. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 74.
K834. K834. Victim killed while asleep in killer‘s house. India: Thompson-Balys.
K834.1. K834.1. Dupe tricked into sleeping. Killed. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K835. K835. Dragon deceived into listening to tale: hero cuts off its head. Bolte Zs. f. Vksk. IX 86.
K836. K836. Ferocious boar fed and put to sleep by rubbing. Killed. (Aper.) *Campbell Sages lxxxii.
K837. K837. Victim killed while load is being taken from his back. India: Thompson-Balys.
K838. K838. Victim lured into trough: is pounded up with poisoned fish. India: Thompson-Balys; Africa (Hausa): Frobenius Atlantis IX 277ff., 287ff., Nos. 74, 75.
K839. K839. Fatal deception into trickster’s power – miscellaneous.
K839.1. K839.1. Victim enticed into eating: killed when off guard. N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 87.
K839.2. K839.2. Victim lured into approach by false token. Irish myth: *Cross.
K839.3. K839.3. Victim enticed into drinking by over-salting his food: killed when off guard. Icelandic: Boberg.
K839.4. K839.4. King who demands milk from all hornless cows forced to accept bogstuff milked from wooden cows: he dies. Irish myth: Cross.
K839.5. K839.5. Camel lures wolf into looking at the writing on his breast. Crushes wolf. India: Thompson-Balys; Maori: Clark 112.
K839.6. K839.6. Supernaturals tricked into (fatal) exposure to daylight. Marquesas: Beckwith Myth 257.
K840. K840. Deception into fatal substitution.
K841. K841. Substitute for execution obtained by trickery. *Type 1538; Spanish: Espinosa III Nos. 172 – 4, 193, 196; India: *Thompson-Balys; Africa (Wachaga): Gutmann 191.
K841.1. K841.1. Substitute for execution obtained by trickery. Report that man executed just then will be king in heaven. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K842. K842. Dupe persuaded to take prisoner‘s place in a sack: killed. The bag is to be thrown into the sea. The trickster keeps shouting that he does not want to go to heaven (or marry the princess); the dupe gladly substitutes for him. (Cf. K714.2.1.) *Types 1525A, 1535, 1737; *BP II 10ff., III 188, 192, 393; *Fb ”sæk“ III 720b; *Cosquin Études 392; *Chauvin V 247 No. 147 n. 1. – Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 1535A*; Russian: Andrejev No. 1535B*; French Canadian: Barbeau JAFL XXIX 23; Missouri French: Carrière; Spanish: Espinosa III Nos. 163-7, 172-4; New Mexican Spanish: Espinosa JAFL XXIV 419ff.; Italian Novella: *Rotunda; India: *Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda; Korean: Zong in-Sob 104 No. 56; Indonesia: Dixon 191 n. 14, De Vries’s list No. 276, Coster-Wijsman 26 No. 5; Philippine: Fansler MAFLS XII 196, 438, 444; N. A. Indian: *Thompson CColl II 419ff.; Africa: Frobenius Atlantis II 220ff., VIII 54f., 61f., 175ff.; American Negro (Georgia): Harris Remus 111 No. 23, 140 No. 29, Nights 177 No. 31, 185, No. 32, (Alabama): Work JAFL XXXII 400; Bahama: Parsons MAFLS XIII 82 No. 39, Edwards MAFLS III 63, Finlay JAFL XXXVIII 293; Antigua, British West Indies: Johnson JAFL XXXIV 54.
K842.1. K842.1. Dupe persuaded to take prisoner‘s place suspended in air. Type 1535; India: Thompson-Balys.
K842.2. K842.2. Dupe persuaded to take prisoner’s place in pit. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K842.3. K842.3. Tied animal persuades another to take his place. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K842.4. K842.4. Raja substitutes himself for condemned man. Made to believe that this will take him to heaven. India: Thompson-Balys.
K843. K843. Dupe persuaded to be killed in order to go to heaven. India: *Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda; Indonesia: DeVries‘s list No. 276, Dixon 201 n. 38*.
K843.1. K843.1. Dupes persuaded to be burned, thinking they will be sent back with gifts. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K844. K844. Dupe persuaded to play for wedding party. Takes place of trickster, who sets fire and burns him up. Mexico: Boas JAFL XXV 207, 238, Mechling JAFL XXV 202; New Mexico: Espinosa JAFL XXIV 419. Cf. American Negro (Georgia): Harris Nights 90 No. 17.
