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Group No. 160


K. Deceptions

Group No.

K600 – K699

Group name

Escape by deception II


K600. K600. Murderer or captor otherwise beguiled.
K601. K601. Escape by posing as member of murderer’s family or tribe. India: *Thompson-Balys; Africa (Kaffir): Theal 130, (Basuto): Jacottet 2 No. 1, (Fjort): Dennett 106 No. 30.
K601.1. K601.1. Escape by posing as preceptor of tiger’s deceased father. India: Thompson-Balys.
K601.2. K601.2. ”Don‘t eat your nephews.“ Giants thus dissuaded. Tuamotu: Stimson MS (z-G. 3/1323).
K602. K602. ”Noman.“ Escape by assuming an equivocal name. (Sometimes ”myself.“) *Hackman Polyphemsage 179, 203, 219; *Fb ”selv“; Clouston Noodles 194 n.; BP III 378; *Oertel Studien zur vgl. Literaturgeschichte VIII 117f.; *Toldo Zs. f. Vksk. XV 70. – Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 56 No. 480; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 262; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 36.
K602.1. K602.1. Fairy child injured by man who says that his name is ”Self“. Child tells mother, ”Self did it.“ England, Scotland: *Baughman.
K602.2. K602.2. ”Bee is eating the sweets.“ Man has eaten sweets and says his name is B. India: Thompson-Balys.
K603. K603. Escape under ram’s belly. By hiding under the belly of a ram the hero escapes under the legs of the blind ogre. *Type 1137; **Hackman Polyphemsage 160ff.; *BP III 375; Spanish: Espinosa III Nos. 163 – 7; Icelandic: Boberg.
K604. K604. The three teachings of the bird (fox). In return for release from captivity the bird (fox) gives the man three teachings. These usually mock the man for his foolishness in releasing what he has. (See for these counsels: J21.12, J21.13, J21.14.) *Type 150; *BP III 230, IV 149 n. 2; *Pauli (ed. Bolte) No. 380; *Wesselski Arlotto II 261 No. 1191; *Chauvin III 103, 110ff., IX 30; *Crane Vitry 144 No. 28; *Gaster Exempla 256 No. 390; *Basset 1001 Contes II 276f.; Jacobs Aesop 213 No. 58; Wienert FFC LVI 35; Halm Aesop No. 271; *Hdwb. d. Märchens I 95a; Alphabet No. 191; Oesterley No. 167. – Jewish: bin Gorion Born Judas IV 29, 279; Spanish Exempla: Keller; India: *Thompson-Balys; Indonesia: DeVries‘s list No. 231.
K605. K605. Cannibal sent for water with vessel full of holes: victim escapes. Indonesia: Dixon 224, 225 n. 31, Beckwith Myth 194; Tahiti: Dixon 63, Beckwith Myth 197 n. 21, ch. 13 passim; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 194.
K605.1. K605.1. Cannibal sent for water which magically recedes from him: victim escapes. New Zealand: Dixon 85, Beckwith Myth 196 n. 19.
K606. K606. Escape by singing song. Captive gradually moves away and at last escapes. Africa (Kaffir): Theal 109; Cape Verde Islands: Parsons MAFLS XV (1) 137 n. 1.
K606.0.1. K606.0.1. Pursuer persuaded to sing while captive escapes. Africa (Basuto): Jacottet 126 No. 18.
K606.0.2. K606.0.2. Escape by teaching song to watchman. India: Thompson-Balys; Indonesia: DeVries’s list No. 277.
K606.0.3. K606.0.3. Trickster, pretending not to see attacking enemy, sings song of friendship. India: Thompson-Balys.
K606.1. K606.1. Escape by playing music. Fb ”spille“ III 488a.
K606.1.1. K606.1.1. Escape by playing magic music. Captor is compelled to dance while victims escape. Africa (Gold Coast): Barker and Sinclair 100 No. 18.
K606.1.2. K606.1.2. Escape by playing sleep-bringing music. Irish myth: Cross.
K606.1.2.1. K606.1.2.1. Escape by singing watchmen to sleep. Icelandic: Herrmann Saxo 92, 101, *Boberg.
K606.1.3. K606.1.3. Musician in hell playing for the devils, purposely breaks fiddle strings. Must return to earth to repair strings. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3276, Legends Nos. 467 – 471.
K606.1.4. K606.1.4. Witch put off guard by playing on jew’s harp. India: Thompson-Balys.
K606.2. K606.2. Escape by persuading captors to dance. Africa (Wachaga): Gutmann 36.