K845. K845. Pursuer persuaded to take fugitive’s place in supposed swing. Hanged. (Cf. K852.) Indonesia: DeVries‘s list No. 71, Voorhoeve 79.
K846. K846. Trickster being attacked by ferocious animal persuades dupe to take his place. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K850. K850. Fatal deceptive game.
K851. K851. Deceptive game: burning each other. Dupe burned (boiled) to death. Indonesia: Dixon 197; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 340 n. 226; Africa (Kaffir): Theal 98, (Ila, Rhodesia): Smith and Dale II 378 No. 3, (Basuto): Jacottet 14 No. 1, 18 No. 12, (Thonga): Junod 215, (Zulu): Callaway 6; Jamaica: *Beckwith MAFLS XVII 242 No. 16; West Indies: Flowers 530.
K852. K852. Deceptive game: hanging each other. Dupe really hanged. *Penzer I 157; *Köhler-Bolte I 210, 585; Icelandic: Boberg; Danish: Christensen DF XLVII 200 No. 36; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 122 Nos. 40-42; Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 326 No. 19; Africa (Basuto): Jacottet 30 No. 3.
K853. K853. Fatal game: drowning. American Negro (Virginia): Parsons JAFL XXXV 261.
K854. K854. Fatal game: throwing from cliff. Spider throws its young; other animal imitates. N. A. Indian (Pueblo): Parsons JAFL XXXI 227f.
K855. K855. Fatal swinging game. Old woman causes swing to break when her rival is swinging. N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 350 n. 262. Cf. Indonesia: DeVries Volksverhalen I 374 No. 44.
K855.1. K855.1. Deceptive game: bear cubs sway in tree. N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 95.
K856. K856. Fatal game: dying and reviving. Hero has power of resuscitation but fails to revive his enemy. Japanese: Ikeda; Tuamotu: Stimson MS (z-G. 13/116); S. A. Indian (Quiche): Alexander Lat. Am. 175.
K857. K857. Deceptive game: throwing away knives. (Not fatal.) Africa (Fang): Tessman 40; Jamaica: Beckwith MAFLS XVII 239 No. 11.
K858. K858. Fatal game: shaving necks. Dupe’s head cut off. Africa (Benga): Nassau 144 No. 16; West Indies: Flowers 531.
K861. K861. Fatal game: sewing each other up. Hare is partly sewed up, but he sews antelope entirely up so that he dies. Africa (Thonga): Junod 212.
K863. K863. Shooting game: blind man‘s arrow aimed. It kills his friend. (Balder’s death.) Icelandic: Boberg.
K863.1. K863.1. Jealous husband tricks blind poet into slaying wife‘s lover with infallible spear. Irish myth: Cross.
K864. K864. Fatal apple-throwing game. Scottish: Campbell-McKay No. 17.
K865. K865. Fatal game: putting heads in notches. Scottish: Campbell-McKay No. 17 and note.
K866. K866. Fatal game: rolling down hill on barrel. Dupe crushed. Irish myth: Cross.
K867. K867. Fatal duel: brother kills brother in pretended game.
K867.1. K867.1. Deceptive sword-game: brother killed. Icelandic: Boberg.
K868. K868. Deceptive game: butting one another like rams. Robbers kill selves. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
K869. K869. Fatal deceptive game – miscellaneous.
K869.1. K869.1. Deceptive game: fox wants to be frightened; titmouse whistles for dogs and the fox is nearly caught. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
K869.2. K869.2. Deceptive hide and seek game. Hide and seek game proposed by seven demons so as to kill hero. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K869.3. K869.3. Deceptive game: ”Eat me up!“ Camel is killed by lion. India: Thompson-Balys.
K869.4. K869.4. Fatal swimming race. To trick spirits hero proposes a swimming race. As each spirit arrives, hero drowns it. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 441.
K870. K870. Fatal deception by narcotic (intoxication).
K871. K871. Fatal intoxication. Korean: Zong in-Sob 168 No. 72; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 441; Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 397; West Indies: Flowers 531.
K871.1. K871.1. Army intoxicated and overcome. Köhler-Bolte I 512; Spanish Exempla: Keller; India: Thompson-Balys.
K871.2. K871.2. Slaughter of drunken enemies in banquet hall. (Cf. K811.1.) Greek: Grote I 150.
K872. K872. Judith and Holofernes: girl from enemy camp chosen to sleep with intoxicated general kills him in bed. Spanish Exempla: Keller; Jewish: *Gaster Exempla 230 No. 251, *bin Gorion Born Judas@2 I 362f., *Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
K872.1. K872.1. Girl kills man sleeping with her. India: Thompson-Balys.
K873. K873. Fatal deception by giving narcotic. Italian: Basile Pentamerone IV 5; India: *Thompson-Balys; Africa (Fang): Einstein 66, (Basuto): Jacottet 16 No. 2.
K873.1. K873.1. King given sleeping potion and then beheaded in his bed by his wife. Icelandic: *Boberg.
K873.2. K873.2. Groom murdered, while watchmen and bride are brought to sleep by music. Icelandic: Boberg.
K873.3. K873.3. Boy makes adversary insensible by substituting opium for half of tobacco in pipe. India: Thompson-Balys.
K873.4. K873.4. Drug introduced into half of fruit from enemy‘s fingernail where it has been hidden. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 556.
K874. K874. Deception by pretended lousing. Irish myth: Cross: India: *Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda; N. A. Indian (Klikitat): Jacobs U Wash II 12; S. A. Indian (Yuracare): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 502, RMLP XXXIII 144.
K874.1. K874.1. Ape pretends to louse heron, but plucks out his feathers. Indonesia: *DeVries‘s list No. 34, Dixon 193 n. 19*.
K875. K875. Fatal deception by pretended combing of victim’s hair. India: Thompson-Balys.
K890. K890. Dupe tricked into killing himself. Missouri French: Carrière.
K890.1. K890.1. Poor man deceives rich man, plays tricks on him, causes his death. Irish myth: Cross.
K891. K891. Dupe tricked into jumping to his death.
K891.1. K891.1. Intruding wolf tricked into jumping down chimney and killing himself. *Type 333; *BP I 40. Cf. Type 124.
K891.2. K891.2. Ape tricked into jumping on to stakes and killing himself. Indonesia, Japan, Melanesia: Dixon 194 nn. 26-28, Indonesia: DeVries‘s list Nos. 68, 92.
K891.3. K891.3. Monkey tricked into jumping in water and drowning self. Jackal hides in reeds which screen water. India: Thompson-Balys.
K891.4. K891.4. Dupe tricked into jumping on supposed funeral pyre of beloved. India: Thompson-Balys.
K891.5. K891.5. Dupe induced to jump over precipice. India: Thompson-Balys.
K891.5.1. K891.5.1. Animals (giants) enticed over precipice. N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 299 n. 91; Africa (Hottentot): Bleek 37 No. 18.
K891.5.2. K891.5.2. Dupe crowded over precipice. Type 10***; India: Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda; Indonesia: DeVries’s list No. 41.
K891.5.3. K891.5.3. Dupes persuaded to be thrown over precipice. (Cf. K842.) Italian Novella: *Rotunda; India: *Thompson-Balys.
K891.5.4. K891.5.4. Dupes deceived into falling over precipice. U.S.: Baughman (K894.4, K894.5); India: Thompson-Balys (K894.4); Tonga: Gifford 101.
K892. K892. Dupe crowded into the water: drowns. Type 10**; S. A. Indian (Tembé): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 140.
K893. K893. Dupe forced on to thin ice: drowns himself. Type 10*.
K893.1. K893.1. Man leads pursuers to edge of thin ice, swerves suddenly; they fall through the ice. U.S.: Baughman.
K895. K895. Cannibals enticed to climb slippery barricade: fall. Sulka of New Britain: Dixon 131, *132 n. 2.
K896. K896. Animal left out of his element: dies or escapes.
K896.1. K896.1. Beaver and porcupine trick each other. Beaver carries porcupine and abandons him in the center of a lake. Porcupine causes the lake to freeze and escapes. He then carries beaver and abandons him in the top of a tree. N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 302 n. 106.
K897. K897. Dupe tricked on to slippery road lined with knives. He kills himself. Africa (Gold Coast): Barker and Sinclair 36 No. 3.
K897.1. K897.1. Snake killed by putting knives in animal he is swallowing. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K897.2. K897.2. Animal killed by axes (knives) left in tree. India: Thompson-Balys.
K897.2.1. K897.2.1. Giant impales self on javelin fugitive holds behind himself. India: Thompson-Balys.
K897.3. K897.3. Robbers make stairs slippery so that bathing prince falls. India: Thompson-Balys.