K607. K607. Enemy in ambush (or disguise) deceived into declaring himself.
K607.1. K607.1. The cave call. (”Hello, house!“) An animal suspecting the presence of an enemy in his cave (house), calls and receives no answer. He then says, ”Don‘t you know, O cave, that we have agreed that I must call you when I come from abroad and that you in turn must answer me?“ The hiding animal answers and the other flees. **M. Bloomfield JAOS XXXVI 58; Louisiana Creole: Fortier MAFLS II 110; Mexican Spanish: Espinosa JAFL XXIV 419ff.; India: *Thompson-Balys, Panchatantra (tr. Ryder) III 15, 361; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 853; Indonesia: DeVries’s list No. 31; N. A. Indian (Oaxaca, Mexico): Boas JAFL XXV 208; Africa (Zanzibar): Bateman 41; American Negro (Georgia): Harris Friends 142 No. 19; Jamaica: Beckwith MAFLS XVII 247 No. 23; West Indies: Flowers 517.
K607.2. K607.2. Crocodile masking as a log obeys suggestion that he move upstream. He thus betrays himself. Indonesia: *DeVries‘s list No. 29, *Dixon 190 n. 12.
K607.2.1. K607.2.1. Crocodile in ambush betrays self by talking. India: Thompson-Balys.
K607.3. K607.3. Sham-dead man deceived into making gesture. Obeys suggestion as to how dead man should act and betrays himself. U.S.: Baughman; India: *Thompson-Balys; American Negro (Georgia): Harris Remus 53 No. 11; West Indies: Flowers 517 – 9.
K607.3.1. K607.3.1. Sham-dead tiger betrayed by his live penis. India: Thompson-Balys.
K607.3.2. K607.3.2. Sham-dead deceived into moving by absurd action. India: Thompson-Balys.
K607.3.3. K607.3.3. Leopard concealed in bundle betrays self when threat is made to run spear through bundle. Africa (Cameroon): Lederbogen 65.
K608. K608. Escape by laughing and crying at same time. Captured bird cries in thinking of her little ones and laughs under pretext that the hunter is wasting his time instead of taking the treasure which she pretends is in her house. The hunter leaves her. *Chauvin II 172 No. 2, V 135 No. 64 n. 1.
K611. K611. Escape by putting captor off guard.
K611.1. K611.1. Escape by pretended lousing. Captive pretends to louse the captor but deceives him by cracking berries in the teeth (or the like). India: Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 326 n. 174; S. A. Indian (Yuracare): Alexander Lat. Am. 314, Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 502.
K611.2. K611.2. Escape by pretended cooking. Girl pretends to be cooking meal for animal husband: escapes. India: Thompson-Balys.
K611.2.1. K611.2.1. Escape from madman by sending him for cooking water. (Cf. K605.) India: Thompson-Balys.
K611.3. K611.3. Escape on ship on wheels after having deceived the captor into laying away sword and helm to receive pretended gift. Icelandic: Boberg.
K611.4. K611.4. Man in devils’ power makes them believe he will return and is permitted to leave. Deceives them. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3303, Legends Nos. 578ff.
K612. K612. Prisoner released on promise to wed guard (captor). Irish myth: Cross.
K613. K613. Prisoner released on promise of life-long allegiance. Irish myth: Cross.
K614. K614. Animal captor appeased by being fed captive’s family. Jamaica: Beckwith MAFLS XVII 9 No. 5, 35 No. 27.
K615. K615. Boy in hole escapes descending log by digging hole. Oceania: *Lessa (forthcoming study).
K619. K619. Murderer or captor beguiled – miscellaneous.
K619.1. K619.1. Cannibals advised to be absent while hero is being cooked; else he will not taste right. Hero escapes. Africa (Zulu): Callaway 6.
K619.1.1. K619.1.1. Cleanest girl to be eaten by ogress: clever girl shakes sesame into fire to simulate sound of burning lice. Chinese: Graham.
K619.2. K619.2. Pursuer persuaded to put oil on a tree when he wants to climb after fugitives. Korean: Zong in-Sob 9 No. 3.
K619.3. K619.3. Trickster persuades pursuers to play fatal deceptive game. Irish myth: Cross.
K620. K620. Escape by deceiving the guard. India: Thompson-Balys.