K898. K898. Dupe tricked into measuring boar whose bristles are poisoned. Irish myth: *Cross.
K910. K910. Murder by strategy. Types 10**, 221, 228; Irish myth: *Cross; Icelandic: *Boberg; Japanese: Ikeda.
K911. K911. Feigning death to kill enemy. *Type 56B; Wienert FFC LVI *59 (ET 207), 98 (ST 125); Halm Aesop No. 225; Chauvin III 76 No. 50; Herbert III 36ff.; Hervieux IV 220 No. 49. – Icelandic: Boberg; India: *Thompson-Balys; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 1131; N. A. Indian (Klikitat): Jacobs U Wash II 35; Africa (Mpongwe): Nassau 17 No. 1.
K911.1. K911.1. Sham death to wound enemies. Trickster lets himself be buried alive and stabs his enemies from the grave when they come to defile his body. *Type 1539; *Wesselski Hodscha Nasreddin II 198 No. 391; Chauvin VII 151ff. No. 430.
K911.2. K911.2. Man feigns death to stab brother who comes to grieve. Irish myth: *Cross.
K911.3. K911.3. Sleep feigned to kill enemy. India: Thompson-Balys.
K911.4. K911.4. Sham dead king jumps up and kills the nearest slave. Icelandic: Boberg.
K911.5. K911.5. Feigning deafness to lure enemy close and to kill him. Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
K912. K912. Robbers’ (giants‘) heads cut off one by one as they enter house. *Types 304, 956AB; *BP I 373; *Fb ”hoved“ I 654b, ”røver“ III 132a; Icelandic: *Boberg; Missouri French: Carrière; India: *Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda.
K912.0.1. K912.0.1. Robbers’ (giants‘) noses cut off as they enter house. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K912.0.2. K912.0.2. Robbers’ (giants‘) hands cut off as they enter house. India: Thompson-Balys.
K912.1. K912.1. Giant’s (giantess‘s) head cut off as he (she) looks out. Icelandic: Snorra Edda Skaldsk. II, *Boberg.
K912.2. K912.2. Men lured into serpent pit one by one and killed. Icelandic: *Boberg.
K912.3. K912.3. Ogre suitor persuaded by woman to bury her murdered lover: she cuts off his head. India: Thompson-Balys.
K913. K913. Disguised hero attacks enemy at feast. Boje 66; Icelandic: *Boberg; Japanese: Ikeda.
K913.1. K913.1. Disguised shipwrecked men admitted to the king‘s house kill him at Yule feast in revenge for murder. Icelandic: Hálfdanar saga Eysteinssonar ch. 7 – 8 (cf. introd. 23 – 24), *Boberg.
K914. K914. Murder from ambush. Icelandic: Boberg; India: Thompson-Balys.
K914.1. K914.1. Bear killed from ambush as he leaves his cave. India: Thompson-Balys.
K914.2. K914.2. Rock hurled down hill slays enemy passing below. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 433.
K914.3. K914.3. Slaying under cover of darkness. Jewish: *Neuman.
K916. K916. Dancer stabs spectator. Uses one of the figures of the dance as a ruse. *Chauvin V 84 No. 24 n. 1; India: Thompson-Balys; N. A. Indian (Blackfoot): Wissler and Duvall PaAM II 57.
K916.1. K916.1. Peacock helper dances before enemy army of hero; flame of fire from her tail burns them all to ashes. India: Thompson-Balys.
K917. K917. Treacherous murder during hunt. Boje XIX 61, 64; Icelandic: *Boberg.
K918. K918. Man murdered while praying. India: Thompson-Balys.
K921. K921. Fox rids himself of fleas. He lets himself sink in water somewhat with a bundle of hay. The fleas gather on the hay-bundle and he dives into the water. Type 63*; *Fb ”ræv“ III 114a; Russian: Andrejev No. 63; India: *Thompson-Balys.
K922. K922. Artificial whale made as stratagem. Enemies surprised and killed. N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 358 n. 287j.
K923. K923. Murder by bleeding: taking more blood than victim realizes. England: Baughman.
K924. K924. Person cuts drawbridge partly through. Giant falls into moat. (Cf. K14, K1431, K1961.1.3.) England: *Baughman.
K925. K925. Victim pushed into fire. Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 60 No. 435*; India: *Thompson-Balys.
K925.1. K925.1. Hero entices enemies into building and sets fire to it. India: Thompson-Balys.
K926. K926. Victim pushed into water. India: *Thompson-Balys; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 1260.
K927. K927. Slaughter of animals by stampede. India: Thompson-Balys.
K928. K928. Murder through transformation.
K928.1. K928.1. Serpent transforms self to staff, is picked up and bites enemy. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K929. K929. Murder by strategy – miscellaneous.
K929.1. K929.1. Murder by leaving poisoned wine. See all references to K1685.
K929.2. K929.2. One-eyed doe outwitted by approaching from her blind side. Accustomed to feed on a cliff with her sound eye next the land. Wienert FFC LVI 65 (ET 287), 140 (ST 463); Halm Aesop No. 126; Jacobs Aesop 216 No. 66.
K929.3. K929.3. Ruler promises minister that he will not kill him ”on any day of his life.“ Dispels his suspicions. Has him killed at night. Italian Novella: Rotunda.
K929.4. K929.4. Pretended flight draws victims. Italian Novella: Rotunda.
K929.5. K929.5. Murder by slipping gold coins into meat customarily demanded by enemy. Irish myth: Cross.
K929.6. K929.6. Murder by feigned quarrel. Peacemaker killed. Irish myth: *Cross; Jewish: *Neuman.
K929.7. K929.7. Men deceived into killing each other. Irish myth: Cross; Africa (Wute): Sieber ZsES XII 60ff.
K929.8. K929.8. Hero, who has eloped with affianced wife of king, induced to return to court and treacherously slain during enforced absence of his sureties at drinking bouts. Irish myth: *Cross.
K929.9. K929.9. Murder by pushing off cliff. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 356; Chinese: Graham; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 331; Africa (Wachaga): Gutmann 188.
K929.10. K929.10. Old wife provokes sparrow to speak and therefore drop new wife whom he is carrying in his beak. India: Thompson-Balys.
K929.11. K929.11. Concealed weapons in food basket sent king: kills servant who opens it. India: Thompson-Balys.
K929.12. K929.12. False message from other world causes man to go on funeral pyre. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K929.13. K929.13. Hare causes pursuing she-bear to stick between trees and kills her. India: Thompson-Balys.
K930. K930. Treacherous murder of enemy’s children or charges. Icelandic: *Boberg.
K931. K931. Sham nurse kills enemy‘s children. *Type 37; *Dh IV 247; Krohn Bär (Wolf) und Fuchs (JSFO VI) 93ff.; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 1144; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 19ff.; Indonesia: DeVries’s list No. 23; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 300 n. 97; S. A. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 179; Africa (Basuto): Jacottet 44 No. 5, (Ila, Rhodesia): Smith and Dale II 388 No. 14, (Zulu): Callaway 24, (Kaffir): Theal 111, (Benga): Nassau 125 No. 12; American Negro (Georgia): Harris Nights 344 No. 60.
K931.1. K931.1. Trickster employed to educate baby crocodiles: he eats them instead. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K932. K932. Trickster pollutes nest and brood of bird. N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 303 n. 109a.
K933. K933. Trickster eats all of tiger‘s cubs but one. Counts that one many times and deceives tiger. Jamaica: Beckwith MAFLS XVII 257 No. 39.
K934. K934. Fox as shepherd. A woman in search of a shepherd tries the voices of applicants. The wolf and the bear are rejected, the fox accepted. Type 37*.
K940. K940. Deception into killing own family or animals.
K940.1. K940.1. Man betrayed into eating his own children.
K940.1.1. K940.1.1. Man betrayed into eating his own children and setting the village on fire. (Cf. K941.2, K944.) Indonesia: DeVries‘s list No. 56.
K940.2. K940.2. Man betrayed into killing his wife or grandmother. *Type 1535, BP II 3ff.
K941. K941. Trickster’s false report of high prices causes dupe to destroy his property.
K941.1. K941.1. Cows killed for their hides when large price is reported by trickster. *Type 1535; *BP II 1ff.; India: *Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda; Indonesia: Coster-Wijsman 27 No. 5.
K941.1.1. K941.1.1. Wives killed when large price for his mother‘s (wife’s) corpse is reported by trickster. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K941.2. K941.2. Dupe burns house because trickster reports high price paid for ashes. Spanish: Espinosa III No. 193; India: *Thompson-Balys; Indonesia: DeVries‘s list No. 274.