K621. K621. Escape by blinding the guard. Pepper or tobacco thrown into his eyes. *Type 73; *Thompson CColl II 440f.; Dh IV 184; Spanish: Espinosa Jr. Nos. 2, 124; Louisiana Creole: Fortier MAFLS II 115; Alu: Wheeler 42, 48; N. A. Indian (California): Gayton and Newman 95; Africa (Mpongwe): Nassau 45f. No. 6, (Wute): Sieber ZsES XII 174, (Cameroon): Meinhof 89; American Negro (Georgia): Harris Remus 30 No. 7, 47 No. 10, Nights 95 No. 18, 280 No. 47, (Virginia): Parsons JAFL XXXV 262, (North Carolina): Parsons JAFL XXX 178, (South Carolina): Parsons JAFL XXXVIII 219; Jamaica: *Beckwith MAFLS XVII 240 No. 13, 247 No. 23.
K621.1. K621.1. Red ants‘ nest broken and thrown down on ogre’s head. India: Thompson-Balys.
K621.2. K621.2. Escape from animals by blowing ashes into their faces. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K622. K622. Captive plays further and further from watchman and escapes. Africa (Kaffir): Theal 33, (Basuto): Jacottet 102 No. 15; West Indies: Flowers 519.
K622.1. K622.1. Escape by pretended debate as to which must be judged. Jackals thus induce leopard to permit them to enter their cave, while he waits in vain. India: Thompson-Balys.
K622.2. K622.2. Escape from captor by throwing objects to great distance which captor tries to procure. India: Thompson-Balys; Africa (Wute): Sieber ZsES XII 172.
K623. K623. Watchman outwitted by having rope stretched across the road while fugitives escape. Bolte Frey 251 No. 90.
K624. K624. Abductors tricked into running race while captive escapes. India: Thompson-Balys.
K625. K625. Escape by giving narcotic to guards. Boje 112ff.; Italian Novella: Rotunda; India: Thompson-Balys.
K625.1. K625.1. Escape of girl foiled by hero‘s refusal to take narcotic. Type 306; Africa (Ronga): Junod Les Chants et les Contes des Ba Ronga (Lausanne, 1897) 317ff. No. 30.
K625.2. K625.2. Escape by making the watchmen drunk. Irish myth: Cross (K649.1); U.S.: Baughman; Icelandic: *Boberg; India: Thompson-Balys.
K626. K626. Escape by bribing the guard. Italian Novella: *Rotunda.
K626.1. K626.1. Escape by throwing money (treasure) so that guards fight over it. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K629. K629. Escape by deceiving the guard – miscellaneous.
K629.1. K629.1. Escape by pretended bathing of guard. Boiling water used. India: Thompson-Balys.
K629.1.1. K629.1.1. Man and woman escape by sending the she-bear to bring the woman’s ”forgotten“ comb. India: Thompson-Balys.
K629.2. K629.2. Guardian enticed away. India: Thompson-Balys.
K629.2.1. K629.2.1. Tiger enticed away to gather berries: victims escape. India: Thompson-Balys.
K629.2.2. K629.2.2. Tiger enticed away by slain pig. India: Thompson-Balys.
K630. K630. Escape by disarming (making pursuit difficult). Irish myth: *Cross.
K631. K631. Captor induced to disarm himself.
K631.1. K631.1. Captive dodges when captor tries to cut off his hand; the hatchet sticks in a log and the captor is disarmed. *BP III 454; Wesselski Märchen 222 No. 36; Scala Celi No. 537.
K631.2. K631.2. Disarming by a shooting test. The captor is thus induced to fire all his shots. Type 1528*; BP III 455; U.S., Scotland: Baughman.
K631.3. K631.3. Person holds hat just outside shelter; enemies shoot at it, either giving away their position or putting themselves at a disadvantage in having to reload. U.S.: *Baughman.
K632. K632. Mice gnaw enemies’ bow strings and prevent pursuit. *Fb ”bue“ IV 76b; Jewish: *Neuman; N. A. Indian (Hupa): Goddard U Cal I 154ff.
K632.1. K632.1. Army of mice save kingdom from enemy invading force by gnawing their provisions, ammunition, etc., to shreds. India: Thompson-Balys.
K633. K633. Captor‘s powder is removed, ashes substituted: gun does not discharge. U.S.: Baughman.
K634. K634. Escape by arranging captor’s clothes so as to delay him.
K634.1. K634.1. Escape by throwing captor‘s clothes on the fire. Type 67*.
K634.2. K634.2. Master thief persuades captors to dive into water: steals their clothes. India: Thompson-Balys.
K635. K635. Sleeping enemies’ hair tied to an object prevents pursuit. Japanese: Ikeda; N. A. Indian (Hupa): Goddard U Cal I 154ff.