K941.3. K941.3. Enemies each burn own houses to be able to sell ashes. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K942. K942. Angry man kills his own horse by mistake. Trickster has shifted the places of his horse and that of the dupe. Type 1544.
K943. K943. Hermit (deceived by the devil) kills his own father, supposing him to be the devil. Herbert III 5; Crane Vitry 168 No. 76; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
K944. K944. Deceptive agreement to kill wives (children). Trickster shams the murder; dupe kills his. *Beckwith MAFLS XVII 241; India: *Thompson-Balys; Africa: Weeks Jungle 384, (Thonga): Junod 217, (Fang): Einstein 155, (Cameroon): Meinhof 70, 73, Lederbogen 77, (Fjort): Dennett 85 No. 20, (Wute): Sieber ZsES XII 56, (Jaunde): Heepe 105, (Wachaga): Gutmann 186f.
K945. K945. Woman tricked into giving poison to her husband: thinks it a love-philtre. Greek: Fox 94 (Deianeira).
K946. K946. Bird flies on head of dupe’s child. Dupe strikes at bird and kills child. Japanese: Ikeda; Africa (Ibo, Nigeria): Basden 279, Thomas 159.
K947. K947. King causes his own men to be burned and killed, by mistake or illusion. Icelandic: Boberg.
K948. K948. King lured to send his sons on fatal quests and to kill nephews. Icelandic: Þiðriks saga II 158 – 79, Boberg.
K950. K950. Various kinds of treacherous murder. *Type 709; *Böklen 100ff.
K951. K951. Murder by choking.
K951.0.1. K951.0.1. Deserted wife chokes departing husband. Asks for one last kiss. Jewish: bin Gorion Born Judas I 242ff., 376, 384, Neuman.
K951.1. K951.1. Murder by throwing hot stones in the mouth. Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 38 No. 285A*; Japanese: Ikeda; Indonesia: DeVries‘s list No. 33; Papua: Ker 103; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 324 n. 167; Africa (Wachaga): Gutmann 188.
K951.1.1. K951.1.1. Murder by hot iron in mouth. India: *Thompson-Balys; Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 199; Africa (Boloki): Einstein 114, (Upoto): Einstein 141.
K951.1.1.1. K951.1.1.1. Killing tiger by throwing hot hatchet into mouth. India: Thompson-Balys.
K951.1.2. K951.1.2. Murder by thrusting spear (tongs) into mouth. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K951.1.3. K951.1.3. Murder by throwing hot fruit into victim‘s mouth. Papua: Ker 103.
K951.2. K951.2. Murder by feeding with bread full of pins. Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 38 No. 285A*.
K951.3. K951.3. Murder by throwing poisoned bread into mouth. Hdwb. d. Märchens I 334b.
K951.4. K951.4. Murder by putting clod into person’s windpipe. Africa (Zulu): Callaway 55.
K951.5. K951.5. Animal killed by forcing ball (of hide, wax, etc.) into throat. Greek: *Robinson Works of Chaucer 966; India: Thompson-Balys.
K951.6. K951.6. Murder by feeding with honey-covered sharpened cross-pieces of wood. S. A. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 71.
K952. K952. Animal (monster) killed from within. India: Thompson-Balys; Cook Islands: Beckwith Myth 267; Tonga: Gifford 79, 83; Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 438, (West Hudson Bay): Boas BAM XV 538; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 321 n. 159; Africa (Benga): Nassau 206 No. 32. See also all references to F912.
K952.1. K952.1. Ungrateful river passenger kills carrier from within. Crawls inside during the passage. (Porcupine and buffalo.) India: Thompson-Balys; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 302 n. 104.
K952.1.1. K952.1.1. Jackal, swallowed by elephant so it can drink water in his belly, eats elephant‘s liver and kills him. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K952.1.2. K952.1.2. Ungrateful rat defecates upon head of (or kills) octopus that rescues him from sea. Oceania: *Lessa MS.
K952.2. K952.2. Man transforms self to gadfly to enter giant’s stomach and kill him. S. A. Indian (Tehuelche): Alexander Lat. Am. 336.
K952.2.1. K952.2.1. Man kills giant bear by crawling inside and cutting his way out. Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 438.
K952.3. K952.3. Animal tricked into seizing hollow log. Man reaches through and pulls animal’s heart out. Irish myth: *Cross.
K953. K953. Murder by squeezing.
K953.1. K953.1. Murder by lacing corset tight. Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 63 No. 453.
K953.2. K953.2. Murder by wrapping snake around man. Indonesia: DeVries‘s list No. 10.
K953.3. K953.3. Crab carried by crane, clings round his neck and cuts off his head with pincers. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 260.
K953.4. K953.4. Murder by crushing in false embrace. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 996.
K955. K955. Murder by burning. Type 930; Aarne FFC XXIII 85, 92; Jewish: Neuman.
K955.1. K955.1. Murder by scalding. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K955.2. K955.2. Murder by burning in hot oil. India: Thompson-Balys.
K955.3. K955.3. Murder by burning arrow. India: Thompson-Balys.
K956. K956. Murder by destroying external soul. Type 302.
K956.1. K956.1. Gradual murder by piecemeal destruction of separable soul. India: Thompson-Balys.
K957. K957. Murder by blinding. India: Thompson-Balys.
K957.1. K957.1. Killing by throwing hot salt into eyes. Africa (Upoto): Einstein 143.
K958. K958. Murder by drowning. (Cf. K926.) Greek: Grote I 269; Papua: Ker 30, 52, 147; S. A. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 163, (Tupinamba): ibid. 135.
K959. K959. Other kinds of treacherous murder.
K959.1. K959.1. Murder by putting mouth of pot over victim’s head. Africa (Bushman): Bleek and Lloyd 123, 125.
K959.2. K959.2. Murder in one‘s sleep. Italian Novella: Rotunda; Icelandic: *Boberg.
K959.2.1. K959.2.1. Woman’s father and brothers kill her husband in sleep for having married against their wishes. Italian Novella: Rotunda
K959.2.2. K959.2.2. Heroes dislike to kill sleeping people. Icelandic: *Boberg.
K959.2.3. K959.2.3. Man murdered at his wife’s side. (Cf. K873.1.) Icelandic: Boberg.
K959.2.4. K959.2.4. Woman marries king feigning that she can heal him, and murders him in sleep. Afterward she takes the kingdom together with his counsellor. Icelandic: *Boberg.
K959.2.5. K959.2.5. Hero attacks and kills at night hero who wanted to go to sleep before their fighting. Icelandic: Örvar-Odds saga 52 – 55.
K959.3. K959.3. Tent torn down over man, and he is then killed. Icelandic: *Boberg.
K959.3.1. K959.3.1. Rafter supporting giant‘s house cut half through, so that it can be drawn down from the outside, and the giant killed. Icelandic: Boberg.
K959.4. K959.4. Murder from behind. Icelandic: *Boberg.
K959.5. K959.5. Thorns planted so that birds are killed when they light on field. India: Thompson-Balys.
K959.6. K959.6. Post-hole murder: people invite boy to enter post-hole and then try to crush him with log. Oceania: *Lessa MS.
K960. K960. Other fatal deceits.
K961. K961. Flesh of certain animal alleged to be only cure for disease: animal to be killed. (The sick lion.) *Type 50; *Krohn Bär (Wolf) und Fuchs (JSFO VI) 21ff.; **Graf FFC XXXVIII 20; *Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 494; Wienert FFC LVI 47 (ET 55), 50 (ET 102), 99 (ST 129), 100 (ST *133); Halm Aesop No. 255; Herbert IV 431f.; Chauvin III 78; India: *Thompson-Balys; Africa (Hottentot): Bleek 19 No. 10.
K961.0.1. K961.0.1. Blood of certain animal said to be sweet. Its death thus brought about. *Parsons MAFLS XV (1) 57 No. 20; American Negro: Harris Friends 45ff. No. 6.
K961.1. K961.1. Disease to be cured by heart of monkey. (Cf. K544.) *Penzer V 128f., 128 n. 1; Bødker Exempler 298 No. 62; India: Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda. Also references to K544.
K961.1.1. K961.1.1. Tit for tat. Wolf tells sick lion that fox does not esteem him. Fox overhears it. Later fox tells lion that his only cure lies in his wrapping himself in the wolf‘s skin. Wolf is killed. Spanish Exempla: Keller; Italian Novella: Rotunda.
K961.2. K961.2. Flesh (vital organs) of certain person alleged to be only cure for disease. India: *Thompson-Balys; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 882; Africa (Temne): Schlenker Collection of Temne Traditions (London, 1861) 87ff. No. 7, (Hausa): Tremearne FL XXII 464ff. No. 50.