K635.1. K635.1. Hair of sleeping maiden tied to tree so that she is not able to rise. Tonga: Gifford 50.
K636. K636. Holes bored in enemies‘ boats prevent pursuit. *Hdwb. d. Märchens I 552a n. 285; Herrmann Saxo 125; Kersbergen Literaire Motieven in de Njala (Rotterdam, 1927) 83; Panzer Hilde-Gudrun; Icelandic: *Boberg; Indonesia: Van Baarde Bijdragen voor Taal-, Landen Volkenkunde van Ned.-Indie VII (2) 464; N. A. Indian: Krickeberg Indianermärchen aus Nord-Amerika (Jena, 1924) 209, (Hupa): Goddard U Cal I 154ff., (Montagnais): Speck JAFL XXXVIII 7.
K636.1. K636.1. Paddles broken in enemies’ boat prevent pursuit. Eskimo (Greenland): Holm 35.
K637. K637. Cutting thongs of sleds prevents pursuit. Eskimo (Greenland): Rink 131, 448, 469, (Central Eskimo): Boas RBAE VI 634, (Smith Sound): Kroeber JAFL XII 167.
K638. K638. Captive tied to captor escapes by tying end of rope to a post. Korean: Zong in-Sob 173 No. 74.
K640. K640. Escape by help of confederate.
K641. K641. One animal saves another by frightening enemy away. Africa (Benga): Nassau 143 No. 16, (Ibo, Nigeria): Basden 279.
K642. K642. Free animal saves its captured friend.
K642.1. K642.1. Crow and rat release deer from snare. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K643. K643. Confederate sings and delays pursuers so that fugitive escapes. Africa (Basuto): Jacottet 160 No. 23.
K644. K644. Monkey attracts attention of mowers until young birds can fly away from the harvest field. Japanese: Ikeda; Indonesia: DeVries’s list No. 82.
K645. K645. Monkey saves condemned birds through feigned dream. Indonesia: DeVries‘s list No. 81.
K646. K646. Fugitive’s confederate misdirects pursuer. Scottish: Campbell-McKay No. 15; Korean: Zong in-Sob 22, 212; N. A. Indian (Klikitat): Jacobs U Wash II 31.
K647. K647. Confederate cuts rope almost in two so that prisoner breaks it and flees. India: Thompson-Balys.
K648. K648. Bird’s call attracts attention of pursuer so that trickster escapes. India: Thompson-Balys.
K649. K649. Escape by help of confederate – miscellaneous.
K649.1. K649.1. Confederate hides fugitive.
K649.1.1. K649.1.1. One animal swallows another to save him from pursuer. Africa (Cameroon): Lederbogen 18, (Bankon): Ittman 81ff.
K649.1.2. K649.1.2. Tiger-mother hides concealed guests in jar. S. A. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 162, (Yuracare): ibid 144.
K649.1.3. K649.1.3. Confederate sits on hero and saves him. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 231.
K649.2. K649.2. Rescuer disguised as officer gains custody of prisoner. Pierre Faifeu No. 19.
K649.3. K649.3. Boys scolded in order to conceal their identity. Icelandic: Hrólfs saga Kraka 10 ch. 3, Boberg.
K649.4. K649.4. Son mentioned as daughter in order to save him from enemy’s pursuit. Icelandic: Ans saga Bogsv. 359, Boberg.
K649.5. K649.5. Boys warned by dogs‘ names to escape. Icelandic: Hrólfs saga Kraka 4 – 8, Boberg.
K649.6. K649.6. Sons warned by talk to oaks to hide. Icelandic: FSS 13, Boberg.
K649.7. K649.7. Confederate in disguise helps man escape.
K649.7.1. K649.7.1. Confederate in disguise as beggar helps to escape. Icelandic: FSS 21 – 24, 27 – 32, Boberg.
K649.7.2. K649.7.2. Helper dressed in bear’s skin helps to escape. Krappe Scandinavian Studies XVIII (1945) 275 – 283; Icelandic: Þiðriks saga I 261-72 (cf. 339 – 40), Asbjørnsen og Moe No. 58 (type 590), Boberg.
K649.7.3. K649.7.3. Confederate in disguise as ”troll“ frightens king’s men, while his daughter helps prisoner to escape. (Cf. F455.) Icelandic: Boberg.
K649.8. K649.8. Confederate saves fugitive by shammed pursuit. Icelandic: Boberg.
K649.9. K649.9. Confederate causes confusion so that prisoner can escape. Icelandic: Bósa saga 47 – 48, Boberg.
K649.10. K649.10. Prisoner escapes by means of wolf which he lures near by smearing honey on the feet. Icelandic: Völsunga saga ch. 5, *Boberg.
K649.11. K649.11. Escape by cutting fetters on stones, etc. Icelandic: Lagerholm 38, *Boberg.
K649.12. K649.12. Confederate persuades captor to throw away disguised trickster. West Indies: Flowers 520 – 2.
K650. K650. Other means of escape.
K651. K651. Wolf descends into well in one bucket and rescues fox in the other. *Type 32; BP IV 320; Chauvin III 78 No. 57; Fb ”ræv“ III 113b; *Krappe Bulletin Hispanique XXXIX 43; English: Wells 184 (The Fox and the Wolf); Spanish Exempla: Keller; Italian Novella: *Rotunda; American Negro (Georgia): Harris Remus 75 No. 16, (Pennsylvania): Parsons JAFL XXX 214, (South Carolina): Parsons JAFL XXXIV 16, Stewart JAFL XXXII 394.
K652. K652. Fox climbs from pit on wolf‘s back. *Type 31; Wienert FFC LVI 52 (ET 119), 97 (ST 117); Halm Aesop No. 45; Jacobs Aesop 220 No. 82; India: *Thompson-Balys; Indonesia, Indo-China: *Dixon 189 n. 9, cf. DeVries’s list No. 4.
K655. K655. Prisoner kills his watchers who enter to torture him. Escapes. *Boje 95.
K656. K656. Captors lured into drowning selves. U.S.: Baughman.
K657. K657. Exaggerated tales about escapes. U.S.: *Baughman.
K661. K661. Escape from suspicion of crime.
K661.1. K661.1. Fool‘s brothers substitute a goat for the body of the man he has killed: thus save him. *Type 1600; *Chauvin VI 126 No. 280; Wesselski Hodscha Nasreddin II 183 No. 347; India: *Thompson-Balys; cf. Indonesia: DeVries’s list No. 308, Coster-Wijsman 53 No. 78.
K661.2. K661.2. Statue mourned and buried in order to account for murdered person. *Chauvin VI 15 No. 188.
K661.3. K661.3. Insect in nose of murdered person simulates snoring and allays suspicion. Africa (Larusa): Fokken ZsKS VII 82ff. No. 1, (Masai): Hollis The Masai (Oxford, 1905) 212ff.
K661.4. K661.4. Waxen statue left instead of abducted queen. Icelandic: Boberg.
K671. K671. Captive throws his hat to lions who fight over it while he escapes. Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 56 No. 408A*.
K672. K672. Captive throws his shoe at serpent who chokes while he escapes. Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 56 No. 408A*.
K675. K675. Sleeping potion given to man who is to pass the night with a girl. (Sometimes magic pillow or magic sleeping card.) *Schoepperle I 257 n. 1; *Wesselski Märchen 254 No. 61; Child I 393, III 506b, IV 459b; Spanish: Boggs FFC XC 54 No. 400B*; Italian Novella: Rotunda; Missouri French: Carrière; India: Thompson-Balys.
K675.1. K675.1. Paramour unwittingly drinks sleeping potion. Is thought dead and placed in a chest. Chest is stolen. When he escapes he is accused of being a robber. He is saved by his mistress‘s maid who explains all, transferring the role played by her mistress to herself. Italian Novella: Rotunda.
K676. K676. Trickster persuades pursuers to ride in his basket. Leaves basket on limb of tree and escapes. Tonga: Gifford 45, 198.
K677. K677. Hero tests the rope on which he is to be pulled to upper world. By placing stones on the rope he discovers his companions’ treacherous plan to cut the rope. *Type 301; Köhler-Bolte Zs. f. Vksk. VI 165 (Gonzenbach No. 64).
K677.1. K677.1. Hero hides in treasure box and thus circumvents plot to leave him below when companions pull up box. Chinese: Graham.
K678. K678. Cutting rope to kill ogre who is climbing the rope to reach his victim. Indonesia: Dixon 227; Marquesas: Handy 41; Africa (Gold Coast): Barker and Sinclair 97ff. No. 18.
K683. K683. Small animal in mouth of larger causes captor to spit him out. (Defecates.) India: Thompson-Balys.
K685. K685. Escape by catching hold of limbs of tree while passing under it. India: *Thompson-Balys.
K686. K686. Escape by announcing great catastrophe (end of world or the like). India: *Thompson-Balys.
K687. K687. Birds escape death by flying away with net. India: Thompson-Balys; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 1065.

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