K961.2.1. K961.2.1. Brain of snake said to be only cure for monkey’s disease. Monkey to be killed by snake when he goes to hole. Bødker Exempler 305 No. 79; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
K961.2.2. K961.2.2. Ogress wife demands eyes of six wives of raja or she will die. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K962. K962. Camel induced to offer himself as sacrifice. Other animals feign to offer themselves to the lion as food. The lion eats the camel. Penzer V 53 n. 1; Chauvin II 89 No. 29; Bødker Exempler 284 No. 31; Spanish Exempla: Keller.
K963. K963. Rope cut and victim dropped. Man is being hauled up on the rope. *Type 301; *BP II 300ff.; Icelandic: Boberg; Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 115 No. 960; India: Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda; Africa (Zulu): Callaway 78; Jamaica: Beckwith MAFLS XVII 242 No. 17; West Indies: Flowers 532.
K963.1. K963.1. Rope of mountain-climber cut and victim dropped. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K964. K964. Barber killed when hero reports king‘s ancestors need his services in heaven. India: Thompson-Balys.
K974. K974. Man with deformed head slays his barbers. Irish myth: *Cross.
K975. K975. Secret of strength treacherously discovered. *Type 590; BP I 551, III 2 n. 1; *Frazer Old Testament II 480; Huet Contes Populaires 134; MacCulloch Childhood 58; Krappe Revue Archéologique (1933) 195 – 211. – Irish myth: *Cross; Missouri French: Carrière; Spanish Exempla: Keller; Jewish: Neuman; N. A. Indian: *Thompson CColl II 392, (Pawnee): Dorsey CI LIX 104 No. 25, (Arikara): Dorsey CI XVII 84ff. Nos. 25, 26, (Crow): Simms FM II 309 No. 20.
K975.1. K975.1. Pretended exchange of confidences as to the one thing that can kill. India: Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda; N. A. Indian: *Thompson PMLA XXXVII 133.
K975.1.1. K975.1.1. Hero tells enemies how he may be killed. Marquesas: Handy 105.
K975.2. K975.2. Secret of external soul learned by deception. *Type 302; Scottish: Campbell-McKay No. 1; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. Nos. 65 – 67; India: *Thompson-Balys.
K976. K976. Daughter pulls out father‘s magic life-containing hair. As soon as it is taken out he dies. Greek: Frazer Apollodorus II 117 n. 3 (Nisus).
K978. K978. Uriah letter. Man carries written order for his own execution. *Types 428, 930; *Aarne FFC XXIII 64ff., 91; Irish: *Cross, O’Suilleabhain 38, Beal XXI 314; Icelandic: Herrmann Saxo II 262ff., Boberg; Spanish Exempla: Keller; Jewish: *Neuman; India: *Thompson-Balys; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 828, II 267; Japanese: Ikeda. See also all references to K511.
K978.1. K978.1. Message of death. Man carries unwittingly an oral order for his own execution. See all references to K1612.
K978.1.1. K978.1.1. Leopard and crocodile both sent for the dog. Neither has seen a dog nor have they seen each other. Man sends them to the same place saying that the dog will be there. They kill each other. Africa (Fjort): Dennett 99 No. 26.
K978.2. K978.2. Message of death lost. India: Thompson-Balys.
K981. K981. Fatal deception: changed message from oracle. Greek: Fox 108 (Phrixos).
K982. K982. Dupe induced to stand under falling tree. India: Thompson-Balys; Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 70, (Cameroon): Rosenhuber 43.
K983. K983. Dupe persuaded to climb tree. Tree felled and dupe killed. India: Thompson-Balys.
K983.1. K983.1. Tree cut down to get at victim in top. Alu: Wheeler No. 54; Mono: ibid. No. 21; Buin: ibid. No. 4; Papua: Ker 86.
K983.2. K983.2. Dupes lured onto tree-trunk bridge; fall to death. S. A. Indian (Kaigang): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 148.
K984. K984. Man is lured into sitting in a mechanical chair and is killed. Italian Novella: Rotunda.
K985. K985. Magic horse lent by fairy in disguise brings about death of mortal. Irish myth: Cross.
K986. K986. Murder induced by bribery (lands, riches, wives). Irish myth: *Cross.
K988. K988. Person thrown out of magic airship and killed. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K991. K991. Dupe persuaded to go to dangerous place; killed. India: Thompson-Balys.
K991.1. K991.1. Brother causes brother‘s death by sending him to robbers and giving false advice. India: Thompson-Balys.

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